Matías De Stefano

Matías De Stefano

Matías De Stefano is a renowned New Age media personality, author, speaker, and teacher widely recognized for his profound insights into consciousness, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of the universe. His work offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality. His philosophical worldview can be translated as: “Ater Tumti” (Heaven on Earth). It is a concept explaining how we are creators of our reality, as well as giving us the tools to be able to transcend it.

Born on November 12, 1987, in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, De Stefano embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery from a young age. De Stefano has possessed remarkable memories of past lives and universal knowledge since he was just 3 years old. Between the ages of 12 and 18, he had the unique ability to perceive Etheric Beings, which resulted in experiencing vivid visions, recalling past lives from ancient civilizations, and suffering from severe headaches. To cope with this extraordinary situation, he started to seek answers from the Akashic Records and the world around him.

Education: De Stefano completed his early education in Argentina at "Escuela de Los Padres" and Centro Agrotécnico Regional (Venado Tuerto), gaining proficiency in English and agriculture. He continued his secondary studies in human sciences at two schools in Spain: IES Els Planells (Artesa de Segre) and IES Bernat el Ferrer (Molins de Rei). Later, he pursued a degree in Psychopedagogy at the Universidad Nacional de Río IV in Córdoba, Argentina, but discontinued before completion. In 2008, De Stefano began developing innovative pedagogical perspectives through active participation in various courses and workshops.

Publications: De Stefano's profound insights and teachings have been shared through various publications, lectures, and workshops, touching the lives of countless individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment and a deeper understanding of their purpose in the universe. From his book "Living in the Universe and Living on the Earth' to his movie The Rememberer and various Gaia TV shows Initiation and The Journey of Remembering, his impact on the spiritual and metaphysical community is immeasurable.

Matías De Stefano continues to inspire and guide spiritual seekers worldwide and is currently developing new materials to help us understand the world and our role in it.

62 videos found

Mu and Lemuria
200,000 years ago, the Alithir came to Earth to raise the vibration of the planet and code the water. As they settled, they created the ancient civilization known as Mu.
In season three of Initiation, Matias De Stefano explains how Atlantis used natural portals to connect with the greater wisdom of the universe. Leaning how they used ancient portal technology we access our potential for advanced evolution.
The Journey of Remembering
Join Initiation host Matías De Stefano as he recalls his early missions through Argentina and the beginnings of a worldwide movement.
Sacred Geometry of the Dimensions
Matias De Stefano explains the geometric patterns known as the seed, fruit, and tree of life, as they pertain to matter and energy. From the division of cells to the formation of galaxies, we find these repeated shapes.
Polarities of Grand Design
Join guide Matias De Stefano to learn how the sixth dimensional architects of our universe design life experiences and form physical reality for the third dimension.
Chakras Along The Nile
Matias De Stefano takes us on a journey to discover chakras along the Nile River and the ancient Atlantean temples that were built to emulate the structure of the universe to create a path of initiation.
Evolution of the Third Dimension
Eons ago, the Elohim created portals through time as a means to define the paths of evolution for beings in the third dimension. As guides for this growth, they created the fathers and mothers of civilizations with the beings of Sirius and Orion.
Khem: The New Atlantis
During the Age of Virgo, we find the crumbling of the Atlantean Empire. This was a time when the sacred temples stopped sharing in a rotating power structure and people stopped being educated in the vibrational language of the universe.
12 Families of Atlantis
Matias De Stefano remembers his life as a woman living in the Atlantean colony of Khem. He shares stories and lessons learned from that life, which were during the earliest days of Atlantis.
Fighting for Universal Harmony
As the dimensions split and duality formed, conflict became inevitable. Matias De Stefano introduces us to a battle to control an interdimensional portal in the constellation of Orion. He reveals our needed work to restore universal harmony.
Vibratory Language Of Atlantis
Matias De Stefano introduces us to the sacred vibratory language of Atlantis, which they used to build realities through frequency and sound. Discover the power of these sacred tools, to consciously build our reality through sound and vibration.
The Atlantis Experiment
Matias De Stefano relays his memories from Atlantis on their most important stories of creating life as we know it. This includes the human experiment which began as the Annunaki came to Earth and would become a part of the Atlantis experiment.
Evolutionary Patterns of the Universe
Delving deeper into the Polarities of Grand Design, Matias guides us further into the sixth dimensional geometric structures of physical worlds and their evolutionary patterns.
Activating Earth's Kundalini
Just like human beings, the Earth too has a flow of kundalini energy. To awaken this earthly kundalini, they activated a flow of energy from the North to the South pole, then horizontally along the planet.
The Fall of Atlantis
During the Age of Scorpio, Atlantis was formed as the civilization to unify consciousness with and across the planet. But it failed as this growing empire began using their prevailing cosmic knowledge to assert power and control over the world.
Seeding Civilization
To understand the future of humanity, we need to explore the beginnings of civilization. Matias De Stefano explores the advanced civilizations that came to our world, eons ago to initiate the evolution of consciousness at the collective level.
Reptilians vs. Giants
Long before humanity as we know it existed, reptilians and giants ruled the Earth and sought to guide our destiny. Matias De Stefano explains how these beings became guiding forces for humanity and what they hope to gain from us.
Portals of Time & Space
Is the structure of our universe built upon portals? Guide Matias De Stefano shares how souls function as portals through space and time to co-create realties throughout interweaving dimensions.