Parsvottanasana: Intense Side Stretch Pose

Parsvottanasana: Intense Side Stretch Pose

From lengthening the spine to stretching the legs to calming the mind, there’s a little bit of everything in parsvottanasana (parsh-voh-tahn-AHS-ah-nah) Also known as intense side stretch pose or pyramid pose, this shape is helpful for finding balance while stretching hamstrings.

Parsvottanasana requires a combination of flexibility, strength, and patience. With the help of props such as blocks or a wall, this pose becomes accessible for everyone.


  • Blocks: Place hands on blocks to help keep the torso long.
  • Wall: Place hands on a wall in front of you to work on strengthening the muscles of the back.
  • Heart opening variation: Take the hands in reverse prayer position behind the back to stretch and open your shoulders and chest while also challenging your balance. If reverse prayer isn’t accessible, you can still bring the arms behind the back, reaching for opposite elbows instead.
  • Adjust your stance: If the back heel is lifted off of the floor, shorten the stance so you can push through the heel to activate the back leg. For more stability, widen your stance.


  1. From the top of your mat, step your left foot back about one legs length. Keep your right foot pointing forward and adjust your back foot so that it turns out at a 45 degree angle. Draw a straight line from your front heel to your back heel and make sure that the middle of your right knee lines up right over the middle of your right ankle.
  2. Begin to turn your torso forward, aligning your chest, shoulders, and ribs with the front of your mat. Ground through your back heel as you rotate the upper inner thighs of both legs back. Broaden across your collar bones as you draw your shoulder blades down and in towards your spine.
  3. With a long spine, hinge from your hips so that your torso moves closer toward your front leg. Once your spine is level with the floor, place your hands on either side of the front foot, either on the ground or on blocks.
  4. Engage your thighs and keep your sternum lifted and shining forward.
  5. For balance, use the base of the big toe and the inner part of the heel of your front foot like a magnet with the floor. Continue grounding through the heel of your back foot, ensuring that your thigh stays active so that you don’t lock your knee.
  6. If you have the flexibility to fold forward more while keeping the front and back of the torso long, start to bring the chest and belly towards the thigh.
  7. Stay in the posture for up to 30 seconds before rising back up. Release the posture and practice on the other side.



  • Revolved triangle | Parivrtta trikonasana
  • Warrior I | Virabhadrasana I
  • Standing splits | Urdvha prasarita eka padasana



  • Parsva = side
  • Ut = intense
  • Tan = stretch, extend
  • Asana = pose


  • Stretches hips and hamstrings.
  • Strengthens leg muscles.
  • Thought to help stimulate digestion.

Ustrasana: Camel Pose

Ustrasana: Camel Pose


A powerful way to boost your energy and your mood, ustrasana (oosh-TRAHS-anna) offers a long list of benefits for both the physical and subtle bodies. Thanks to its many variations and modifications, there are plenty of ways for practitioners of all levels to appreciate the physical and chakra-opening effects of camel pose.  

Philosophy + Origin

Although the name of this pose is camel because the shape resembles the hump on a camel’s back, there are other ways to consider the name when approaching the posture. Camels are known for their slow, steady, almost methodical way of moving. Rather than trying to race into the posture, being slow and methodical will help you find its benefits without risking discomfort or strain. In the same way, camels use their humps as food reserves, like well-packed bags ready to be used when needed. This type of physical preparation, a part of the camel’s natural adaptation for survival, is essential for this pose as well. Take your time to gather and practice the skills and knowledge necessary to take a back bending journey to ensure that you enter and exit the posture with ease and poise.

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