David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Electrifying Meridian Point Technology
Stimulating meridian points on the body is a proven alternative healing modality and has been approved by the FDA. Pete Peterson is unlocking advanced human potential that ancient healing masters seemed to have an intuitive knowledge of.
Special Q&A with David
Wisdom Teachings
Four lucky viewers have taken advantage of the rare opportunity to confront David with their questions. David Wilcock does not disappoint as his answers provide deeper insights into the essence of Wisdom Teachings.
4th Density Pyramids
Wisdom Teachings
As our sun is migrating into a 4th density state, we are bombarded with higher density energy and pyramids are creating higher density photon vortexes with increasingly strange results. David Wilcock discusses what these strange results mean as we transcend into 4th density.
Wisdom Teachings
The science of free energy technology is being repressed by those who stand to gain the most from our current energy technology. David Wilcock reveals the work of one such pioneer, John Hutchinson and explains how the science of dematerialization can be used for the benefit or detriment of mankind.
Universal Geometry and Crystals
Wisdom Teachings
One quality of living in a geometric universe is that we can find many different ways that it generates matter in harmonious geometric forms. David Wilcock explains the role that universal geometry plays in the natural science of common crystal formations and introduces us to the extraterrestrial science of quasicrystals.
The Fifth Kind
Wisdom Teachings
In the early 1950s, a woman named Frances Swan began receiving messages, via automatic writing, from an entity named AFFA. In this revealing presentation, David Wilcock exposes redacted FBI documents containing information about extraterrestrials and their missions on Earth.
The Dolphin Connection
Is there a connection between dolphins and aliens? Pete Peterson explains that we can form telepathic connections with dolphins and some extraterrestrial species are doing just that.
Galactic Geometry Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
We have seen that certain frequencies of sound move dust particles, suspended in a fluid, into geometric patterns. Interestingly enough, the universe moves super galaxies and nebulas in a very similar way. And we look to similar patterns formed in many crop circles.
Galactic Geometry Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
Our exploration into the geometry of the universe provides us with elegant answers which tie together the geometry of the alignment of super galaxies with their shapes. We are starting to see the same geometric patterns recurring within the very shapes of nebulas and galaxies as fractal iterations.
Mysteries of Cosmic Distance
Wisdom Teachings
By studying the works of Sir Edwin Hubble, Henrietta Swan Leavitt and Ejnar Hertzsprung, we begin to unravel the mysteries of how cosmic distances are calculated by astrophysicists. Their works are revealing, but somewhat flawed as they are missing an important part of the big picture.
Quest for the Truth on Giza with Robert Bauval
Perhaps the greatest problem with academia is their adamant adherence to accepted truths. Robert Bauval, who has endured attacks from various academic circles, discloses his theories concerning the Giza Plateau and how mainstream Egyptologists have attempted to discredit his findings.
Our Holographic Universe
Wisdom Teachings
To better understand the holographic nature of our universe, we must first take a look at what holograms are, and their connection with fractals. Building on this, David Wilcock introduces us to the amplituhedron, a geometric form that proves the holographic nature of our universe.
The Extraterrestrial Science of Quasicrystals
Wisdom Teachings
The discovery of quasicrystals in 1986 challenged what scientists knew about matter and redefined crystal science. David Wilcock explains the extraterrestrial science of quasicrystals and how our understanding of solid matter is constantly changing.
Secrets of Space and Time
Wisdom Teachings
In 1967, Roger Penrose put forth an idea that space and time do not exist because they are an emanation of a geometric unity. He called this radical notion, twistor theory. David Wilcock explains how the complex intricacies of twistor theory suggest that the universe really is a geometric projection.
Penrose Solves the Universe with Geometry
Wisdom Teachings
Penrose tiling may be the proof we need to show that the complexities of the universe are controlled by very simple forces. David Wilcock reveals how Penrose solved the universe with the geometry of the multidimensional tiling patterns that form the structural patterns for microscopic and macroscopic reality.
Build your own Pyramid
Wisdom Teachings
Have you ever wanted to build your own pyramid? If so, David Wilcock offers guidelines to keep in mind when constructing your pyramid. But be careful, for too much time within the pyramid can clear karma too quickly and cause major disruptions in your life.
Our Fractionalized Universe
Wisdom Teachings
In order for us to understand the nature of our universe, and the photon that created it, we must come to an understanding of the geometric nature of our reality. To do this, David Wilcock explores the relationship between the platonic solids.
Morphic Fields: From Consciousness to Material Sciences with Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake takes us deeper into the theory of morphic fields by describing many of the effects this field has on learning and creating new materials in a laboratory. Results have shown us that there is an unseen connection between all minds within a species.