David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Reptilians and Aquifarians
Cosmic Disclosure
Emery Smith offers more insights into the extraterrestrial beings that he worked with, deep in the underground bases. What comes to light are the benevolent reptilians aquatic beings, both known to ancient folklore.
E.T. Coworkers
Cosmic Disclosure
Emery Smith relays accounts of the times when he worked, side by side, with people of un-Earth origin. From apelike beings to reptilians and insectoids, the most astounding aspects are not our differences, but the many similarities we all share.
Extreme Experiments with Alien Hybrids
Cosmic Disclosure
Emery Smith plays out a worst-case scenario, based on the human-alien hybrid programs, that are frighteningly similar to the Resident Evil movies. Strangely enough, all of this ties in with humanity’s extraterrestrial lineage and where we are headed as a species.
Rise of the Moss-Man
Cosmic Disclosure
After five and a half years of examining tissue samples, the work began to take a toll on Emery Smith and his time to resign from these projects finally came. But it would not be easy to leave. Over the years, he has been recalled to work on various projects for different reasons.
Dire Consequences of Breaching Security
Cosmic Disclosure
During his tenure underground, Emery Smith progressed through many degrees of clearance to be tasked with examining the interior of alien crafts. He reveals the surprising power shifts and dire consequences that came from the one time he was caught in a restricted area.
A Day in the Life Underground
Cosmic Disclosure
Entering an underground facility may be an ordeal, but these places have every accommodation and amenity that may be needed for an extended stay, for human and extraterrestrial, alike. From the examination rooms to living quarters and cafeteria conditions, life underground may not be so bad, after all.
In this inaugural episode, Graham Hancock discloses his evidence that suggests cataclysmic events brought a dramatic end to an advanced human civilization which predates recorded history by thousands of years.
Wisdom Teachings
In this inaugural episode, David Wilcock connects science and ancient teachings to explain how to be in oneness with living universe and our connection with the source field. Discover how you can manifest the wisdom of these teachings to begin to transform your life and master any problems that come up.
John Anthony West expounds upon the research of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz which documents many of Ancient Egypt’s great accomplishments within the context of sacred sciences.
Are you a Wanderer?
Wisdom Teachings
As we move further along in the ascension, a greater number of advanced beings are being born into human bodies. They are called wanderers and you may be one of them. David Wilcock explains why the wanderers are reincarnating on Earth and introduces the Wanderer Questionnaire.
Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods with Andrew Collins
Ancient texts, such as the Book of Enoch, suggest that human civilization originated far earlier than mainstream archeologists will acknowledge. With the discovery of Göbekli Tepe theological accounts of our origins are now being viewed in a new light by historians and archeologists alike.
Introduction to Source Field - Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
Continuing the discussion of the source field, David Wilcock explains how the biological universe is influencing you via the connection of non-local minds and the Law of One. Learn how you can become a one with the universal mind and participate in the solutions to the problems of the world.
Mysteries of Giza with Robert Bauval
Many mysteries are still waiting to be unearthed on the Giza Plateau. Robert Bauval discusses his ongoing work of uncovering the lost secrets of Giza which has culminated in the Orion Correlation theory and the ongoing search for the legendary Hall of Records buried underneath the sphinx.
Healing the Original Wound
Wisdom Teachings
Each of us faces our own challenges for overcoming inner pain and addictions. David Wilcock offers an understanding for the commonality of our deeper levels of pain and illuminates the way for self love and choosing happiness to heal the original wound.
Beyond Cosmic Consciousness - Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock explains how to connect with the galactic center in order to boost your psychic abilities, the positive impact of the meditation effect upon the world, and how light affects DNA. Discover how you can begin to heal yourself and radiate that healing light out to the world.
The Fool’s Ascension
Wisdom Teachings
We are moving into in a time of pivotal change where we are going to evolve into something beyond our imagination. David Wilcock explains how our living universe supports the journey of the fool’s ascension and the dangers of material pursuits.
Ascension Teachings for a Golden Age
Wisdom Teachings
We live in a special time for humanity. Our ascension, beyond the physical realm, is becoming increasingly likely. David Wilcock lays the foundation for the ascension teachings for the coming golden age.
The Watchers with Andrew Collins
The originators of ancient civilizations tend to be gods or some other form of extraterrestrial intellect. However, there are those who feel that this external source may be of a terrestrial origin. Andrew Collins provides an alternate assessment of an advanced hybrid hominid species, which was displaced by cataclysmic events, and may have been the progenitors of civilization as we know it.