Stargates and Hidden Portals on Earth and in Space

Stargates and Hidden Portals on Earth and in Space

In 2015, NASA admitted that the idea of Earth portals — areas on the planet that instantly teleport human beings from one place to the other — are a reality that they have been studying for quite some time.

One of NASA’s spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargate portal exists in many locations.

Usually these are found where the faraway geomagnetic field bumps up against the passing solar wind. The result is a direct pathway between the Earth and the sun.

In March 2015, NASA launched its Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) that, among other things, is tasked with studying these portals to gain a deeper understanding of them. Most of these are small with short lives, though others have been observed as gaping holes with sustained lifespans. Opening and closing numerous times during the day, magnetic forces mingle, allowing their crackling energy particles to flow between the Earth and the sun. These meeting points — called X-points by NASA — have been pinpointed by scientists using polar data.

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is probably the most famous stargate portal. Encompassing three vertices, the Bermuda Triangle — sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Triangle — is a large abyss that stretches between San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bermuda Island, and Miami, Florida. First noted in late 1950 or early 1951, the Bermuda Triangle was deemed to be a mysterious area in which huge military ships and planes were “lost” without any other plausible explanation forthcoming from the government or the military. In 1964, Vincent H. Gaddis argued that the Bermuda Triangle was the site of strange occurrences such as disappearing tanker ships and jets with the government being unwilling — or unable — to provide a reason or explanation.

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment, also sometimes called Project Rainbow, grew out of the desire to cloak the U.S. Navy’s destroyer, USS Eldridge, so that enemy devices were not able to detect it. Built on concepts relative to stargate portals, the project relied on a technological application developed by well-known and respected scientific greats Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.

Testing started in 1943 and was successful to a large degree. In fact, some witnesses noted that they saw a green fog in the area where the massive ship once stood. Further experiments in late October resulted in the USS Eldridge vanishing from its shakedown cruise in the Bahamas. Simultaneously, sailors stationed 375 miles south at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, reported the ship’s appearance for several minutes before it vanished.

Alfred Bielek, a former crew member on board the USS Eldridge, and Duncan Cameron, who would later work on the Montauk Project, jumped from the deck of the USS Eldridge when it was trapped in hyperspace and landed in the future.

Once they arrived at Camp Hero in 1983, they were tasked with returning to the USS Eldridge in order to destroy the equipment holding the ship in hyperspace. The pair did so successfully before leaping off the deck and materializing in the current year.

Covert Colonization of Space

The Montauk Project

Located at Montauk, Long Island, New York, Montauk Air Force Station, also known as Camp Hero, was the site of The Montauk Project. An extension of the famed Philadelphia Experiment, this United States government-backed research project sought to further substantiate data on magnetic fields and their physiological effects.

Once secret funding was received from the Department of Defense, various experiments were conducted, including the creation of a dimension portal that enabled researchers to travel to far-flung locales. As a result of their success, researchers also developed a time tunnel in which contact was made with aliens, as well as underground tunnels and brain reprogramming methods. In Another Notable Incident, a flying saucer became stuck in the Montauk underground tunnels with its alien crew demanding a crystal needed to repair the engines so they could leave.

The Military and Space Portal Research

It should be no surprise to learn that the military is both a conduit and a supporter of space portal research. With billions of dollars in research funding funneled to various projects by the Department of Defense, a significant amount was earmarked to allow the military to establish a Stargate Portal. During the Iraq War, under the guise of searching for weapons of mass destruction (WMD), then-President George W. Bush invaded that country in an effort to control a Dimension Portal and stop extraterrestrials from annihilating humankind or culling the world’s population.

Skinwalker Ranch

Located in Uintah County in Utah, Skinwalker Ranch — also called “UFO Ranch” — is one of the state’s most famous areas of paranormal activity. With a history dating back more than 50 years, Skinwalker Ranch has been the site of paranormal activity such as crop circles, poltergeists, UFOs, dire wolf sightings, glowing orbs and other extraterrestrial occurrences.

The family who owned the ranch from 1994 until 1996 reported that cattle on the ranch were found mutilated or they simply vanished into thin air. Piercing red eyes glared at them from oversized animals that did not appear to be injured even when shot with bullets.

Respected businessman Robert T. Bigelow believed so strongly that activities such as these were important to the survival of the planet that he formed the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and staffed it with top scientists in the field. In 1996, the organization acquired the ranch in order to study its paranormal activity in depth. Numerous unexplainable events were chronicled, including stargates that emitted magnetic fields that were highly destructive.

Flying Saucers and NASA

In early June 2015, NASA had a second successful test flight of its flying saucer that goes by the codename of Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD). The space agency started out by updating technology and applications that were decades old. They then sought to address issues with its huge parachute that became evident during its inaugural public testing. With its distinctive ring shape and ability to propel and brake at altitudes of 180,000 feet, it appears that NASA is positioning the LDSD Flying Saucer so that it can be used to conduct further explorations of Mars.

Stargate portals, flying saucers, the Unified Field Theory and other technologies have made strides in providing a method of communicating with other entities within the galaxy as well as facilitating the movement of people instantly. Despite what many may believe, with continued research it is likely that regular contact with aliens will be made soon. Though the government would like to cover up the real reason behind these occurrences and label them hoaxes, it is more likely that they simply want to be in control of the outcome of the research and take credit for it.

Covert colonization of space timeline


The Hollow Moon Theory; Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite?

The moon is often described as having divine, feminine energy – the female counterpart to our Sun. It is a source of cosmic phenomena, providing us with beautiful eclipses, changing tides, and hopefully a future staging point for missions to Mars and beyond. But when we start to look at the moon under a closer lens, a number of aberrant characteristics suggest that it might be hollow — and that there may be a secret moon base.

The Moon Rings Like a Bell

The Apollo missions and subsequent moon landings have been at the center of controversy and conspiracy for years. There has been an interminable debate as to whether we actually landed on the moon, what was found there, or to what extent NASA has been hiding information from us. But amid the quarreling and speculation, the number of anomalous features on the moon has puzzled scientists and conspiracy theorists alike.

Toward the latter end of the Apollo missions, NASA astronauts placed seismic recording devices on the lunar surface to document artificial and natural moonquakes. Their equipment recorded activity ranging from meteorite strikes to man-made explosions, and crash landings of Apollo rockets. Even the sun’s heat created seismic activity when it caused the moon to thaw on a daily basis.

The astronauts were given a series of ALSEPs, or Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages to set up seismographs and initiate detonations ranging from shotgun-like charges to mortars with multiple grenades. Eventually, NASA intentionally crash-landed the Apollo 12 module as well as the S-IVB rocket setting off an explosive force equivalent to nearly 12 tons of TNT.

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