David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Prophecies of the Ascension
Wisdom Teachings
In the 1950’s, a transitional period for the people of earth and the solar system we inhabit was foretold. Details of these prophesies were revealed in George Hunt Williamson’s book, Road in the Sky. As we are approaching this foretold age, we see many of these predictions coming true.
Rupert Sheldrake invites you to take an entirely new look at our consciousness and the universe we live in through his research into morphic fields. Laboratory tests have proven the effects of the morphic field, showing us the creative potential of human consciousness.
Four Stages of Conquest with William Dean Garner
On the surface, the Jesuits actions across the world seemed to stem from charity. But a deeper investigation reveals that they may have had ulterior motivations. Dean Garner reveals the formulaic four-step process he claims the Jesuits use when they seek to claim control over countries and cultures.
Healing with the Source Field - Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock further explores the energetic nature of the DNA molecule through reincarnation and the formation of life in extreme environments.
Beyond Cosmic Consciousness - Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
We have previously learned the positive effect that light has on DNA. That concept is further explored as David Wilcock reveals the energetic secrets of the DNA molecule. Discover how your DNA is written into the background of space-time, revealing that you are the universe expressing itself as biological life.
Wisdom Teachings
Pyramids, as monuments, have astonished countless generations. But pyramids as machines which collect and amplify source field energy? To understand how this is possible, David Wilcock reexamines the nature of gravity and the fluid-like nature of space-time.
Transcending Collectivism with G. Edward Griffin
Will we ever realize that the power games played out between economic and political rivals only benefit the secret cartels that run them? G. Edward Griffin strips away the masks of collectivism that only serve to detract our attention away from the real game that the power elite are playing.
Esoteric Science of the Dogon with Laird Scranton
A deeper inspection of the Dogon reveals a culture with a level of cosmological and scientific sophistication that rivals our own modern understanding. Laird Scranton reveals the esoteric tradition of the Dogon people, which may have originated from the same non-physical entities that inspired ancient Egypt.
The Council of Seven Lights
Wisdom Teachings
In 1958 George van Tassel produced a compilation of communications describing a reality that many of us are not familiar with. David Wilcock walks us through some of the details of The Council of Seven Lights book as he begins a series of talks on the strangeness of our reality.
Morphic Fields and the Brain with Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake explains the role of the brain as a receptor of consciousness, not the creator. Much of what has been accepted as standard scientific thinking is being reworked as morphic field theory continuously proves itself in scientific settings.
Wisdom Teachings
Our examination of the geometry at the infinitesimal and galactical levels of existence begins to pay off as we start to see how this energetic geometry affects the planets encircling the sun.
Wisdom Teachings
Our perception of time moving in one direction may be inaccurate as scientific studies reveal that time is not absolute. In this in depth presentation, David Wilcock reveals the intricate connection between time and gravity which enables advanced beings to manipulate our future.
Advanced Technology Training Part 2
Pete Peterson continues the discussion of his time with the advanced technology training in the White Star Ranch program. He reveals the names of many of the mentors he worked with and the technological advances they made.
Harmonic Geometry
Wisdom Teachings
Some of the earliest cultures knew the exquisite harmony of certain geometric solids. What they may not have known, is that these same patterns can be found in subatomic particles and gravity waves. David Wilcock reveals the geometric harmony of the platonic solids and the gravity patterns of atomic nuclei.
Free Yourself from the Wheel of Karma
Wisdom Teachings
We are beginning to experience a shift in physical matter that will bring us in alignment with higher levels of existence. David Wilcock explains how we can analyze, accept and understand our experiences in order to clear energetic distortions and free ourselves from the wheel of karma.
The Big Picture
David Wilcock weaves together the essential fragments that led to the rise of the cabal and how we can excel beyond their control. Awareness of the big picture includes understanding the power dynamics here on Earth, the extraterrestrial sources which influence them and the higher spiritual dimensions that unite us all.
The Platonic Geometry of Matter
Wisdom Teachings
We know that the fluid-like energy of the universe, gravity, moves in geometric patterns which shape matter at the atomic scale. But can the Platonic solids emerge as patterns in nature? David Wilcock continues his exploration into the Platonic geometry of matter as it emerges from the microscopic realm.
Plasma Energy Transforming  the Earth
Wisdom Teachings
Due to the super-charging of our solar system, we are a being subjected to a transformation of the very physics which have defined our reality including accelerated time and antigravity.