Randy Cramer: Soldier of The Mars Defense Force

Randy Cramer: Soldier of The Mars Defense Force

Randy Cramer’s life experiences are either incredible or absurd. He reports that he spent 20 years as a Marine in the U.S. Secret Space Program (SSP). His tour of duty took him first to an elaborate, secret, fully-equipped base on the moon. Then, he went to Mars where he spent 17 years at a military base. After a major loss of human lives during a battle between the military forces and native people of Mars, he was deployed back to the moon where he spent his final three years as a military pilot. He tells his story with vivid and captivating detail.

Randy Cramer: Space Traveler and Mars Colonist

Randy Cramer, who initially told his story under the pseudonym “Captain Kaye,” says he was only four years old when he began training for the SSP through a program called Project Moon Shadow. He was one of approximately 300 girls and boys who were “covertly drafted” to participate in the program. Girls comprised only 20 percent of the group, a male/female ratio that remained consistent during his entire 20 years with the SSP.

Cramer recalls that during his childhood, he would be taken from his bed at night. Even though he would be gone for days or even weeks, he would be returned to his bed and travel back in time to when he was taken. He would wake up as though no time had passed, feeling like he had just had a really, really long dream.

When he turned 17 in 1987, Cramer was involuntarily recruited to be part of the Mars Defense Force (MDF), whose purpose was to protect five civilian settlements already in existence on Mars.

Randy Cramer: Hybrid Soldier for the SSP

This program was not sponsored by any government or governmental agency, but by an international group comprised of the United States, Germany, Russia and China. Even though these countries were not getting along very well on Earth, unbeknownst to the public, they secretly joined together to work on the SSP and formed the MDF. Cramer became a captain in the U.S. Marine Corps in this program and was given Top Secret clearance — a necessary requirement for those participating in the MDF.

When Cramer left Earth, his first stop was a base on the moon that he believed had been established around 1953 or 1954. This is where he signed his enlistment papers and committed to spending 20 years of service on Mars with a special elite unit of the Marine Corps. In Episode 7 of our Deep Space series, he gives a detailed account of the compound’s interior decor, noting that the color and type of carpet and paint on the walls were clearly from the 1950s.

What Was the Purpose of Troops on Mars?

There were three primary purposes for sending secret military-like troops to Mars:

  1. To establish an extraterrestrial defense for Earth
  2. To claim Mars as a U.S. territory
  3. To get Martians accustomed to having Earthlings present on their planet


In addition, the Mars Defense Force aimed to research the viability of establishing a human civilization in space should a cataclysm occur on Earth. Cramer was sent to the main settlement of Aries Prime, which was also the first Earth settlement on Mars. The settlement was comprised of the same types of people and organized in the same way as the original colonies were settled in America. People with all types of skills, ranging from scientists to farm workers, live in this colony. The military base at Aries Prime, called Forward Station Zebra, was where Cramer spent all of his time while on Mars. He was given the codename “Zen.”

One of the most remarkable things that Cramer and other members of the SSP who have visited Mars say about the planet is that the air is breathable. His station was in the far north of Mars and he says that the atmosphere is similar to the Antarctic, which is why he wore a face protector. Taking the protector off in the biting cold was uncomfortable, but it could be done since he could breathe the air.

The Martians and Cramer’s Last Battle

There are two main indigenous, intelligent species on Mars: Reptilian and Insectoid. At Cramer’s initial briefing, he was told these were “native savages and beasts.” However, he soon learned that they were evolved species, each with their own culture, civilization and intelligence. Their homes are mostly underground and Cramer frequently referred to them in interviews as living in “hives” or “nests.” At first, the indigenous people treated the humans from Earth as neighbors. As long as their nests and hives were not disturbed, there was no problem. They seemed more interested in maintaining their territory rather than fighting. Even so, there were frequent skirmishes. The humans and Martian natives became weary of fighting and actually signed a treaty agreeing to peace.

The treaty had two major parts to it. First, the humans would not invade the sacred places of the indigenous people. The second part of the treaty required the humans to work together with the Reptoids and Insectoids to fight an invading species of Reptoids know as the Draconians. The Draconians were vicious and evil, but the joint venture was successful and the Draconians withdrew.

