Steph Schwartz

Steph Schwartz

Steph Trinidad, formerly Schwartz, weaves yogic storytelling into feel-good flows that unlock hearts and inspire souls. With 17+ years of teaching experience, Steph draws heavily from the devotional qualities of Bhakti yoga combined with the fluid and physical aspects of vinyasa. Steph masterfully translates yogic philosophy through mantra (chanting) and is deeply connected to her kirtan community. She also knows how to move with heat-building mandala flows woven with humor and compassion to maintain presence. Practitioners can expect concise alignment cues delivered with a poetic understanding of the human body and its superhuman capabilities. Her path to yoga started off the mat and on the road as an ultra marathon runner, where she found yoga as an injury prevention tool and mental stamina practice to help her go the distance. Steph is also a skydiving enthusiast, BASE flyer, and dog parent to Boogie and Diggit. Discover more about Steph:

277 classes found

Yoga Every Day
This practice looks at the principle of santosha (contentment). It’s not always easy to accept where you are in life, but with the help of a consistent yoga practice you can learn to appreciate exactly where you are right now.
Yoga Every Day
The first niyama, saucha, is commonly translated to mean ‘cleanliness.’ Join this practice to explore this yogic principle and how it can help you embrace the practice of setting clear energetic boundaries.
Sunrise Yoga
Graittude is a healing and transformative source that is always within reach. Begin this joyrful practice with a chant to Lakshmi (goddess of abundance) and move into a flowing practice to open your heart. Experience strong standing poses, forward folds, and grounded hip openers and heart openers as you work toward ardha chandra chapasa (sugarcane pose).
Yoga Every Day
Non-grasping (aparigraha) asks us to loosen your grip on plans and outcomes. Use this principle as you move with staying present without overly attaching to the end result, through a variety of balancing postures.
Yoga Every Day
Brahmacharya, or moderation, suggests that we balance effort with ease in all areas of our life. Use the power of the pelvic floor to simultaneously harness and conserve prana, through a practice building towards crow pose (bakasana).
Yoga Every Day
Asteya, or non-stealing, manifests in your life when you feel like there is not enough. Get rid of this perception of scarcity as you move on your mat today, bringing in a feeling of abundance through twists and poses that focus on your hips and hamstrings.
Yoga Every Day
Satya (truth), asks us to be honest in our feelings, thoughts, and actions. This practice asks you to get honest with yourself and your body as you practice poses that focus on your hamstrings, hips, and quads.
Yoga Every Day
Ahimsa, or non-violence, asks us to practice compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others. As you practice, look for any tendencies you have to force the postures or breath and, instead, look to find ease.
Sunrise Yoga
Open the core of your body with this gentle morning flow. Combine pranayama (breath work) and a sequence of poses designed to focus on your quads, shoulders, hips, and core to leave your body oxygenated and ready for the day.
Yoga Every Day
This gentle practice includes standing postures, floor hip stretches, seated twists, and closes with a mantra chant in savasana.
Yoga Every Day
Move with your breath in this simple and fluid practice. Expect some lunges and some backbends while in moving meditation.
Yoga Every Day
The mantra so hum (I am all that is) connects us to something bigger than ourselves. Use this mantra as a guide for your practice as you gently flow through hip- and hamstring-focused poses.
Yoga Every Day
Find a moving meditation, slowing the cadence of your breath while opening your heart, hips, and hamstrings. By observing your breath and body as you practice, you can still your mind and enjoy the graceful magic of being fully present.
Yoga Every Day
Hanuman, also known as the monkey god, helps us connect to the purpose of devotion, guiding us to connect with our powerful heart center. Explore hamstring openers and full splits with this practice.
Yoga Every Day
Join Steph today as you play on your mat in steadiness and ease to discover a balanced center.
Yoga Every Day
Use mantra, mudra (hand gestures), and asana (movement) to discover your powerful and synergistic center. Yoga is about the union of opposites - bringing together things that seem separate but in reality are not.
Yoga Every Day
Embrace and honor who you are in this practice. Use the power of intention and mantra to strengthen your authentic self, detaching from the need to impress or prove yourself to anyone else.
Sunrise Yoga
Gradually awaken, beginning with yin-spired poses for your shoulders and hamstrings and then energizing from the ground up through fun standing sequences. Ease into your day and leave your mat feeling energized and ready for anything!