Defense Agency Studying Anti-Gravity, Other ‘Exotic Tech’

Defense Agency Studying Anti-Gravity, Other ‘Exotic Tech’

Wormholes, invisibility cloaks, and anti-gravity — it’s not science fiction, it’s just some of the exotic things the U.S. government has been researching.

A massive document dump by the Defense Intelligence Agency shows some of the wild research projects the United States government was, at least, funding through the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program known as AATIP.

And another lesser-known entity called the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program or AAWSAP

The Defense Intelligence Agency has recently released a large number of documents to different news outlets and individuals who have filed Freedom of Information Act requests.

Of particular interest are some 1,600 pages released to Vice News, which spelled out, among other things, some of the, “exotic speculative technologies, including invisibility cloaks, traversable wormholes, stargates, negative energy, antigravity, high frequency gravitational wave communications, and an (obviously) never-carried out proposal to tunnel a hole through the moon using nuclear explosions.” 

What can we learn from these newly released documents? Nick Pope worked for the UK’s Ministry of Defence on the UFO phenomenon and weighed in on the topic.

“Here’s what we know, some of the most extraordinary topics ever to have been discussed and considered by the United States government were looked at as part of this work, there’s no getting away from that,” Pope said.

“When the DIA wrote to Congress about this — and these letters and these studies are now in the public domain — it turned out there were 38 research documents produced, and they covered the most extraordinary things: anti-gravity, invisibility, warp-drive, wormholes, stargates. This sort of thing sounds like science fiction and a lot of people maybe say, ‘well, is this legitimate to spend taxpayer’s dollars on?’ My response to that is, ‘absolutely.’ Look, this was a $24 million contract — something like the Large Hadron Collider or the James Webb Space Telescope, these are things that cost billions of dollars,” he said.

What about the timing of releasing a large number of FOIA requests now?

“This is speculation but I’ll throw it out there anyway, why not,” Pope said. “We have the James Webb Space Telescope now up, the first results are going to be available certainly this year, maybe this summer, and who knows what it will find. Something if you think you’re going to find something if you think there might be something out there, then get out ahead of the narrative, rather than react to it, start putting things out there and start speculating, you know maybe we’re not alone.”

What are the other takeaways from these documents?“The big development is that there is a consolidated posting of all the material that’s previously been posted, plus new material too,” Pope said. “For the first time, rather than part of it leaking out, part of it going to a journalist here or a researcher there, there’s one single place, officially verified where people can get all this material, old and new. It’s now up on the Defense Intelligence Agency website in their electronic reading room under the heading AATIP.

What can we expect next? How will this affect the future of disclosure?

“Congress has made it very clear, the time for joking about all this is over. Senators and congresspeople are saying ‘no, we need to look at this seriously and we want answers.’ I think it’s reflective of the fact that we all want answers too, and I think we’re going to get them,” Pope said. 

The Alternative 3-Secret Space Program Connection

The Alternative 3-Secret Space Program Connection

In 1977, a British television program titled Science Report: Alternative 3, part of an Anglia TV documentary series, aired and planted the seed of fear about an alien invasion in society at large. The program focuses on the disappearances of prominent scientists, engineers, and astronomers. The speculation is that the Earth is collapsing and will soon be unable to support human life, so these people have been taken by several governments acting together in an intergovernmental Secret Space Program (SSP) with the goal of developing colonies on other planets, using the moon as a way-station.

If you ever have a chance to view the program, it is so convincing that you will want to volunteer for the SSP, pack up your family, and head for Mars. However, there is only one known copy: it is in the possession of Alternative 3’s director. It is thought to be fading and grainy due to the passage of time. All other copies of the program were destroyed as were all contracts and any paperwork referencing the show as if the program never existed.

Although the TV program aired in June of 1977, the producers claimed it was originally intended to air on April Fool’s Day. Workers in the industry were striking, so the air date was postponed. When it did air, the reaction of viewers was reminiscent of the 1938 radio broadcast by Orson Wells of “The War of the Worlds,” which created civil unrest and havoc. The broadcast was meant to be a joke, but thousands of people in the U.S. thought the Earth was being invaded by Martians. They hit the streets in panic, not knowing what to do next or how to escape.

The program was so disturbing it was only shown once in England and once in Australia. The U.S. refused to air the program. It was never shown anywhere again. Even though the directors and producers of Alternative 3 were adamant that it was fiction, questions still abound. Is there some truth to the Alternative 3 theory?

Are there three alternatives for Earth inhabitants in case there is a catastrophic event that threatens the habitability of the planet? Thousands of people disappear every year, never to be heard from again. Could these people have been abducted to develop a Breakaway Civilization on the moon or another planet, like Mars?

Fact or Fiction?

Immediately after it aired, the producers of the program announced it had been fiction. The slot where Alternative 3 aired was one that routinely ran documentary episodes. The title of the series was Science Reports and Alternative 3 was the title of just one segment; it was the last program of the season of the Science Reports.

The program was created by reputable reporters and researchers who were well respected for their documentaries. Why would they risk their reputation by airing such a hoax? Was it really a hoax or was it a disguised message to the public about a secret space program?

A book with the same title, Alternative 3, was subsequently written by Leslie Watkins. It presented some of the theories of the alleged hoax as truth. The book and the television program promoted the idea that astronauts had landed on Mars in 1962 in a joint U.S./U.S.S.R. effort and definitively identified intelligent extraterrestrial life. It also promoted the idea that climate change was just one thing that could soon make the Earth uninhabitable.

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