The Tall, Red-Headed Demi-Gods From Orion

The Tall, Red-Headed Demi-Gods From Orion

Humans through millennia have gazed into the night’s sky at Orion’s three outstanding stars. Among them was the Greek poet Homer who made mention of the constellation in the Odyssey;. the writers of the Old Testament referenced Orion in two of its books, Job and Amos; and the Egyptian mathematician Ptolemy, who cataloged Orion in his astronomical studies.

Named after the Greek hunter, the constellation of Orion is one of the most famous of all constellations, with nearly every ancient civilization forming an affinity to it from the Middle East to Africa and across the Americas. It is even said that the ancient Egyptians and Mayans used the three stars of Orion’s belt as a guide for positioning the pyramids, to mimic what they had seen in the heavens above. 

And modern-day researchers, including Freddy Silva, are putting together the pieces embedded in the myths of the ancient world, asserting that the “gods” descended from the belt of Orion, came to Earth, and became our ancestors.

Many have questioned the origins of humans on Earth, as there seems to be no definitive starting point, but several researchers, such as Graham Hancock, Freddy Silva, and others, have concluded that mainstream science is way off the mark.

Silva cites several interesting sites and cultures that point to extraterrestrial origins of the human race, and his evidence is worldwide. The gods, Silva suggests, may have been more literal than mythical. A god, he says, “was considered any being who had control over the laws of nature… a god is a force of nature.” The gods who descended from Orion and came to planet Earth were human-like, but not quite human.

Much of this mystery has to do with the great flood occurring around 12,000 years ago that is written about in the oldest literature of myriad cultures. Following the flood, the gods seem to have moved on from this world, leaving their children behind to procreate with human women. The offspring were known as Nephila, translating to “the children of Orion.” 

In an article, Silva writes that Robert Bauval, Belgian author and lecturer known for his Orion Correlation Theory regarding the Giza pyramid complex, and director-writer Adrian Gilbert, have shown how the foundation plan of the three main Giza pyramids mirror Orion’s belt as it would have been aligned around 10,500 B.C.E. 

This, as well as the geographical layout of Gobekli Tepe and the Mayan pyramids, maybe a clue to the origins of our modern-day human species. Why else, of all constellations, were early peoples so concerned with Orion (of all the billions of stars in the sky), other than to pay homage to the giant gods? 

In “Orion, Home of the Gods,” Silva tells Regina Meredith that the beings from Orion were red-haired giants, and their images can still be found on cave and rock wall drawings surviving from antiquity, including those painted on the walls of Horseshoe Canyon, Utah. 

And in the 17th century, when European explorers landed in the Pacific islands, from Easter Island to New Zealand, they were amazed at how many blond-haired natives inhabited Polynesia. Silva notes that 60 percent of the Tahitian islanders were blond and blue-eyed.

Freddy Silva is a treasure trove of information about the cultures linked to the constellation of Orion, as his books reveal. His latest interview leaves one wondering whether our earliest beginnings were anything but what modern-day science has concluded — and perhaps we are, in large part, descendants from a race of giants who were literally out of this world.

Laser Scanning Reveals Mayan Complex Hidden for Centuries

Laser Scanning Reveals Mayan Complex Hidden for Centuries

Laser mapping reveals nearly 500 ancient ceremonial sites hiding just under the landscape of modern-day Mexico and leads scientists to revise their understandings of the origins of the Maya Civilization.

Eastern Mexico is home to the ancient Maya, renowned for their striking pyramids, written language, and complex calendar system. It is there that scientists first discovered Aquada Fénix, the largest and oldest-known Mayan construction.

Professor Takeshi Inomata is an archeologist at the University of Arizona who led the study. “We did LiDAR, which is an airborne laser marking technique. Using this technique we found Aguada Fénix, which is the oldest monumental construction in the Maya area,” Inomata said. “It has a huge artificial plateau which has a perfect, rectangular shape measuring 1.4 km long and 400m wide, which represents the largest construction in the entire Maya history. It dates to probably 1,100 – 700 BC, which makes it the oldest monumental construction in the Maya area. So the interesting part is that the largest building happened at the very beginning or oldest stage of Maya civilization.”

Having made this extraordinary find, the team recently expanded their search to a broader area using the same cutting-edge LiDAR technology. They were specifically hoping to find sites built by the Olmec people, an older civilization thought to have influenced the development of the Maya. What LiDAR revealed was groundbreaking.

“We found nearly 500 ceremonial complexes, which look like Aguada Fénix, although they are not as big. This distribution shows they shared similar concepts of space, ritual, and probably worldview. It tells us the people in the Olmec area and the Maya area really exchanged ideas and that kind of interaction was very important for the initial development of Mesoamerican civilizations,” Inomata said.

“This is the earliest evidence for the gathering of a really large number of people. Those people probably did not have too many hierarchical organizations, they most likely did not have kings. They didn’t have much marked social inequalities, so those people gathered and organized themselves, then made these huge constructions. This really makes us think about the development and possibility of human societies, not just about Mesoamerica, but about human societies in general.”

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