Cryptozoologists Say Mysterious Canine Shot in Montana is Dogman

Cryptozoologists Say Mysterious Canine Shot in Montana is Dogman

A few weeks ago, a rancher in Montana shot a wolf-like creature that was encroaching on his livestock. However, the creature remains unidentified by local authorities, leading some to speculate whether the cryptid may be the mythical dogman, or simply a wolf-dog hybrid.

Animal experts quickly noticed a number of anomalies that ruled out the animal as a purebred wolf, including paws that were too small, but with abnormally long claws; ears that were too big; canine teeth that were too short; and a strange fur coat.

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According to Montana wildlife experts the animal was a non-lactating, female canid, believed to be some type of hybrid, though nothing conclusive could be recorded. The creature’s carcass was sent to a lab in Bozeman where tissue samples could be collected and later examined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Ashland, Ore.


The report states that it should theoretically take a week to analyze the DNA contained in the samples, though the process of getting them to the appropriate lab could take up to a few months.

In the meantime, cryptozoologists believe the animal may finally be the specimen of the dogmen mentioned in a multitude of reports from credible sources.


Dating back to the late 1800s, accounts of upright walking canines have been reported across North America. Much like werewolves, dogmen have features that appear to be a mix of human, dog, and wolf. Witnesses often compare their size to that of a bear, reaching up to seven feet when standing erect – in comparison, gray wolves typically grow to around five feet in length.

The history of dogmen dates as far back as ancient Greece, where the creatures were given the name, Cynocephali. This alleged race was described in the writings of Marco Polo, who claimed to have come across an entire island of anthropomorphic canines, before supposedly initiating trade deals with them.

The cynocephali were prominently featured in works of art ranging from medieval pieces, to depictions of St. Christopher in the Eastern Orthodox Church. In Egypt, the god Anubis is consistently depicted as a human body with the head of a dog.

There have been a number of dogmen sightings reported over the past several years, in locations ranging from upstate New York, to Michigan, and Wisconsin. These sightings often occur in wooded regions throughout the northern U.S., though one of the more notorious locations for sightings is at Utah’s Skinwalker Ranch.

There are a few sites devoted to documenting alleged reports of dogmen with a plethora of convincing evidence that the phenomenon may be real.


Watch cryptozoologist Jack Cary, describe reports of dogmen encountered throughout North America:

Portals and Cryptozoology

Countless Bigfoot Sightings in Colorado Tracked at Sasquatch Outpost

Countless Bigfoot Sightings in Colorado Tracked at Sasquatch Outpost

If you perform a Google search for the term “Bigfoot” or “Sasquatch,” on any given day it’s likely you’ll find at least a few articles published within the past week. Sasquatch has become so ingrained in our culture, arguably more than any other cryptid, to the point that if it somehow isn’t real, we’ve practically willed it into existence.

Beyond its cultural acceptance, there’s actually overwhelming evidence of the reality of such a creature that spans centuries of sightings and lore throughout myriad cultures. Jim Meyers, a professional Sasquatch seeker and owner of the Sasquatch Outpost in Bailey, CO, cites the fact that nearly every Native American tribe has its own epithet for Sasquatch. 

The Navajo call it “Ye’ Iitsoh,” meaning “Big God”; the Cherokee call it “Ketleh-Kudleh,” meaning “Hairy Savage”; and the Lakota-Sioux call it “Chiye-Tanka” meaning “Big Elder Brotha.”

Often, Native Americans refer to Sasquatch as another tribe or another people, rather than a species of ape or animal, Meyers says. And this near-universal acceptance of such a creature by indigenous peoples who have inhabited remote areas of the US, centuries before its modern development, is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the existence of Sasquatch in his opinion.

Though Sasquatch has assimilated into our modern mythological zeitgeist, it can be found in a number of cultural traditions across the world—on nearly every continent, in fact.

Known as the Yeti, Yeren, Yowie, or the pejorative Abominable Snowman, tales of a large, hairy bipedal creature can be found in Australia, Asia, Europe, and both Americas. Interestingly though, Meyers says he’s not familiar with any instances of Sasquatch sightings in Africa, which is also where he lived much of his life.

Meyers grew up in Africa, as his parents were missionaries—a career path he would follow in his adulthood. Having moved to Kenya at age 11, he went to boarding school before attending college in the US. Feeling a desire to continue his parents’ work, Myers would spend another 20 years working as a missionary in Senegal, followed by a decade spent in France. Eventually, he returned to the states and settled in Bailey.

While he was always fascinated with Bigfoot, ever since he saw “The Legend of Boggy Creek” as a kid, Meyers said it wasn’t until a local businesswoman in Bailey recounted a very credible sighting she experienced in the area. Shortly thereafter, Animal Planet recorded an episode of Finding Bigfoot in Bailey, adding to Meyers’ interest, and the rest was history…

Searching for a new avenue of business to pursue, and hearing multitudes of stories and eyewitness sightings in the area, Meyers decided to open a Sasquatch museum in his small Colorado township in 2014. It’s now become a tourist hotspot with over 36,000 visits.

At the Sasquatch Outpost, Meyers has curated his ongoing research into the Sasquatch Encounter Museum where one finds recordings of the creature’s vocalizations, examples of the ways in which it bends, and snaps tree branches, and plaster casts of its footprints.

One of those casts happens to be from the most famous and credible Bigfoot sighting of all time: the Patterson-Gimlin film from 1967. While some skeptics claim the clip has been debunked and a deathbed confession of a hoax was made, Meyers is quick to correct that as a fallacy, pointing out that he’s talked with Patterson’s wife who said he maintained the veracity of the film up until his death.

And if that weren’t enough, Meyers has also kept a map of various levels of Sasquatch sightings and interactions people have reported experiencing throughout Colorado at the Outpost. On the map are various colored pins based on the type of encounter experienced: red denotes a visual sighting; yellow indicates tree breaks and bends; green indicates a vocalization or tree knocking; blue identifies a rock or item thrown at someone.

If you’ve had a Bigfoot encounter in Colorado, you may be able to contribute to this growing map of over 300 encounters. In the meantime, check out Meyers in the latest episode of Beyond Belief.

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