David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Geometry in Collision
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock explains the multidimensional, tetrahedral geometry that is the heart of interplanetary climate change. The heliosphere surrounding our solar system gets an intense charge up from colliding with a galactic domain wall.
Wisdom Teachings
Our examination of the geometry at the infinitesimal and galactical levels of existence begins to pay off as we start to see how this energetic geometry affects the planets encircling the sun.
The Uranian Activation
Wisdom Teachings
Data collected by NASA shows us that Uranus is going through some sort of a cosmic activation. As we venture further out into the solar system, David Wilcock presents the signs of interplanetary climate change reaching Uranus.
Interplanetary Climate Change Comes to Earth
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock delves even deeper into the notion that interplanetary climate change is having dramatic effects on Earth’s Atmosphere. As the solar wind becomes super-charged, a new energy appears in the van Allen belts which is causing a dramatic transformation of our atmosphere
Suppressed Healing Technology
Wisdom Teachings
Wilhelm Reich toiled to discover ways to collect and channel this energy for use in his experiments with healing. The results further fueled negative reactions to Reich’s research from mainstream science regimes. David Wilcock discusses the suppressed healing technology from Wilhelm Reich.
Solar System Geometry
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock ties together planetary sacred geometry, crop circles and fluid dynamics to give us a detailed picture of the interplanetary climate change that is currently upon us.
Evolution Through Light
Wisdom Teachings
By examining and cross-referencing the works of multiple scientists, David Wilcock unlocks the process by which frequencies of light can store, transmit and transform DNA.
Space Domains & the Unified Field
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock lays out ranges of space domains found throughout a new unified field theory which combines aether science with new theories on redshift. We are finally starting to see how the simple model of cubic aether solves everything in quantum physics.
Revealing the Cosmic Quantum Medium Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock continues his exploration of Dr. Harold Aspden’s model of aether science, using his terminology. This time, we delve into the ghost world of the aether and uncover an overall definition of the aether.
Life Beyond Matter
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock suggests that one-day, intelligent life in our geometric universe could evolve past physical biology to become beings of light.
Geometric Resonance of Amino Acids
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock connects the principles of geometric resonance to the formation of amino acids, as put forth by Anri Volokhoksy, who may well be the father of geometric genetics.
Revealing the Cosmic Quantum Medium Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
In order to understand the aether science of Dr. Harold Aspden, we need to build his model up using his terminology. This lets us peer into the edifice of the aether, which appears to have properties similar to liquid crystals.
Toroidal Component of DNA
Wisdom Teachings
Continuing our exploration of geometric genetics, David Wilcock takes us deeper into the energetic nature of physical life.
Modern Aether Science of Dr. Harold Aspden
Wisdom Teachings
Once furiously disproved, an old theory is now finding new favor with scientists struggling to explain how the universe really works. Thus the works of Dr. Harold Aspden, who studied a fluid-like substance of space-time known as aether, is once again rising into prominence.
The Searl Effect and Ascension
Wisdom Teachings
Explore the scientific proof of ascension, as seen in the laboratory with Searl Effect generators. Ascension, DNA activation and interplanetary climate change is made possible with nested spheres of energy emanating from the galaxy.
Proof of Interplanetary Climate Change
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock continues his comprehensive investigation into interplanetary climate change. Our solar system is colliding with a highly charged energy cloud, supercharging the heliosphere and causing catastrophic climate change on Earth.
Galactic Energy Zones
Wisdom Teachings
The work of Dr. William Tifft sent ripples of unrest throughout the astrophysics community, and many scientists banded together to disprove his notorious notions of redshift. They all failed. His discovery of six quantum energy states of redshift are akin to the energies of chakras within galaxies.
Quantized Redshift
Wisdom Teachings
Our exploration into the controversy of redshift gets even stranger. Dr. William Tifft found that redshift within galaxies and quasars takes on certain discrete values, rather than randomly distributed values as predicted by mainstream science.