Dyson Spheres Key to Find Alien Civilizations Higher on Kardashev Scale

Dyson Spheres Key to Find Alien Civilizations Higher on Kardashev Scale

Searching for intelligent life in the universe? Then look for their energy source. An update on the hunt for Dyson Spheres.

In June of 1960, astrophysicist Freeman Dyson published his paper Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation in the journal Science. In it he argued a way to detect intelligent life in the universe by finding their energy signature that would be created by, he presumed a highly advanced technology.

He wrote, “If extraterrestrial intelligent beings exist and have reached a high level of technical development, one byproduct of their energy metabolism is likely to be the large-scale conversion of starlight into far-infrared radiation.”

Dyson, who died one year ago this month at age 96, believed that an advanced technology would harness solar power from a star with an array of solar panels. He explained in a 2003 interview that he once described it as a biosphere, but since then this theory has been known as a Dyson Sphere.

Dr. Seth Shostak Sr. Astronomer at the SETI Institute explains, “If you’re looking for E.T., if you’re looking for intelligence elsewhere in the universe, you’ve got to figure there are societies out there that are way more advanced than we are, you know the universe has been around for a long time. And they may have constructed something like a Dyson Sphere, or more accurately a Dyson Swarm, or something we can see. And there have actually been searches for alien Dyson Spheres.”

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The Ubaid Lizardmen Figurines; Reptilians in Ancient Sumer

The Ubaid Lizardmen Figurines; Reptilians in Ancient Sumer

By now, the idea of reptilian humanoids sharing this planet with us is nothing new, especially to those in the world of ufology and alien conspiracy. And if we look closer at what is being uncovered at ancient archaeological digs, it has become evident to many that signs of an ancient reptilian race may be right in front of our noses.

A recent discovery at the Al Ubaid archaeological site, where many pre-Sumerian 7,000-year-old artifacts were found, depict humanoid figures with lizard-like characteristics. Now interested parties are left wondering whether these are images of mythical figures or actual beings who still live among us.

Evidence from Sumerian Statues of the Distant Past

The Ubaid period is a prehistoric era particular to Mesopotamia that falls sometime between 5500 and 4000 BCE. The period is much older than historians have accepted as the beginning of civilization associated with ancient Sumer. Sumerians are considered by academics to be the creators of civilization (4500 to 4000 BCE).

The name “Ubaid” comes from Tell al-‘Ubaid, the location of the earliest excavation of ancient material discovered in what is now modern-day Iraq. According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the people of the region left behind “baked clay figurines, mainly female, decorated with painted or appliqué ornament and lizardlike heads,” all of which have been found at a number of Ubaid sites.

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