Lisa Garr

Lisa Garr

Dedicating her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings, Lisa Garr is the host of Gaiam Inspirations as well as The Aware Show; a talk radio program focused on self-development for healing and achievement.

Considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming, Garr has interviewed over 1,500 bestselling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, personal growth, and spirituality since 1999. Her commitment to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change is unyielding and inspired by her own need for balance.

According to Garr, "I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real-life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices."

221 videos found

Living Through Addiction and Recovery with Chris Grosso
Twenty million American adults and children struggle with substance abuse. Chris Grosso has struggled with addiction for years, bringing a spiritual approach to his efforts.
Thriving Through Uncertainty with Tama Kieves
Uncertainty is your superpower. Tama Kieves shares how to move through fear, adapt to change, and find the life you desire.
Stay Inspired: Indie Spirit and Recovery with Chris Grosso
Every time Chris Grosso believed he had fallen about as far as he could fall, the bottom dropped out from under him and his life crashed lower. Then he connected with spirituality and found an inner serenity that allowed him to find a path away from substance abuse. Now, he helps others.
Awaken Your Healing Energy with Deborah King
Do you have a gift of healing? Would you like to learn how to activate that gift inside yourself?
The Inside Scoop on Healing with Dr. Hyla Cass
Looking for guidance on combining the best of mainstream and natural medicine? Dr. Hyla Cass, acclaimed integrative medicine expert, shares the tools you need to take charge of your health.
Larry Dossey on Using Premonitions for Health
Discover 5 ways to use premonitions for lasting health.
Stay Inspired: Loving Our Imperfections with Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford, a student of love, discusses the art of finding perfect love in imperfect relationships. In this insightful interview, Arielle and Lisa explore the nature of a soulmate and look at some of the myths surrounding that concept.
Communicating with Spirits of History with Sonja Grace
Sonja Grace travels to extraordinary places and experiences what happened there and communes with spirits that reside there.
Wisdom of the Lakota with Joseph Marshall
Joseph Marshall, an enrolled member of the Lakota tribe, says, “There are wise people in the world from all walks of life, from many nations and cultures. But there is one unalterable reality: No one who is truly wise is young.”
Thyroid Therapy Revolution with Gil Kajiki
Fatigued? Bloated? Depressed? It could be your thyroid. Dr. Gil Kajiki, DC, is revolutionizing the way thyroid dysfunction is handled.
Stay Inspired: Kindling the Native Spirit with Denise Linn
When it comes to healing, Denise Linn often looks to the past. From ancient traditions around the world she looks to acquire and perpetuate the valuable knowledge that must be passed down before it is lost. At the same time, there are ancestral patterns that hold us back and need to be released.
Stay Inspired: Conscious Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard
For Barbara Marx Hubbard, the meaning of “I am” comes from the source of creation, and it is an impulse that for billions of years has been creating quarks, electron, protons, animals, and now humans.
Beyond Past Lives with Mira Kelley
What if our psyches knew everything we needed to know – our past and our future? And what if the deepest answers to our most important questions are locked inside of our psyches? Wouldn’t you want to find out how to get them?
Lynne Twist and the Soul of Activism
Lynne Twist is the living embodiment of the committed life. The co-founder of the Hunger Project, the Soul of Money Institute, the Pachamama Alliance and, most recently, the 4 Years Go project, she works tirelessly to build a world that is environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just.
Bridging the Political Divide with Marianne Williamson
America is on the edge of a new paradigm in politics. With her campaign for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, Marianne Williamson plans on carrying this new paradigm all the way to Washington.
Debt & Money: A Love Story with Kate Northrup
With the average American consumer $15,000 in debt, it’s no wonder that many of us have a love/hate relationship with money.
The Parenting Coach with Susan Stiffelman
What would it look like to parent without the power struggle? Therapist, author and advice columnist Susan Stiffelman, an advocate of raising cooperative, connected and capable children, reveals ways parents can minimize resistance and maximize joy in the journey of parenthood.
Quantum Physics in Everyday Life with Fred Alan Wolf
Navigate life and create the reality you want by using the principles of quantum physics. Fred Alan Wolf, also known as Dr. Quantum, explains how your observations shape your life.