Steph Schwartz

Steph Schwartz

Steph Trinidad, formerly Schwartz, weaves yogic storytelling into feel-good flows that unlock hearts and inspire souls. With 17+ years of teaching experience, Steph draws heavily from the devotional qualities of Bhakti yoga combined with the fluid and physical aspects of vinyasa. Steph masterfully translates yogic philosophy through mantra (chanting) and is deeply connected to her kirtan community. She also knows how to move with heat-building mandala flows woven with humor and compassion to maintain presence. Practitioners can expect concise alignment cues delivered with a poetic understanding of the human body and its superhuman capabilities. Her path to yoga started off the mat and on the road as an ultra marathon runner, where she found yoga as an injury prevention tool and mental stamina practice to help her go the distance. Steph is also a skydiving enthusiast, BASE flyer, and dog parent to Boogie and Diggit. Discover more about Steph:

283 classes found

Yoga Every Day
When it comes to detoxing, most people only think about the physical body, but detoxification of the mind is just as important. By spending time in spinal twists and hip openers, discover physical and mental space, creating room for new beginnings.
Yoga Every Day
Build the foundations to a lifelong practice by understanding the basics of a hatha practice. Move mindfully through essential hatha poses before ending in final relaxation.
Yoga Every Day
Begin on your back with controlled belly-up core exercises before moving through a balanced practice culminating in crow pose. The word hatha embodies two opposites, the sun and the moon. The practice of yoga is to unite opposites, creating a steady balance, the result of intention and ease. The ability to embody both of these opposite qualities is at the heart of yoga, referenced in the yoga Sutras as “sthira sukham asanam."
Yoga Every Day
Begin with a circular moon breath before moving into poses designed to help you expand your physical body, creating an open container in which you can receive each breath. Leave your mat feeling sweetly grounded and calm.
Yoga Every Day
Stoke your agni (inner fire) in this invigorating practice. Intensify your fire by beginning with a breathing practice known as kapalabhati (skull shining breath), then move into a series of challenging, heat-building poses.
Yoga Every Day
Chant OM to connect and flow and the silent mantra ‘I am Truth’, or ‘So Ham’ as a reminder we are connected to something bigger than Self. The sound of OM can vibrate at 432 mhz to hold the same vibrational frequency found in the earth, planets and stars.
Yoga Every Day
Clearing energy in the throat region allows us to speak our truth and apply satya more freely. Use chanting and backbending postures to open up the throat chakra and explore what it takes to state our truth.
Yoga Every Day
Explore the spaces in between the breaths, and in between the thoughts. By taking the powerful role of the observer, we see more clearly our satya (truth) both in our experiences and choices on and off the mat. Often it just takes a little space for our truth to become clearer.
Yoga Every Day
By listening more closely to the body, we begin to understand the body never lies. In today’s practice, explore the application of satya (truth in practice) while tuning into the body’s requirements. Learn to find a balance between what you're putting into the pose and what you're receiving.
Yoga Every Day
A simple application of breath to movement can be a powerful way to get your practice to be a meditative flow. Explore satya (truth) by taking a mindful approach to linking breath to movements in order to slow down and fully experience the truth in each moment.
Yoga Every Day
Explore extended hand to big toe pose (utthita hasta padangusthasana) as you set an intention to help shape your experience, connect to foundation, use a centering mantra, and create space to allow for what arises.
Yoga Every Day
Consider the embodiment of your intention and the power to shape your experience. Practice supine hand to big toe pose and lengthen the hips, hamstrings, and side bodies.
Yoga Every Day
Free up some tension from the hips and hamstrings - areas that hold the complex tapestry of our history. Notice what comes up as we open up these areas, and allow space for what arises.
Yoga Every Day
Use the mantra "I am centered" while moving through sun salutations and playing with balancing poses. This practice will create a sense of groundedness on and off the mat.
Yoga Every Day
Balancing postures requires a strong foundation. In this grounding practice, send your roots to the earth and feel how it supports the structure of the pose, the breath, and our presence.
Yoga Every Day
Stimulate your breath in this moon-focused flow class. Use alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) to get grounded in order to open and receive each moment as it unfolds. Travel briskly through standing, hip opening, and core poses.
Yoga Every Day
Start with breath of fire to stoke your power center and build some heat in the body. Follow that up with some spinal mobility poses and complete with a cooling breath.
Yoga Every Day
Open the sides of your body to increase and explore your breath capacity.