Are Humans Being Recruited for Breakaway Civilizations?

Are Humans Being Recruited for Breakaway Civilizations?

Did you ever wake up in the morning and feel like something was off-kilter? Perhaps you were worried about finances or visiting in-laws. However, if you were a breakaway civilization recruit your waking moments might be more like this:

You feel like you were asleep forever, but the clock says it is just a few hours later than when you went to bed. Maybe you just had an incredibly long and detailed dream. After several flashbacks or moments of déjà vu, you recall that you were a member of a Secret Space Program (SSP) and spent years living on Mars as part of a human colony. You remember stopping by the moon for a short time when going to or coming from Mars.

People are recruited for these colonies, known as breakaway civilizations when their particular skills are needed in a new civilization. Explore how breakaway civilizations may be essential for the future of humanity and potential recruitment criteria for colonists.

Breakaway Civilizations; An Off-Planet Solution?

In the early 1940s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt became concerned that a catastrophic event would require the movement of large masses of people away from areas of destruction. The problem became more dangerous when FDR discovered there was no one place on the planet that could accommodate such large groups. He even explored the idea of digging tunnels and underground shelters. These plans seemed unworkable, so he explored the idea of developing off-planet solutions, like establishing colonies on the Moon, Mars, or Venus.

Hackers Uncover Evidence of Breakaway Civilizations

There is strong evidence that breakaway civilizations have existed on the moon and Mars for many years. Two independent computer hackers accessed government computers and found reports indicating there were colonies on the moon and Mars. One hacker, Matthew Bevan, accessed the files in the early 1990s. The other one, Gary McKinnon, accessed records in the early 2000s.

Breakaway Civilizations: Recruitment

There are three recruitment categories for Breakaway Civilizations:

  1. Some recruits are made
  2. Some recruits are asked
  3. Some recruits are taken


Randy Cramer believes he was designated to be part of the SSP and go to Mars prior to his birth. He had no choice and was predestined to be a Breakaway Civilization participant.


Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of President Eisenhower, has shared her experiences of being actively recruited to go to Mars. Eisenhower felt she had been targeted before she was born, but it wasn’t until she was a single mother with twin boys that she was asked. She turned down the “opportunity,” but she has provided details of the attempt that was made to get her to join the project.


David Paulides heads a group of retired police officers and others who are experienced Search and Rescue experts (SAR). Their mission is to investigate the thousands of reports every year of missing persons. Paulides documents the mysterious disappearances of people around the world. He says these people are “brilliant scholars, athletes and stellar people.” They suddenly disappear under questionable circumstances.

Development of Technology Supports The Existence of Breakaway Civilizations

There is evidence that technology for space travel now allows people to travel from Earth to the moon or Mars without traversing the distance between the places. This technology involves teleportation or some type of secret portal. When you consider all the advancements that have been made in technology that we use in our daily lives, it makes sense that similar advances would be made in the technology used for space travel.

We have gone from fax machines to scanners and email. From landlines to cell phones. We have gone from the original computer that was the size of a large closet to handheld devices with many more available functions. So, isn’t it possible that space travel technology would also experience such advancements, including how to travel in space by teleportation through portals or some other equally fast way?

Mind Control Devices: Project MK-Ultra

The CIA is known for several mind control programs. Project MKUltra, a secret CIA project designed to test the effect of drugs on humans, was conducted on unwitting subjects from 1953 to 1964. During the program, experimenters gave test subjects drugs that caused them to have hallucinations and other adverse reactions. Other drugs erased memories of time and events.

In 1976, the U.S. Senate investigated the MKUltra program. Senators were shocked by some of their discoveries. For example, Congress learned that the secret program was designed to discover drugs that could help people “withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called brain-washing” and other drugs “which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use.”

Using these drugs, along with technology learned from aliens, explains why Randy Cramer and the other whistleblowers would at first have no recollection of their trip. Other drugs to reverse memory loss along with therapy allowed them to recover their memories. Some people view the concept of breakaway civilizations as a “pipe dream” shared by a few folks who are trying to bask in their 15 minutes of fame by telling their incredible stories of life on Mars. What do you think? Share your comments below.

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The Hollow Moon Theory; Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite?

The Hollow Moon Theory; Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite?

The moon is often described as having divine, feminine energy – the female counterpart to our Sun. It is a source of cosmic phenomena, providing us with beautiful eclipses, changing tides, and hopefully a future staging point for missions to Mars and beyond. But when we start to look at the moon under a closer lens, a number of aberrant characteristics suggest that it might be hollow — and that there may be a secret moon base.

The Moon Rings Like a Bell

The Apollo missions and subsequent moon landings have been at the center of controversy and conspiracy for years. There has been an interminable debate as to whether we actually landed on the moon, what was found there, or to what extent NASA has been hiding information from us. But amid the quarreling and speculation, the number of anomalous features on the moon has puzzled scientists and conspiracy theorists alike.

Toward the latter end of the Apollo missions, NASA astronauts placed seismic recording devices on the lunar surface to document artificial and natural moonquakes. Their equipment recorded activity ranging from meteorite strikes to man-made explosions, and crash landings of Apollo rockets. Even the sun’s heat created seismic activity when it caused the moon to thaw on a daily basis.

The astronauts were given a series of ALSEPs, or Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages to set up seismographs and initiate detonations ranging from shotgun-like charges to mortars with multiple grenades. Eventually, NASA intentionally crash-landed the Apollo 12 module as well as the S-IVB rocket setting off an explosive force equivalent to nearly 12 tons of TNT.

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