Were Recent Radio Signals From Proxima Centauri Evidence of Alien Life?

Were Recent Radio Signals From Proxima Centauri Evidence of Alien Life?

The mystery signal from space… what was actually broadcast from Proxima Centauri?

In December 2020, news broke of a mysterious signal coming from the area of Proxima Centauri. Ufologists and astronomers were excited by the news as the planet Proxima B may be able to host life. The signal was originally detected in the spring of 2019 by the Breakthrough Listen Project using the Parkes Telescope in Australia. But the significance of what they found was only recently made public.

But what was so intriguing about this transmission?

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An Evolution of Ancient Astronaut Theory's Proof and Proponents

An Evolution of Ancient Astronaut Theory’s Proof and Proponents

Religion molds many people’s worldview and beliefs about our origin as a species. From a young age, and even as we grow older, we tend to hold on to aspects of those stories – many of which involve magic or divine phenomena. But as technology has progressed over those years, things that once seemed magical, now make perfect sense and fall within the widening realm of possibility. And as our modern worldview has become shaped by this techno-centric, materialist scope, the ancient astronaut theory has found an increasingly larger audience.

If you’re not familiar with Gaia’s content, maybe you’ve seen the program Ancient Aliens on History Channel, or possibly read Erich von Däniken’s classic book Chariots of the Gods? These series are founded on the ancient astronaut hypothesis; the assertion that if you reinterpret biblical accounts of supernatural gods with magic powers instead, as members of an advanced extraterrestrial race with advanced technology, their depictions make a lot more sense.

Arthur C. Clarke famously made this contention later when he said, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” And though it’s unclear whether Clarke ascribed to the belief, it’s likely he would have at least entertained it.

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