Hillary Clinton Met With Laurance S. Rockefeller to Discuss UFOs

Hillary Clinton Met With Laurance S. Rockefeller to Discuss UFOs

In 1995, then-first lady Hillary Clinton took a trip to the Rockefeller Ranch in Jackson, WY, where she met with billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller. Of the many things the two discussed that weekend, one topic became the focal point of media coverage and subsequent rumblings within the world of ufology—a project that became known as The Rockefeller Initiative.

Rockefeller was a known proponent of the UFO disclosure movement, having funded a number of projects to prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. His pursuit in bringing this issue to Clinton’s attention quickly became obvious, marked by the now-famous image of the two walking in the woods, Clinton holding a copy of “Are We Alone: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life” by Paul Davies.

And while the Rockefeller Initiative was taken over by other ufologists after his death in 2004, Dr. Steven Greer says he had been involved in discussions with the late Rockefeller years before he famously met with the first lady.

Beginning in the early ‘90s, Dr. Greer began putting together materials from research he was conducting into the ET phenomenon. This consisted of countless reports from hundreds of government insiders, FAA personnel, and former military brass who wanted to come forward and testify in front of Congress about the uncanny, first-hand experiences they’d had with UFOs and ETs. Dr. Greer’s meticulous efforts would culminate in a public forum nearly a decade later at his highly publicized 2001 National Press Club event.

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But according to Dr. Greer, the Rockefeller Initiative was born from this work he had conducted under the name Project Starlight. His efforts were meant to inform top government officials of information being withheld from them, whether they were aware of it or not, by clandestine groups within the military-industrial complex, intelligence community, and other secretive government agencies. 

Through programs known as Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs), small cadres within these aforementioned groups have been withholding information on ETs and their highly advanced technologies, from ranking leaders as high as the Director of the CIA. Acting in complete autonomy, while earmarking copious amounts of money from the intelligence community’s “black budget,” USAPs were able to maintain almost complete secrecy from the public and its elected officials.

And what was the motivation behind this? Utter greed, according to Dr. Greer, who claims these advanced extraterrestrial technologies would spell the end of fossil fuels, war, and the desire to weaponize space by elite ruling classes who use these means of resource scarcity and fear to control the masses.

Among the myriad government officials and intelligence directors Dr. Greer briefed with this information, he says he received mixed reactions; some immediately embraced the importance of getting the information out, while others were reticent or fearful of what that could imply. Rockefeller, on the other hand, was supportive, as this may have been the catalyst that led to the Rockefeller Initiative and his discussions with Clinton that continue to keep this information at the forefront of the public’s attention today.

To learn more watch the new Gaia original series Disclosure with Dr. Steven Greer.

After Decades of Dismissal, NASA Finally Studying UFOs

After Decades of Dismissal, NASA Finally Studying UFOs

On the heels of the first public UFO hearing on Capitol Hill in more than 50 years, NASA has just announced it will form its own independent team to study UFOs, or UAPs as the government now calls them.

Writing in a release, NASA says it will study, “[O]bservations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena – from a scientific perspective”

Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’S associate administrator for science added, “We have the tools and team who can help us improve our understanding of the unknown. That’s the very definition of what science is. That’s what we do.”

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