3 Commercial Airlines Report UFO Sighting Over Ireland Airport

3 Commercial Airlines Report UFO Sighting Over Ireland Airport

Several commercial aircraft pilots reported sightings of a UFO early Friday morning over southern Ireland’s Shannon Airport. Audio of the incident was released in addition to a video purporting to show the unidentified object in question. Irish Aviation Authorities confirmed an investigation was underway, while the incident continues to receive coverage across mainstream media outlets.

According to an audio recording between the pilots and ground control, the UFO was observed shortly after sunrise on Nov. 9, 2018. The incident is already being written off as pilots mistaking a meteorite entering and burning up in the atmosphere, or as one publication described, “pilots… most likely saw a shooting star, according to a leading expert.”

Seriously? Does this ‘leading expert’ really believe three different commercial pilots from leading airlines would mistake a meteorite for a UFO? Do meteorites fly alongside planes before sharply changing direction and flying away at “absolutely astronomical” speed?

According to the audio, a British Airways pilot first radios in, asking if any military operations are underway in the area, to which she is told there were none. She then responds saying, “Ok, it was moving so fast. In fact, we can no longer see it.”

Air traffic control then inquires whether the object(s) flew alongside her, to which she responds, “just two come up on our left-hand side and then rapidly veer to the north. We saw a bright light and then it disappeared at a very high speed. We were just wondering, we didn’t think it was a likely collision course, we were just wondering what that could have been.”

Then on a completely different frequency and to a different air traffic controller, a Virgin Airlines pilot reports seeing the lights, as well.

“Virgin 76 I saw two bright lights, 11 o’clock, seemed to bank over to the right and then climb away at speed, at least from our perspective,” the pilot said, describing what he saw as “another object making some kind of re-entry – appears to be multiple objects following the same trajectory, very bright from where we were.”

A third pilot from another aircraft chimes in saying, “glad it wasn’t just me!” before the Virgin pilot responds saying, “no, uh yeah, very interesting that one.”

The latest sighting comes in the wake of several similarly strange instances reported by commercial pilots over the past year. Three of these incidents were first reported by The Drive, including sightings in Arizona, Oregon and New York, before later being picked up by a number of mainstream publications.

Some of these went beyond the typical sighting and dismissal as unexplained anomalies, notably the Oregon incident, which prompted the Air Force to scramble several F-15 fighter jets to investigate.

Irish authorities didn’t feel the need to instigate any military response, though it released a statement saying an investigation was under way.

“Following reports from a small number of aircraft on Friday, November 9, of unusual air activity, the IAA has filed a report,” the Irish aviation authorities said. “This report will be investigated under the normal confidential occurrence investigation process.”

Constitutional Attorney Explains History of Government UFO Secrecy

Constitutional Attorney Explains History of Government UFO Secrecy

Constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan is one of the more credible and informed sources on the history of UFO non-disclosure. Having been involved with a number of cases tangentially related to the government’s UFO secrecy, he offers an insider’s view and sets the record straight about how private corporations have controlled government policy and why they have waged a disinformation campaign to protect their interests and consolidate power. 

Over the past few years, the Pentagon has pivoted to admitting that UFOs (now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs) are a real phenomenon. However, the question remains as to whether the public is being told the truth or whether a deeper cover-up is taking place. 

There are some in the world of ufology who may wonder what Sheehan’s motives are, and which side of the fence he’s on, regarding his decision to take on former counterintelligence officer Luis Elizondo, as a client. But before addressing this question, Sheehan carefully recounts the strange history leading up to our contemporary period of ostensible disclosure.

After the Civil War, a group of roughly 30 families sought to dominate the instrumentalities of the United States by consolidating power into corporate structures that would influence global, geopolitical mechanisms, according to Sheehan. This group laid the foundation for a power structure that has maintained control for nearly two centuries, propping up fascist regimes in the aftermath of both World Wars, including the Third Reich. 

By the time of the Roswell Incident of 1947, and in the post-WWII climate, the fledgling power brokers of the late-1800s were already well in control of the military-industrial complex. 

When alien technology from the crash was studied, these groups found a way to monopolize it “so they could use it to the advantage of the United States and the western allies in the Cold War,” Sheehan said.

This strategy was operational up until 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved. At this point, the United States, as well as all of Western civilization, began figuring out how to reorient itself after this decades-long confrontation. 

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