Oklahoma Lawmaker Proposes Official Bigfoot Hunting Season

A hunting season for Bigfoot? One Oklahoma lawmaker has proposed just that.
Oklahoma state representative Justin Humphrey has filed legislation that would establish a Bigfoot hunting season in the state. The bill would work with the Oklahoma wildlife conservation division to establish the dates of the season, licensing, and fees. Humphrey is also hoping to establish a $25,000 bounty for anyone who captures the creature, adding he doesn’t want anyone to kill Bigfoot, but rather the license would specify trapping only.
Humphrey said in his statement “Establishing an actual hunting season and issuing licenses for people who want to hunt Bigfoot will just draw more people to our already beautiful part of the state. It will be a great way for people to enjoy our area and to have some fun.”
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Could Bigfoot Be a Product of Extraterrestrial Genetic Engineering?

Could Sasquatch be of extraterrestrial origin? A controversial scientific experiment provides some ardent believers with compelling evidence for the theory.
In a recent experiment, researchers injected human stem cells into primate embryos and were able to grow, for the first time, a human-primate chimera. The intent of the experiment was to provide new insights into developmental biology and evolution. While the study generated a great deal of controversy due to ethical concerns, it is actually serving a very different purpose for cryptozoologists and their work on Sasquatch.
Jack Cary is a cryptozoologist for whom this experiment has taken on great significance. It provides him evidence for his theory that the creature, known as Sasquatch, is actually a chimera. Cary’s theory comes from the remarkable findings of the Sasquatch Genome Project conducted in 2013.
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