Senior Ops Officer Aboard USS Nimitz Discusses UFO Encounter

Senior Ops Officer Aboard USS Nimitz Discusses UFO Encounter

Since the New York Times disclosed the existence of the Pentagon’s secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which studied military encounters with UFOs, much speculation has floated regarding the program’s findings and who exactly was involved. Now, a crew member aboard the USS Princeton, involved in the 2004 Nimitz encounter with a Tic-Tac- shaped UFO, has come forward to share some of the high strangeness he’s experienced since that incident 14 years ago.

Kevin Day was a Senior Chief Operations Specialist aboard the USS Princeton in November of 2004 and is mentioned (though his surname is redacted) in the Executive Summary of the incident officially released by the Pentagon.

Day recently spoke to UFO researcher Mike Damante about his subsequent experiences in the years following the event, including a newfound psychic faculty, he claims, gave him advanced cognition, heightened intellect, and the ability to manifest things he desired in life. Day says he also began having vivid dreams of global apocalyptic events that lead to flashbacks in his waking life and severe anxiety.

Though he refrained from speaking out immediately after the incident, and even after it was publicized by the New York Times last year, Day authored a fictional story based on the changes he’s perceived in himself since the Nimitz incident, titled “The See’r.” The story, published in 2009, parallels his experiences from five years earlier when he was privy to the encounter from the USS Princeton’s Combat Information Center (CIC).  

Writing his accounts as “fiction” helped him recount his experiences, leaving evidence of the UFO encounter and its high strangeness “in plain sight” as he describes it.

“Writing it as fiction provided me a way of attempting to describe the very nature of what we had encountered, to capture the weirdness of it,” Day said. “And although ‘The See’r’ is certainly fantastical, so too was the actual event. In fact, it is entirely possible the actual truth will turn out to be far, far stranger than my fictional story line.”

Perhaps the most striking part of Day’s story is that the Carrier Strike Group (CSG) in which the Princeton and Nimitz were part of, had been tracking these UFOs – or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) as the military refers to them – for several days before the recorded encounter by two of the group’s F/A-18 fighter jets.

Day said that in the days before the encounter he had been tracking and observing the UAPs without his colleagues seeming to notice. He waited for the rest of his crew in the CIC to comment on them, but no one would. Some chalk this up to the stigma associated with reporting such sightings when in charge of multi-billion machinery – no one wants to risk their reputation, or worse, their jobs to report what might be construed as an alien spaceship.

What bewildered Day was the fact that he was not just seeing a few anomalies, but what appeared to be an entire fleet of airborne objects operating above them. When he eventually said something, he said everyone acted as if they suddenly knew about the objects and had been observing them as well. That’s when the F/A-18s were deployed. Day’s account of the fleet of UAPs was later corroborated in an interview given by Luis Elizondo, the former director of AATIP.

After the event, Day said he has been contacted by men he can only describe as “spooks,” though he hasn’t been involved in any studies conducted by the government related to the incident. He has however, been in talks with Elizondo and Tom DeLonge, but is unable to give any more details.

We look forward to whatever else will be released because according to former Sen. Maj. Leader Harry Reid, there’s a lot more that may be “hiding in plain sight.”


Check out this episode of Beyond Belief, in which Richard Dolan discusses other strange military encounters with UFOs:

Avi Loeb's Galileo Project to Use Satellites to Scan Earth for UFOs

Avi Loeb’s Galileo Project to Use Satellites to Scan Earth for UFOs

The search for UFOs usually has us looking out into the depths of space, but what if we flipped it around and looked towards the Earth from space? Can we find UFOs from above?

An attempt to search for UFOs by pointing satellites at Earth; that’s the idea in Harvard professor Avi Loeb’s latest article for The Hill.

Loeb, also the author of “extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth,” and founder of the Galileo Project, explains,

“We are planning to use satellite data and potentially look at unidentified objects from above. Of course, the advantage of that is we can cover the entire Earth, if we put telescopes on the ground, we need to put a lot of them to cover the same area. The goal is to establish the reality of objects, first of all, from both directions; from above using satellite data, and from below using telescope systems, and one would guide the other. So, if we see regions of activity we can put our telescope systems there. If our telescope systems see something of interest, we can monitor what that thing does from satellite data. So, I think it’s an extremely powerful method of verifying and guiding the inquiry to the nature of unidentified aerial phenomena.

Founded in the summer of 2021, the goal of the Galileo Project is to bring the search for extraterrestrial technological signatures into the mainstream. What is the next step when we find something?

“The Galileo Project has two branches: one is to figure out the nature of any object near Earth. We plan to pursue that by using ground-based telescopes that we build, but also satellite data from Planet Labs, for example. 

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