David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

The History of the Law of One Contact Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
An important message was sent to mankind through various methods. Though these communications have been largely ignored, the reality of the message is about to be realized. David Wilcock recounts the various methods used to bring forth this message, as well as its consequences for all of humanity.
Pyramids and Photon Vortexes
Wisdom Teachings
Now that David Wilcock has given us an understanding of the physics of gravity and photons, we begin to learn how a pyramid can attract and shape the fluid-like substance of space-time. The photon vortexes created by pyramids can have a mysterious effect on the materials of our reality.
The Power of 3, 6, 9
Understanding the power of 3,6 and 9 is a bridge that opens our potential for advanced abilities. Pete Peterson reveals more secrets from his Informational Field Theory as we explore the base-three geometrical nature of our universe.
Dawn of the Golden Age
Wisdom Teachings
Two of the least known forefathers of America are Francis Bacon and St. Germain. Each had key roles in developing the principles of the new world government. David Wilcock explains who these two enigmatic figures were and their motivations to bring about the golden age and the AKRIJ contact.
Beyond Cosmic Consciousness - Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
We have previously learned the positive effect that light has on DNA. That concept is further explored as David Wilcock reveals the energetic secrets of the DNA molecule. Discover how your DNA is written into the background of space-time, revealing that you are the universe expressing itself as biological life.
Quasicrystals and the Science of Area 51
Wisdom Teachings
The discovery of quasicrystals has challenged what science knew about crystals and solid matter. David Wilcock delves deeper into the science of quasicrsystals by comparing laboratory discoveries with information leaked from Area 51.
Recognized as a genius at a young age, Pete Peterson was enrolled in an advanced technology training program known as the White Star Ranch. This multidisciplinary education placed him in the laboratories of some of the greatest minds on earth at the time.
The Layers of Time
Wisdom Teachings
Except for this exact moment, all of the past and the future exist in probable states. The choices we make create our future and retroactively recreate the past. David Wilcock explains how we can use extraterrestrial science revealed in the 1950’s to consciously and intentionally affect the layers of time.
The Forbidden Knowledge of Ascension
Wisdom Teachings
Now that we are gaining an understanding of the complexities of our holographic geometric universe, we can focus on why we’re all here: humanity is beginning to ascend from a third density form of life into the fourth density.
The Photon: Seed of the Universe
Wisdom Teachings
The time has come for us to explore what a photon is and how it is the seed of the universe. David Wilcock lays out the nature of the universe as a fractalization of the original photon. Plus we examine what the Law of One Material has to offer concerning the origin of our universe.
Prophecies of the Ascension
Wisdom Teachings
In the 1950’s, a transitional period for the people of earth and the solar system we inhabit was foretold. Details of these prophesies were revealed in George Hunt Williamson’s book, Road in the Sky. As we are approaching this foretold age, we see many of these predictions coming true.
Wisdom Teachings
Our perception of time moving in one direction may be inaccurate as scientific studies reveal that time is not absolute. In this in depth presentation, David Wilcock reveals the intricate connection between time and gravity which enables advanced beings to manipulate our future.
The Fifth Kind
Wisdom Teachings
In the early 1950s, a woman named Frances Swan began receiving messages, via automatic writing, from an entity named AFFA. In this revealing presentation, David Wilcock exposes redacted FBI documents containing information about extraterrestrials and their missions on Earth.
Universal Geometry and Crystals
Wisdom Teachings
One quality of living in a geometric universe is that we can find many different ways that it generates matter in harmonious geometric forms. David Wilcock explains the role that universal geometry plays in the natural science of common crystal formations and introduces us to the extraterrestrial science of quasicrystals.
Strange Physics Part 1: Atomic Densities
Wisdom Teachings
We live in a very different reality than we have been led to believe. The scientists who have come close to understanding these strange physics have had their experiments shut down. Despite attempts by the cabal to repress the information, David Wilcock is not afraid to reveal what these scientists have discovered.
Esoteric Science of the Dogon with Laird Scranton
A deeper inspection of the Dogon reveals a culture with a level of cosmological and scientific sophistication that rivals our own modern understanding. Laird Scranton reveals the esoteric tradition of the Dogon people, which may have originated from the same non-physical entities that inspired ancient Egypt.
Quest for the Truth on Giza with Robert Bauval
Perhaps the greatest problem with academia is their adamant adherence to accepted truths. Robert Bauval, who has endured attacks from various academic circles, discloses his theories concerning the Giza Plateau and how mainstream Egyptologists have attempted to discredit his findings.
4th Density Pyramids
Wisdom Teachings
As our sun is migrating into a 4th density state, we are bombarded with higher density energy and pyramids are creating higher density photon vortexes with increasingly strange results. David Wilcock discusses what these strange results mean as we transcend into 4th density.