Tantrik Micro Meditation Practices
Season 2 . 6 Episodes TV-G

This series is based on the teachings of the Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra, a 1200-year-old manual of Tantrik Yoga, specializing in micro-meditations.

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Join Christopher Hareesh Wallis for an eye-opening look into the world of Tantrik Yoga and the power of micro-meditations.

Classical Tantrik Yoga, as a path designed specifically for people living in the world, offers us uniquely powerful technologies for expanding awareness and shifting our default state. One of these key technologies is micro-meditations, meaning centering techniques that you can do in just five minutes. These techniques are therefore uniquely suited for life in the modern world. Scattering micro-meditations throughout your day can be even more powerful than sitting for a single long meditation in the morning!

This series is based on the teachings of the Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra, a 1200-year-old manual of Tantrik Yoga, specializing in micro-meditations.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
23 mins TV-G
A Tantrik meditation for purifying your body, traditionally called deha-shuddhi. Derived from the text of the "Vijnana Bhairava Tantra," allow this ancient practice to be a powerful aid in releasing your attachment to how you perceive yourself as well as your attachment to how others perceive you. Finish this seated meditation with an extra, smaller practice, to take with you and practice before you go to sleep as a daily cleansing.
22 mins TV-G
Learn about the practice of ucchāra, which is a central component of Tantrik Yoga. Ucchāra is the repetition of a seed-syllable like OM (or AUM). When performed in a very special way, this practice dramatically increases the power of the mantra.
18 mins TV-G
Learn to experience true spaciousness in the body through a Tantrik meditation practice designed to release tension, contraction, and stagnation in both the body and mind.
18 mins TV-G
Learn to feel the inner space of the three primary centers, known as the dan-tien in Daoism and as the three vyomas in Tantrik Yoga.
18 mins TV-G
Learn how to access deep peace by completely immersing yourself into the space between thoughts.
22 mins TV-G
A Tantrik micro meditation to actualize the realization that everything is consciousness - and that consciousness is everything.