David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Healing with the Source Field - Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock further explores the energetic nature of the DNA molecule through reincarnation and the formation of life in extreme environments.
The History of the Law of One Contact Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
Strange events in the 1950s began a process to help humankind reach a state of consciousness where we could make use the Law of One material for its original intended purpose. David Wilcock provides a timeline of these events, and shares his own personal journey of discovery.
Symbols of the Illuminati
Wisdom Teachings
From ancient Mithraism to the modern Olympic Games the symbols of the Illuminati are paraded right before us. David Wilcock reveals the meanings of these symbols and highlights three important teachings from the Law of One material to help us learn to break free from their control.
Healing with the Source Field - Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
In this episode, David Wilcock focuses on how we can harness the universal energy that makes DNA to use it for healing and to protect ourselves from the negative thoughts of others.
Ra and the Law of One
Wisdom Teachings
In ancient Egypt, a message of unity and compassion was corrupted to build the secret societies of the powerful. In 1982, this message resurfaced and is now conveyed without corruption. David Wilcock introduces us to Ra’s message, known as The Law of One.
Radionic Technology for Healing
We hear so much about the importance of frequency and being in a high-frequency state, but what does all of that mean? Pete Peterson delves into the science underlying Radionic technology which can measure different frequencies of the human body.
Free Yourself from the Wheel of Karma
Wisdom Teachings
We are beginning to experience a shift in physical matter that will bring us in alignment with higher levels of existence. David Wilcock explains how we can analyze, accept and understand our experiences in order to clear energetic distortions and free ourselves from the wheel of karma.
The Dawn of a Planetary Awakening
Wisdom Teachings
The original plan of our ascension had to be scrapped and a new one formed. Now the 25,000 year ascension process must be completed within 11,000 years, before the cycle repeats. David Wilcock completes the Wanderer Questionnaire to identify the traits of those who have come to assist in humanities ascension.
Shamanism and Ancient Architecture with Graham Hancock
We know that many ancient cultures have a long history of contact with non-physical beings. Could the same entities that gave rise to the megaliths of Giza also inspire the architecture of other ancient cultures? Graham Hancock explores the shamanic connection between consciousness and sacred architecture.
The Council of Seven Lights
Wisdom Teachings
In 1958 George van Tassel produced a compilation of communications describing a reality that many of us are not familiar with. David Wilcock walks us through some of the details of The Council of Seven Lights book as he begins a series of talks on the strangeness of our reality.
The Great Illusion
Wisdom Teachings
Does your life have a plan and do you know the reason you are here? David Wilcock explains how you can break free from the great illusion and discover your purpose by understanding multi-layered time, chakras and the secret teachings of Jesus.
Dawn of the Golden Age
Wisdom Teachings
Two of the least known forefathers of America are Francis Bacon and St. Germain. Each had key roles in developing the principles of the new world government. David Wilcock explains who these two enigmatic figures were and their motivations to bring about the golden age and the AKRIJ contact.
Proof of Reincarnation
Wisdom Teachings
Many religions believe that souls can return from the afterlife to take on new identities in the physical reality. What evidence do we have to show that there is any truth behind such notions? David Wilcock offers proof of reincarnation and explains how it is an important part of our ascension.
Escape the Next 25,000-year Cycle
Wisdom Teachings
Different religions and spiritual paths claim to have the only answers to ascension. Despite their best intentions, they may be compounding the problems we face rather than solving them. David Wilcock reveals how you can ensure that you are not caught in another 25,000 cycle of life, trapped in third density reality.
DMT and the Ark of the Covenant with Graham Hancock
Could it be that DMT-laden plants enabled Moses’ communication with multi-dimensional beings who transmitted plans for the Ark of the Covenant? And what of the mysterious Temple of Osiris rumored to reside beneath the paw of the Sphinx? Graham tackles some of the most challenging questions concerning the inspiration of technology in Ancient Egypt.
Ascension: The Fantasy and Reality
Wisdom Teachings
Several different sources have explained what ascension means. Unfortunately, this has led to misconceptions and disappointment for many. David Wilcock explores the fantasies and realities of ascension and offers ways that we can work with energetic heart of the planet for mutual healing.
Pyramids and Photon Vortexes
Wisdom Teachings
Now that David Wilcock has given us an understanding of the physics of gravity and photons, we begin to learn how a pyramid can attract and shape the fluid-like substance of space-time. The photon vortexes created by pyramids can have a mysterious effect on the materials of our reality.
Wisdom Teachings
Ascension is an evolutionary leap in what it means to be human. But we are not alone in making this shift. David Wilcock explains what the end of time prophecies really mean, how we can prepare, and who is providing the assistance we are receiving to fulfill those prophecies.