Praying Mantis Aliens: The Mysterious Insectoid Extraterrestrial Race

Mantis aliens, also known as Praying Mantis aliens, are perhaps the most mysterious extraterrestrial creatures. These beings appear within many alien contact scenarios, with contactees reporting the presence of these entities looming over their beds as they wake in the dead of night. While the Mantis is not as widely reported as the Grey or Nordic alien, it still holds an important role within many extraterrestrial contact scenarios.
Some researchers have considered Mantids as a possible example of an early form of intelligent life from planet Earth itself, but this is only one theory of the origin of these creatures.
Insect beings appear within mythologies throughout the world, including Native American and African folklore. The Khoisan tribe of Africa specifically regards the mantis as the first living creature on the Earth, who granted life to animals and humans, inventing language, and bringing fire to the people. It is even said that the mantis created the moon as a guide for hunters by throwing a gallbladder into the sky.
Insects embody a quality of “otherness” in their demeanor and appearance, and this lack of mammalian attributes tends to alienate and upset human beings, leading to the death of many insects. While the mantis is easily the most human-like arthropod, there exists a deeply rooted fear of otherness that is generated when a person encounters such a creature.
Could this human reaction explain the common experience of paralysis that Mantis beings induce when contacting Earthlings? The possibility of paralysis as a precautionary measure against the overwhelming human urge to destroy the “other” cannot be discounted.
The origins of Mantis aliens are shrouded in mystery, with some theories suggesting they hail from the Draco system. According to these beliefs, Mantis aliens work in close conjunction with the Reptilians, another well-known alien species. This collaboration is thought to be part of a broader cosmic agenda involving advanced technology and interstellar influence. While concrete evidence remains elusive, these ideas contribute to the intriguing and complex narrative surrounding Mantis aliens and their place in the broader extraterrestrial landscape.
Mantis aliens are distinguished by their unique physical and behavioral characteristics, setting them apart from other ancient aliens. Their insectoid features and advanced cognitive abilities offer a fascinating glimpse into the diversity of life forms that may exist beyond Earth.
Physical Appearance
By far the most striking aspect of the Mantis alien is its physical kinship with the praying mantis, the carnivorous and bipedal insect of its namesake. Many report these beings as 6-7 feet tall, with long, thin torsos. Their necks, arms, and hands have additional joints. Their heads are insect-like and triangular, with large, slanted eyes of deep brown to black.
Most Mantids are described as dark brown, but other colors such as green and black have also been encountered. Their bodies are composed of a segmented exoskeleton, and some contactees have reported that the Mantis seem to be coated in an oily substance. Mantis are often encountered wearing long robes in a variety of colors, perhaps signifying rank, while some are unclothed.
Communication Methods
Although the Mantis tend to communicate with human contactees using telepathic messages, they have been witnessed engaging one another using auditory language. Several contactees have described the Mantis language as a series of clicking sounds exchanged between the creatures.
Some experiencers state that the Mantids are also shapeshifters and use advanced technologies to create a field around their bodies to make them appear human.
Intentions on Earth
The perceived motivation of the Mantis’s interest in humans is just as mysterious. Some contactees describe these creatures as positive, uplifting beings who seek to protect humanity and the Earth. One common thread found among many abduction scenarios is centered around the use of holographic projections as a means of education.
Contactees often report Mantis beings showing them holographic images of the destruction of planet Earth to illustrate the possible negative impact that our species could have upon the planet.
Others have reported an increase in psychic abilities post-contact. Many experiencers claim that the Mantis beings appear to possess the uncanny ability to put contactees at ease, offering telepathic words of comfort that eliminate the fear of an encounter.
Encounters and UFO Sightings
Mantis alien encounters and UFO sightings have been reported in various locations around the world, shedding light on the roles these enigmatic beings might play. Notably, in the United States, there have been several claims of encounters in Phoenix, Arizona, where residents reported seeing UFOs accompanied by descriptions of insect-like creatures. Similarly, in rural areas of the UK, witnesses have described interactions with mantis-like beings during unusual aerial phenomena.
During these abductions, Mantis aliens are often described as overseers or leaders, appearing to hold positions of power. They are typically accompanied by smaller Grey aliens, who seem to perform tasks under the Mantis’s direction. These smaller Greys are assumed to function as drones, controlled by a hive mind and utilized by various alien races.
The nature of these alien encounters frequently involves both medical procedures and instances of interrogation, with the Mantis playing a central role in these complex interactions. Reports of such experiences extend to other regions as well, including the Amazon in Brazil and provinces like Alberta and British Columbia in Canada, where witnesses have similarly described mysterious UFO sightings and encounters with beings of insectoid appearance.
Human DNA Harvesting
However, some return from their experiences with the Mantis with a darker perspective, suggesting that the Mantis may wish to conquer and control Earth rather than aid in human ascension. There are beliefs that a Mantis hybridization program is currently underway, using human DNA to create a new species.
Some report encounters with Tall Blacks, creatures thought to be the result of such hybridization. Experiencers describe these beings as incredibly tall and more humanoid than insectoid, with black skin, extremely long limbs, and extra joints on their appendages. These scenarios are very similar to those involving Mantis aliens and often revolve around medical experiments. One of the most chilling features of the Tall Blacks reported by many abductees is their glowing red eyes.
Regardless of the true motivations behind the Mantis species, their fascination with human DNA and behavior is evident from abductee accounts. Has anyone ever encountered a Mantis or insect-like alien? Are they benevolent overseers or intimidating figures conducting unsettling experiments? Keep an open mind. Only time will truly tell.
Billy Meier: The Controversial Contactee

In 1942, five-year-old Eduard Albert Meier — later known as “Billy” Meier — wandered far from the bucolic farms and sweeping countryside of the Swiss town of Bülach, and deep into the woods. Here he came upon an elderly-looking gentleman named Sfath, who was standing in the dense forest wearing garb that resembled a deep-sea diving suit without the helmet.
Despite the man’s odd appearance, the little boy did not fear him, and the two struck up a conversation — telepathically. This was to be the first of what Meier claimed to have been lifelong interactions with beings from other planets.
Now an icon in the UFO community, Meier has gained a loyal following of those who readily accept his claim that he is the seventh world prophet, in the footsteps of Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, and Mohammed, heralding the coming of World Wars, intergalactic discoveries, environmental disasters, and more.
Vehemently condemned by skeptics, yet worshipped by those who’ve taken to heart his many encounters of the fifth kind, and thousands of published documents, Meier has garnered the attention of a global audience.
Billy Meier: A Peculiar Young Man
Meier was born to an ordinary family with loving parents who raised him and his siblings in a quaint village previously unknown for anything extraordinary. As a small boy, like other children, he would play in the nearby woods, where his otherworldly relationship with Sfath would strengthen and last for eleven years. According to Meier, the two would hold conversations either outside, or with numerous other individuals on Sfath’s spacecraft.
Sfath became Meier’s first teacher and the one who would lead him to countless interactions with other alien beings. Meier claims to have traveled the world over on Sfath’s spacecraft, meeting various earthly leaders with whom Sfath was acquainted, including the venerable Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.