Ancient Civilizations
Season 1 . 10 Episodes TV-PG

Explore ancient sites and delve deeper into the forgotten codes hidden throughout ancient mythology to unlock a new understanding of humanity’s origins.

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Ancient Civilizations (Preview)


What hidden knowledge lies in our ancient past? A team of top scholars has come together to decipher the riddle of our origins and piece together our forgotten history found in monuments and texts worldwide.

Follow them as they investigate the rise and fall of lost civilizations that shaped our modern society in this intriguing series.

Season 1: Go beyond surface-level myths to uncover our hidden origin story. Journey from Eden and the Gnostic Garden to the Pyramids and the Tower of Babel.

Season 2: Delve deeper into the forgotten codes hidden throughout ancient mythology and history. Explore ancient sites such as Baalbek, Stonehenge, and the American Southwest, to unlock a new understanding of humanity’s origins.

Season 3: Discover mysteries of the ancient world from symbols left by the lost civilization of Atlantis to mysterious power sources. Then trace the lineage of humanity through giants and elongated heads to seek the deepest secrets of our hidden past.

Season 4: Discover the trans-continental connections between ancient megalithic structures linking pre-diluvian civilizations in a time before the Great Flood with experts reviewing evidence from Zep Tepi to Easter Island and Machu Picchu.

Season 5: Uncover the ancient apocalypse that ended the ancient civilization of Mu. Learn how the Younger Dryas Period altered Earth and human evolution. Take a closer look at lost sunken civilizations and anomalies on the moon.

Season 6: Explore new findings from the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid to new understandings of the mythical Tower of Babel.

Featuring: Graham Hancock, Anton Parks, Gregg Braden, Billy Carson, William Bramley, Andrew Collins, Billy Carson, Jack Cary, Graham Cere, Jonathan Young, Michael Cremo, Freddy Silva, Linda Moulton Howe, Johnathan Young, Andrew Collins, Robert Bauval, Robert Schoch, Sonja Grace, Freddy Silva , Sean Stone, William Bramley , Michael Mott
Audio Languages: English, German, Spanish, French
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, German
27 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Graham Hancock, Anton Parks, Gregg Braden, Billy Carson, William Bramley, Andrew Collins
In this inaugural episode of Ancient Civilizations, we explore the Garden of Eden with several scholars who have peered past the accepted tales to reveal a forgotten history of the birth of humanity.
26 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Graham Hancock, Anton Parks, Billy Carson, Gregg Braden, Jack Cary, Graham Cere, William Bramley, Jonathan Young
The discovery of the Gnostic texts in Nag Hammadi, Egypt changed what we knew about the ancient world and brought to light competing concepts of creation and control. Our exploration of ancient civilizations continues as we to illuminate the gnostic worldview.
28 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Graham Hancock, William Bramley, Gregg Braden, Andrew Collins, Michael Cremo, Freddy Silva, Jack Cary, Linda Moulton Howe, Anton Parks
We explore the tree of life, as it is conceptualized in many enduring spiritual traditions to discover that it is much more than a pervasive myth. Encoded within the lore, we find a deeper understanding of how we were created and the secret to unlocking the divine spark.
26 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Andrew Collins, William Bramley, Anton Parks, Freddy Silva, Linda Moulton Howe, Graham Hancock, Jack Cary, Gregg Braden, Johnathan Young
Legends tells us that language once unified all of humanity, but a detrimental blunder led to this once-unifying force becoming a means of mass confusion. By rediscovering this ancient, forbidden language, we may find returning to unification is an individual journey beholden with many paths to transcendence.
23 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Gregg Braden, Andrew Collins, Graham Hancock, Jack Cary, Jonathan Young, Anton Parks, Robert Bauval
Arcane accounts from Egypt, Greece, Rome and Sumeria tell startling similar stories of the oceanic destruction of advanced ancient civilizations which are being rediscovered. These lost cities hold the secrets to unlocking the ancient code of human origin and destiny.
27 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jack Cary, Billy Carson, Graham Hancock, Anton Parks, Robert Schoch, Andrew Collins, Robert Bauval
Our scholars of ancient history present a new theory concerning the Great Pyramid of Giza that you may not be familiar with. The greatest secret may not be in its construction, but as a powerful device which enabled the rebirth of Osiris as Horus.
26 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Robert Schoch, Andrew Collins, Gregg Braden, Freddy Silva, Jonathan Young, Robert Bauval, Michael Cremo, Jack Cary, Graham Cere, Sonja Grace
The great sphinx of Giza, the oldest known monument from the ancient Egyptian world, stands as a symbol of the arcane mysteries still waiting to be unearthed. Could the truth about our past, and Enki’s knowledge given to humanity, be locked in an ancient chamber situated below the great beast’s paw?
28 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Gregg Braden, Anton Parks, Jack Cary, Freddy Silva , Sean Stone, Andrew Collins, Graham Cere, Jonathan Young, Sonja Grace, Michael Cremo, William Bramley
Massive stone monuments, intricately placed in astronomical alignment, may have once opened portals to the universe. Science fact has proven that magnetic fields periodically connect celestial bodies, enabling the transport of physical objects.
28 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jack Cary, Gregg Braden, Sean Stone, Anton Parks, William Bramley , Michael Mott, Graham Hancock, Graham Cere, Robert Bauval
Is there an ancient code which points the way to inner earth civilizations like Agharta and Patala? Oral traditions from indigenous cultures, throughout the world, all point to ancient advanced civilizations thriving deep under the earth.
30 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Andrew Collins, Linda Moulton Howe, Graham Hancock, Michael Cremo, Jack Cary, Gregg Braden, Freddy Silva
Was Göbekli Tepe built as a sacred interstellar portal connecting the people of Earth with extraterrestrial civilizations? As the world’s oldest monument, built in the cradle of civilization, recent discoveries may be our strongest evidence connecting the establishment of human civilization under the rule of the Annunaki.