Ashley Hixon

Ashley Hixon

Ashley is a kind, inquisitive ashtanga teacher with precise instruction stemming from over 15 years of dedicated practice. Her teachings are rooted deeply in the study of gross and subtle body alignment and connection to breath. Advanced and beginner practitioners alike can expect a guided exploration of accessible sequencing while learning foundational elements of the practice.

“Yoga is the best thing I know to do for myself. Its capacity to broaden my perspective is profound and I want to continue exploring. I've learned more from teaching than I could have ever imagined and hope to share opportunities for insight as I glimpse them.”

When she’s not in the studio, you can find Ashley way out in the wilderness, skiing, hiking, backpacking, or rafting rivers. Discover more about Ashley:

7 classes found

Ashley Hixon
A steady, strong core sequence to fire up and cultivate a framework of strength for the various transitions found in a regular ashtanga practice. Find tiny, challenging movements and bigger, dynamic movements that build up to a float-through transition.
Ashley Hixon
Flow through an abbreviated form of primary series at a rhythmic pace. Begin with sun salutations, a shortened standing sequence, then accessible seated poses, and close with a nice smooth finishing sequence.
Ashley Hixon
Embrace the postural representations of day and night in the body, breath, and perception on this opportune day of the spring equinox. This practice includes sun salutations, standing poses, and hip openers to help support a calm yet alert state.
Ashley Hixon
A sweet, supportive sequence for navigating loss. Have a blanket rolled up lengthwise available as you move through supported forward folds and gentle twists. Complete your practice with a soft heart opener as a long resting pose.
Ashley Hixon
Honor the winter solstice by tapping into the lunar patterns of your practice. This sequence flows steadily through sun salutations and supported backbends with a sentiment of kindness and softness to find sweet pauses.
Ashley Hixon
A fluid sequence to float into your day. Move through a well-rounded practice including surya namaskars, strong standing poses, and twists, sprinkled with half lotus poses and inversions.
Ashley Hixon
A brief, yet comprehensive taste of the Ashtanga primary series, getting small bits of sun salutations, standing, seated, and closing postures.