After Decades of Dismissal, NASA Finally Studying UFOs

After Decades of Dismissal, NASA Finally Studying UFOs

On the heels of the first public UFO hearing on Capitol Hill in more than 50 years, NASA has just announced it will form its own independent team to study UFOs, or UAPs as the government now calls them.

Writing in a release, NASA says it will study, “[O]bservations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena – from a scientific perspective”

Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’S associate administrator for science added, “We have the tools and team who can help us improve our understanding of the unknown. That’s the very definition of what science is. That’s what we do.”

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For context and perspective, we talked to Nick Pope who served at the UK’s Ministry of Defense covering UFOs for years. 

“Well, this NASA announcement is groundbreaking,” Pope said. “I very much welcome it, I think it’s long overdue, and I think it’s very interesting — you could read it a number of ways. Firstly, you could say that this was just filling an obvious gap that the military and intelligence community are actively researching and investigating as a result of congressional interest — and more than interest of course, it’s in the Defense bill, so it’s a mandate.”

“So you could just say that well, they want a science plan in all of this NASA is logically the place to do it. But there’s another way that you could interpret it: NASA doing their own inquiry is arguably a sort of statement that they don’t perhaps have confidence in the way that the DoD and intelligence community are moving ahead, and they want to do it their own way and use their own resources and capabilities,” he said.

This is a major break from the past for the space agency, which has avoided any serious discussion of aerial phenomena for decades. So why is it doing this and why now?

“This is a complete 180-degree turn,” Pope said. “NASA previously said, ‘[W]e are looking for extraterrestrial life, but its a scientific search, we are not, as part of that, looking at UFOs. We are not interested in UFO sightings. We have not investigated and will not.’”

“And now it’s like, ‘Oh yeah, we better take a look at this.’ So, either they realized that they’d been missing a trick, or the doubters are correct when they say, ‘Come on, they were always in this game, now they’ve got to be open about it.’ But either way, this is a dramatic u-turn. You can’t overstate the importance of this, because they were absolutely adamant that they were not going to touch this subject, and now, here they are at the heart of it,” Pope said.

Pope has been involved with UFO studies for nearly 30 years looking at the bigger picture. What does this announcement mean? Could this lead us to disclosure? 

“This is vindication, this announcement is really, I think, a validation of what a lot of people know, suspect, believe — depending on who they are and what access they’ve had — and it’s another piece of the puzzle,” Pope said. “I think four or five years ago, nobody would have realistically thought we’d be where we are now. I mean, it’s just revelation after revelation; the existence of the Pentagon’s AATIP program, the US Navy videos and photos of these, classified briefings in Congress, a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, public hearings, open hearings, in congress, and probably more to come — and now this NASA announcement. All I can say is, ‘my goodness, what’s next?’”

The team will begin their study this fall and it should last about nine months.

Constitutional Attorney Explains History of Government UFO Secrecy

Constitutional Attorney Explains History of Government UFO Secrecy

Constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan is one of the more credible and informed sources on the history of UFO non-disclosure. Having been involved with a number of cases tangentially related to the government’s UFO secrecy, he offers an insider’s view and sets the record straight about how private corporations have controlled government policy and why they have waged a disinformation campaign to protect their interests and consolidate power. 

Over the past few years, the Pentagon has pivoted to admitting that UFOs (now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs) are a real phenomenon. However, the question remains as to whether the public is being told the truth or whether a deeper cover-up is taking place. 

There are some in the world of ufology who may wonder what Sheehan’s motives are, and which side of the fence he’s on, regarding his decision to take on former counterintelligence officer Luis Elizondo, as a client. But before addressing this question, Sheehan carefully recounts the strange history leading up to our contemporary period of ostensible disclosure.

After the Civil War, a group of roughly 30 families sought to dominate the instrumentalities of the United States by consolidating power into corporate structures that would influence global, geopolitical mechanisms, according to Sheehan. This group laid the foundation for a power structure that has maintained control for nearly two centuries, propping up fascist regimes in the aftermath of both World Wars, including the Third Reich. 

By the time of the Roswell Incident of 1947, and in the post-WWII climate, the fledgling power brokers of the late-1800s were already well in control of the military-industrial complex. 

When alien technology from the crash was studied, these groups found a way to monopolize it “so they could use it to the advantage of the United States and the western allies in the Cold War,” Sheehan said.

This strategy was operational up until 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved. At this point, the United States, as well as all of Western civilization, began figuring out how to reorient itself after this decades-long confrontation. 

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