Dr. Steven Greer’s CE5 Protocols Led to Mass UFO Sighting

Dr. Steven Greer’s CE5 Protocols Led to Mass UFO Sighting

Is it possible to contact extraterrestrials telepathically? According to the experiences of Dr. Steven Greer and a specific set of rules he calls the Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind (CE5) protocols, you can. And he has stories to prove it.

In the summer of 1975, Dr. Greer went to Maharishi International University to study transcendental meditation and become a teacher. During the last phase of his training, he took a retreat with some fellow students to Isola, France, a small resort town in the Maritime Alps, near the border of Italy. 

Dr. Greer said that at one point he decided to go off on his own and practice his CE5 protocols, which he says he co-created with an extraterrestrial entity during a contact experience as a young adult.

Part of these protocols involves going into deep states of meditation and opening up one’s consciousness to the possibility of contact with beings from elsewhere in the universe. Once this is done, the meditator then asks any extraterrestrial entities to make contact, while guiding them with a specific vector to their location; this involves universally, galactically, within our solar system, planet, country, and so on. 

Having mentally scanned the galaxies for any signs of extraterrestrial life, Dr. Greer said he believed he had found a signal from some location, directing whatever intelligence was there to his location in the French Alps.

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Before he knew it, a silver, seamless tetrahedron materialized in the air, on a day in which the sky was blue and there were few clouds.

But it wasn’t just Dr. Greer who witnessed the craft, in fact, this was the first mass sighting initiated by these CE5 protocols. Though it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

Others in his group witnessed the massive tetrahedron floating in the midday sky, shocked by what they were seeing. But unsurprisingly, Dr. Greer’s colleagues started to become afraid as they had not been prepared to witness such an incredible phenomenon, and at that moment the craft disappeared.

When fear sets in, visiting ETs can sense it, Dr. Greer says. And instead of maintaining their presence, they opt to leave so as not to perpetuate that fear or cause hysteria. This is something he has learned to coach his followers on during group CE5 meditations, as it can quickly end a contact experience.

Directing ET craft to your precise location, rather than a general vicinity, is also important as Dr. Greer learned during a solo CE5 meditation he conducted in North Carolina in which an ET craft was tracked on the local airport’s radar, eliciting reactions from local pilots in the area.

To hear the recording of the UFO Dr. Greer contacted that was tracked on FAA radar watch Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Origins

What We Learned From the Latest Congressional UFO Hearing

What We Learned From the Latest Congressional UFO Hearing

The first public UFO hearing on Capitol Hill in more than 50 years was held this past week — here’s what we learned and what was left out…

A historic public hearing this week on Capitol Hill, as the Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee held the first open UFO hearing since 1966. This hearing came after some lawmakers were reportedly not impressed by the classified briefings they had received as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). 

In his opening statement, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray, said, “We have seen an increasing number of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft or objects in military-controlled training areas, training ranges, and other designated airspace. Reports of sightings are frequent and continuing.”

He went on to say that one of the reasons they have more reports is their work to destigmatize the idea of reporting UFOs and putting into place a system to report them. Despite there being no major revelations, there were several moments to note in the hearing. 

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