Cramer gets emotional when he talks about the last battle he participated in before leaving Mars. For some reason that he was never able to understand, he was ordered, as part of a thousand-man force, to go into one of the sacred tunnels of the Reptoids to capture an artifact. This was in direct violation of the treaty. Cramer expressed his concern to his commanding officer who agreed with him, but said he had orders from “headquarters” and the mission had to be accomplished. “We all got our orders,” the officer told him, “So go do it.”

The men went through the underground tunnels and came to a large dome, about the size of the superdome or astrodome. They lost all communication with headquarters when suddenly, doors all around the edge of the arena opened and out charged the Reptoids, swinging large bladed weapons. Cramer said it was like “being in a blender.” Cramer was one of about 35 men who survived. While he was recovering from his wounds, his superior officer met with him and offered him a pilot position. That sounded great to Cramer; he spent his last three years in the SSP as a pilot on the moon.

Restoration of Life on Earth

When his 20 years of service were up, he spent several weeks on the moon for a “reverse aging” process so that he could return to Earth and “inserted back into his original timeline, 1987.” His memories of his 20 years of service were suppressed and did not return to him for many years.

What Does it all Mean?

Cramer’s story is extraordinary. It is even more astonishing that similar stories are told by at least six other men who say they served in the SSP on the moon and on Mars at different times. Although their stories are all similar, they did not serve together and did not know about each other until they began revealing their experiences.

The space travelers all recall different travel methods, but all report experiencing some type of teleportation through a portal. This allowed them to travel quickly to these off-planet locations. They communicated with the indigenous Martians through telepathy. All whistleblowers who tell their stories report the breathability of the Mars air.

There is more to Cramer’s story. He has been telling it since 2006 and will continue his quest to convince people that there is a secret space program with civilizations established on the moon, Mars and perhaps other planets and solar systems. We invite you to watch Deep Space to learn more about NASA coverups, extraterrestrials and other fascinating topics.

The Alternative 3-Secret Space Program Connection

The Alternative 3-Secret Space Program Connection

In 1977, a British television program titled Science Report: Alternative 3, part of an Anglia TV documentary series, aired and planted the seed of fear about an alien invasion in society at large. The program focuses on the disappearances of prominent scientists, engineers, and astronomers. The speculation is that the Earth is collapsing and will soon be unable to support human life, so these people have been taken by several governments acting together in an intergovernmental Secret Space Program (SSP) with the goal of developing colonies on other planets, using the moon as a way-station.

If you ever have a chance to view the program, it is so convincing that you will want to volunteer for the SSP, pack up your family, and head for Mars. However, there is only one known copy: it is in the possession of Alternative 3’s director. It is thought to be fading and grainy due to the passage of time. All other copies of the program were destroyed as were all contracts and any paperwork referencing the show as if the program never existed.

Although the TV program aired in June of 1977, the producers claimed it was originally intended to air on April Fool’s Day. Workers in the industry were striking, so the air date was postponed. When it did air, the reaction of viewers was reminiscent of the 1938 radio broadcast by Orson Wells of “The War of the Worlds,” which created civil unrest and havoc. The broadcast was meant to be a joke, but thousands of people in the U.S. thought the Earth was being invaded by Martians. They hit the streets in panic, not knowing what to do next or how to escape.

The program was so disturbing it was only shown once in England and once in Australia. The U.S. refused to air the program. It was never shown anywhere again. Even though the directors and producers of Alternative 3 were adamant that it was fiction, questions still abound. Is there some truth to the Alternative 3 theory?

Are there three alternatives for Earth inhabitants in case there is a catastrophic event that threatens the habitability of the planet? Thousands of people disappear every year, never to be heard from again. Could these people have been abducted to develop a Breakaway Civilization on the moon or another planet, like Mars?

Fact or Fiction?

Immediately after it aired, the producers of the program announced it had been fiction. The slot where Alternative 3 aired was one that routinely ran documentary episodes. The title of the series was Science Reports and Alternative 3 was the title of just one segment; it was the last program of the season of the Science Reports.

The program was created by reputable reporters and researchers who were well respected for their documentaries. Why would they risk their reputation by airing such a hoax? Was it really a hoax or was it a disguised message to the public about a secret space program?

A book with the same title, Alternative 3, was subsequently written by Leslie Watkins. It presented some of the theories of the alleged hoax as truth. The book and the television program promoted the idea that astronauts had landed on Mars in 1962 in a joint U.S./U.S.S.R. effort and definitively identified intelligent extraterrestrial life. It also promoted the idea that climate change was just one thing that could soon make the Earth uninhabitable.

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