Can Pyramids Enhance Meditation?

Can Pyramids Enhance Meditation?

Can Pyramids Enhance Meditation?

The Pyramid Spiritual Society Movement


The ancient Egyptians believed in pyramids as a resting place with cosmic power to connect the dead with their afterlife. In India however, the Egyptians’ idea has been parlayed as a source to harness cosmic energy for the purpose of meditation.

Since the early ‘90s, when the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement began building pyramids in India, there have now been over 20,000 pyramids built for meditation all over the world.

The PSSM, has made its mission, dubbed Pyramids Everywhere, to construct as many meditation pyramids as possible, with locations primarily in the Andrha Pradesh region of India, as well as in other countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Spain and the U.S. The pyramids range in size from small, domicile-size structures, to massive meditation centers, capable of hosting thousands within and tens of thousands on surrounding campuses.

The project, started by Subhash Patri a.k.a Brahamarshi Patriji, claims to be non-religious and non-profit with the goal of spreading a type of meditation called Anapanasati, while also providing free food and classes to spiritual seekers. Patriji says he is not a guru, but a spiritual scientist who has achieved enlightenment.


Harnessing the Power of the Pyramid


According to Patriji and the PSSM, pyramids align naturally with the Earth’s electromagnetic field and are thus built with each corner oriented directly toward all four cardinal directions. Patriji breaks down the word pyramid into two parts:

  • Pyro, meaning fire or energy
  • Amid, meaning center
  • Therefore, a pyramid is a structure with energy at its center


Patriji claims that meditation in a pyramidal structure has three times the power of regular meditation leading to electromagnetic and chemical reactions during meditation where every cell in the body is activated to its full potential.

Saying that he had conducted experiments and studied this extensively before starting the PSSM, Patriji concluded that pyramids were the greatest receiver and amplifier of cosmic energy. He said he believes that meditation in pyramids creates healing, preservation and out of body experiences.


Maitreya Buddha Pyramid


The Maitreya Buddha was the first mega-pyramid built by the organization in Bangalore, stretching 160 feet by 160 feet at its base and reaching 102 feet tall. The pyramid has a capacity for 5,000 people with a platform reached by a spiral staircase, called the King’s Chamber, at one-third the height of the pyramid. This platform can seat 40 meditators and is considered the point where the maximum energy of the pyramid can be received and transmitted.



Source: Krishna Raykar


Maheshwara Maha Pyramid


It didn’t take too long before the successor to the Maitreya Buddha Pyramid was built. Although its construction was somewhat bigger, with a base spanning 180 feet by 180 feet and a capacity of 7,000, the PSSM built a massive campus surrounding the Maheshwara Maha Pyramid for spiritual seekers. The campus, spread over 150 acres, boasts a massive kitchen, supposedly capable of servicing 100,000 people. The PSSM also built a canopy on the campus able to shelter 50,000 people for meditation sessions. The Maheshwara Maha Pyramid is considered the largest meditation pyramid in the world and is modeled after the pyramids at Giza.


Meditation Pyramids Worldwide

With the growing popularity of the PSSM movement, the construction of meditation pyramids has spread across the world, ranging in size – some that are even wearable. Pyramid meditation kits are bought and sold online, many that are modular and often made of copper as replicas of the pyramids at Giza. The use of copper in these pyramid is due to it’s ability to conduct energy. Users say that copper pyramids have the ability to enhance meditation by amplifying positive energy and conducting psychic energy. There is debate as to whether the pyramids should be oriented toward true north like the Egyptian pyramids or toward the Earth’s magnetic north. The PSSM pyramids are aligned to true north.

Russian Pyramid Research Part 1

Pyramids stand as monuments to the greatness of ancient civilizations which have left behind only traces of the mysteries which shaped their cultures. As David Wilcock introduces us to some of the key scientific concepts of pyramid power, we see how these simple shapes can affect the future advancement of human civilization.




Scientists Successfully Create Brain Interface That Improves Memory

Scientists Successfully Create Brain Interface That Improves Memory

Cognitive-boosting prosthetics are quickly becoming a reality as doctors are seeing success with a neural interface that improves memory function by stimulating electrodes implanted in the brain.

This “closed-loop hippocampal neural prosthesis” has moved from testing on rodents, to actual human application with positive results. The device works by sending electrical signals from an apparatus outside the body to electrodes internally connected to the hippocampus, a seahorse-shaped part of the brain that plays a major role in memory.

Researchers involved in the program describe their approach as aiming to use patient’s own neural codes for memory through a closed-loop system in which electrical signals are exchanged instantaneously.

Patients using the system showed a 37 percent improvement in short term memory tests. Scientists were even more surprised to find that long-term memory of 30 to 60 minute intervals had also improved by a similar 35 percent.

But these electrical zaps weren’t just random stimulation. Researchers carefully recorded where and when specific regions of the patients’ brains reacted when performing tasks involving the use of memory, and carefully tailored electrical pulses to induce a similar response.

closed-loop hippocampal neural prosthesis


The team originally tested their method on brain tissue, before moving on to rodents, and then monkeys. Now, with their success in humans, they will continue to develop the technology in hopes of someday having a fully implantable apparatus to boost cognitive function.

One of the members of the team touted memory as being part and parcel of one’s personality. Our collection of memories in life certainly play an important role in individuality allowing us to recall experiences that shape our lives.

The team hopes this technology could one day help restore memory function to those affected by drugs, disease, and brain injury.

Their success in memory enhancement comes at a time when interest in cognitive boosting technology is piquing. A number of scientists have been working on mapping out the brains’ neurological connections in hope of developing computer-brain interfaces for superhuman neurological function.

Elon Musk is currently invested in a project called Neuralink, a neural mesh laid over the brain, merging AI with human cognition. Musk says the concept would ideally improve the speed of connection between the brain and one’s digital self, focusing particularly on output.

With the recent success of this closed-loop hippocampal prosthesis, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to expect some investment from Silicon Valley in the future.

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