Matías De Stefano

Matías De Stefano

At the age of 21, Matías De Stefano began to transmit his particular vision of understanding reality, helping thousands of people to have a different perspective of our environment and ourselves. His philosophical worldview can be translated as: “Heaven on Earth.” It is a concept explaining how we are creators of our own reality, as well as giving us the tools to be able to transcend it. He is currently developing new materials to help us understand the world and our role in it.

62 videos found

Polarities of Grand Design
Join guide Matias De Stefano to learn how the sixth dimensional architects of our universe design life experiences and form physical reality for the third dimension.
Transcending Limits of Creation
How did a conflict near Sirius uncover a plan to harvest energy from Orion? Host and guide Matias de Stefano reminds us that we are bound yet guided by the patterns of the 6th dimension and being free of these patterns allows a species to transcend the shapes of time and space.
Evolutionary Patterns of the Universe
Delving deeper into the Polarities of Grand Design, Matias guides us further into the sixth dimensional geometric structures of physical worlds and their evolutionary patterns.
Unifying Body, Soul & Spirit
Why is the use of trinity in portals important to unite the body, soul, and spirit? According to host and guide Matias De Stefano, “the universe is built in three spectrums. The one that is projecting through the mind, the one that creates the ideas and energy to be seen, and the one that is projecting and lives physically. We call these the Body, Soul and Spirit”
The Confederation & Divine Evolution
Why did the Confederation choose to make humans into Gods? According to host and guide Matias De Stefano, “Making humans into Gods, as we did in other planets in different constellations, was to bring information from every constellation to awaken the potential that we have in our DNA. This allows us to receive information from different dimensions.”
Awakening The Conscious Ego
Matias De Stefano walks us through the three evolutionary phases of ego consciousness, reminds us how these evolutionary patterns influence 3rd dimensional reality, and helps us understand the vital empowerment of Awakening the Conscious Ego.
Behind the Scenes with Matias De Stefano
Matias De Stefano gives us a special behind the scenes interview where he answers some of the most poignant burning questions viewers have asked.
From the origin of life in the universe to the deepest secrets of Atlanean technology, Season 3 of Initiation is coming soon!