David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Sacred Sites and the Great Cosmic Puzzle
Wisdom Teachings
These secrets of the squared circle were passed on to the ruling elite of ancient civilizations and needed to be been passed down through the ages in plain sight. Thus, we see these divine proportions repeated in Stonehenge, Chartres Cathedral and the dimensions of the paper we use today.
The Uranian Activation
Wisdom Teachings
Data collected by NASA shows us that Uranus is going through some sort of a cosmic activation. As we venture further out into the solar system, David Wilcock presents the signs of interplanetary climate change reaching Uranus.
Neptune & Triton's Transformation
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock defines a hyperdimesnional model of scalar waves intersecting to form the geometric patterns across the surface of Neptune and its moon. What we are seeing is sacred geometry building matter.
HyperDimensional Transformation of Jupiter's Moons
Wisdom Teachings
Continuing our exploration of Jupiter’s transformation, David Wilcock presents evidence, from NASA, of massive changes happening to three of its largest moons, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede. The transformations we are seeing may give us insight to the cause of the Atlantean catastrophe, thousands of years ago on Earth.
Pluto's Ascension
Wisdom Teachings
As the New Horizons probe flew past Pluto, we received clear images of the never before seen surface of our solar system’s most distant planet. Among the data transmitted, we received further confirmation that interplanetary climate change is taking place on every planet.
Supercharging Earth's Atmosphere
Wisdom Teachings
As we continue our exploration of the massive changes taking place throughout the solar system, our eyes turn toward home as we examine the cause of climate changes on Earth. While the debate rages as to mankind’s involvement, evidence is coming forth linking solar activity to atmospheric anomalies.
Co-Creating Earth’s Conscious Ascension
Wisdom Teachings
The strange electrical spectacles bombarding our atmosphere are high levels of hyper-dimensional energy downshifting into our reality. As part of the ascension of humanity, the Earth functions as a conscious being which is co-creating strange effects, including the ascension of the planet.
Plasma Energy Transforming  the Earth
Wisdom Teachings
Due to the super-charging of our solar system, we are a being subjected to a transformation of the very physics which have defined our reality including accelerated time and antigravity.
Wisdom Teachings
Space, Time, and DNA are all created by vibrations from the universe. In this first episode of a new season, David Wilcock begins to unfold the theory underlying the most powerfully creative force in the universe: geometric resonance.
Our Fractionalized Universe
Wisdom Teachings
In order for us to understand the nature of our universe, and the photon that created it, we must come to an understanding of the geometric nature of our reality. To do this, David Wilcock explores the relationship between the platonic solids.
Spiritual Effects of DNA
Wisdom Teachings
Throughout this season, we have come to understand that DNA is a resonance pattern emanating from the geometric nature of our holographic universe. Now, David Wilcock deepens our understanding on the spiritual effects of DNA.
Transforming Life with Light
Wisdom Teachings
If all of life exists as patterns of light within a quantum matrix, then a slight shift in frequency could lead to a genetic transformation of a species. David Wilcock provides us with an updated theory of evolution which makes Darwin’s notions obsolete
The Government Takedown of Wilhelm Reich
Wisdom Teachings
Can the results of science be judged within a court of law? Maybe not. But this did not stop the FDA and U.S. legal system from putting an end to the work of Wilhelm Reich. David Wilcock reveals the details of the government takedown of Wilhelm Reich and the continuing benefits of his enduring legacy.
Evolution Through Electromagnetic Energy
Wisdom Teachings
New discoveries in the field of bioenergetics are kept out of mainstream view simply because the results are considered objectionable to established scientific beliefs. David Wilcock pushes past these objections to bring forward findings from independent scientists concerning the transformative effects of light encoded with DNA resonance.
Rapid Human Evolution: Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
After exploring the unbelievable findings from suppressed sciences, what does all of this mean for human evolution? David Wilcock is in possession of scientific proof that humans are evolving more rapidly than previously thought possible.
Geometric Science of the Kabbalah
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock explores the mathematical codes built into the Hebrew alphabet as a way to connect sound and resonance with consciousness and manifestation.
Life Beyond Matter
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock suggests that one-day, intelligent life in our geometric universe could evolve past physical biology to become beings of light.
Speaking Reality into Being
Wisdom Teachings
The power of thought meets the power of vibration to manifest reality. David Wilcock explores even deeper into the vibrational science of sacred geometric sounds which affect all of life, at the quantum level.