Gaia News
Season 9 . 22 Episodes TV-PG

Gaia brings you a new perspective on news.

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Gaia brings you a new perspective on news.

Discover the latest on science, disclosure, alternative health, space, our origin and consciousness. Also view the Gaia archives - a selection of our best news segments from previous years.

Featuring: Mercedes Arnus Arraut, Cheryl Costa, Bruce Lipton, Carlo Oetheimer, Yohann Oetheimer, Marc Dantonio, Gregg Braden, Christina Chick, Ph.D., Fred Alan Wolf Ph.D., Nick Pope
4 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Mercedes Arnus Arraut
On May 29 2022, Mars and Jupiter will move into conjunction. Astrologer Mercedes Arnus Arraut discusses the energetic shift that is coming, and how we can each use this time to change our perspectives.
6 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Cheryl Costa
On May 17 2022 in Washington, DC, a historic public hearing was held on previously classified briefings on unidentified aerial phenomena. What could we learn in the future from the release of this information?
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Bruce Lipton
Scientists announce the completion of the sequencing of the human genome map. Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton shares his reaction and discusses the key role played by epigenetics to control of genes by environment and thoughts.
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Bruce Lipton
Can we rewrite the expression of our genetic blueprint? The emerging science of epigenetics provides an alternate view of how we can gain mastery over our genes and achieve true wellbeing.
3 mins TV-PG
Is there a new answer to the search for extraterrestrial life on Earth and in space? What we are beginning to learn may surprise us.
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Carlo Oetheimer, Yohann Oetheimer
Mysterious geoglyphs continue to be found across the planet. Who made these massive designs, and why? Researchers discuss the implications of the world's largest geoglyphs that have now been found in a desert in India.
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Marc Dantonio
A massive black hole has been found in our Milky Way galaxy. What are scientists discovering about previously unknown aspects of space?
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Gregg Braden
Can artificial intelligence be designed to be compassionate? Thought leader and author Gregg Braden reviews the latest research on how human values can be built into AI design.
4 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Christina Chick, Ph.D.
Research shows that training children in mindfulness techniques can dramatically improve their sleep. Dr. Christina Chick of Stanford University Medical School reviews the results of a recent study.
4 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Fred Alan Wolf Ph.D.
Could consciousness be explained by quantum effects in the brain? A new study may have confirmed this quantum theory.
3 mins TV-PG
Did life begin in space? We examine clues to life in meteorites, ancient evidence of life on Earth in salt crystals, and ask what this could mean to the possibility of life on Mars.
3 mins TV-PG
Can napping be used to spark creativity and problem solving? In this Gaia News breakdown, we examine a fascinating new study on the unique brain state when you wake from a nap.
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Nick Pope
Is NASA's announcement of their independent study of UFOs (or unidentified aerial phenomena) another step toward full disclosure? Expert Nick Pope discusses what may be next.
4 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Mercedes Arnus Arraut
How can the solstice guide us to better alignment in our lives? Astrologer Mercedes Arnus Arraut shows the planetary signs aligning now that affect us at this moment in solar time.
3 mins TV-PG
A groundbreaking new study suggests that commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids may cause pain to become chronic.
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Marc Dantonio
Science shows that life on Earth is made of the components of the stars. Astronomer Marc Dantonio examines the latest scientific evidence of the way stars and cosmic matter move across the universe.
3 mins TV-PG
How adaptable are our brains? A recent study sheds light on the experience of a woman who has been able to fully function without much of her brain.
3 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Nick Pope
Could rogue planets be used as space craft by ET hitchhikers? Expert Nick Pope discusses this new theory about extraterrestrial civilizations.
3 mins TV-PG
Can optimism help us live longer? And does feeling younger help us heal? We examine two new studies in this Gaia News breakdown.
2 mins TV-PG
Research is now giving us new insight on the healing power of light. In this Gaia News breakdown, we look at the implications of a treatment with near-infrared light that kills cancer cells
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Mercedes Arnus Arraut
A triple planetary conjunction in the constellation of Taurus will appear this summer. What will we learn about the energetic changes to come? Astrologer Mercedes Arnus Arraut speaks about the cosmic implications.
3 mins TV-PG
From Mars Pathfinder to Mars Perseverance, scientists have spent years examining the Red Planet for signs of life. What is humanity's future on Mars?