Bashar: The Past, Present & Future Are Within You
Conscious Life Expo Talks 2019 with
In this Gaia session, Bashar explains how we use the illusion of time to navigate the day-to-day of our lives. Learn how to let go of this perception and reach a higher consciousness. The Bashar transmissions are designed to elevate your mind and imagination while on your personal journey of transformation!
Darryl Anka has been channeling the remarkable multidimensional being known as Bashar for 34 years. Bashar describes himself as an extraterrestrial being from the future - a “contact specialist” who is specifically preparing Earth for alien contact. He explores a variety of topics, from physical reality to self-help. Explore his unique perspective of knowledge and profound understanding of how we manifest experiences!
Instructor/Host: Bashar
Video Language: English