Constitutional Attorney Explains History of Government UFO Secrecy

Constitutional Attorney Explains History of Government UFO Secrecy

Constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan is one of the more credible and informed sources on the history of UFO non-disclosure. Having been involved with a number of cases tangentially related to the government’s UFO secrecy, he offers an insider’s view and sets the record straight about how private corporations have controlled government policy and why they have waged a disinformation campaign to protect their interests and consolidate power. 

Over the past few years, the Pentagon has pivoted to admitting that UFOs (now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs) are a real phenomenon. However, the question remains as to whether the public is being told the truth or whether a deeper cover-up is taking place. 

There are some in the world of ufology who may wonder what Sheehan’s motives are, and which side of the fence he’s on, regarding his decision to take on former counterintelligence officer Luis Elizondo, as a client. But before addressing this question, Sheehan carefully recounts the strange history leading up to our contemporary period of ostensible disclosure.

After the Civil War, a group of roughly 30 families sought to dominate the instrumentalities of the United States by consolidating power into corporate structures that would influence global, geopolitical mechanisms, according to Sheehan. This group laid the foundation for a power structure that has maintained control for nearly two centuries, propping up fascist regimes in the aftermath of both World Wars, including the Third Reich. 

By the time of the Roswell Incident of 1947, and in the post-WWII climate, the fledgling power brokers of the late-1800s were already well in control of the military-industrial complex. 

When alien technology from the crash was studied, these groups found a way to monopolize it “so they could use it to the advantage of the United States and the western allies in the Cold War,” Sheehan said.

This strategy was operational up until 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved. At this point, the United States, as well as all of Western civilization, began figuring out how to reorient itself after this decades-long confrontation. 

According to Sheehan, the next step was “to prepare for an ongoing confrontation with China—the new rising Asian Empire.” In the mind of the Pentagon, the United States’ adversarial stance has been used as an excuse to develop the latest cutting-edge defense weaponry and aeronautical engineering, much of which has likley been back-engineered from alien technology.

The uptick in UFOs sightings worldwide has also increased the government’s resolve to develop more sophisticated tracking technology to find and identify these craft, Sheehan says. He cites the CIA’s newly formed Electromagnetic Intelligence Center, which has created equipment able to track electromagnetic signatures of UFOs with greater efficiency. 

Sheehan also mentions another little-known entity called the Geospatial Intelligence Center. In addition to housing information about the 1947 Roswell incident, the GIC inside the Defense Department has been taking a closer look at the UFO situation, both technologically and in terms of public relations. 

Before admitting to its knowledge of UFOs, one of the major decisions among those in power, was to disassociate from the term “UFO” to avoid bringing in “all the baggage” that has been associated with ufology, Sheehan says. 

The idea was to replace the popular UFO moniker with UAP and focus only on the technology under the Defense Department’s weapons program. This became the catalyst for Elizondo to enter the scene in 2007 as director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

Although he was front and center when the more recent UAP videos were released to the media and published worldwide, Elizondo has come under scrutiny by a segment of the UFO community, as a potential source of disinformation. On the other side of the coin, he claims he has been on the receiving end of a military-government smear campaign.

Sheehan’s careful analysis of the UFO-government connection is intriguing, as is his historical perspective, which has set the stage and context for fascism, government secrecy, and an elite group’s efforts to maintain and consolidate power. His discussion moves us to recognize where the UAP phenomenon is leading, “why the extraterrestrial beings are not revealing themselves to us,” and why our human species “is not at the apex of a pyramid of conscious life in the universe,” as some may believe.

Hillary Clinton Met With Laurance S. Rockefeller to Discuss UFOs

Hillary Clinton Met With Laurance S. Rockefeller to Discuss UFOs

In 1995, then-first lady Hillary Clinton took a trip to the Rockefeller Ranch in Jackson, WY, where she met with billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller. Of the many things the two discussed that weekend, one topic became the focal point of media coverage and subsequent rumblings within the world of ufology—a project that became known as The Rockefeller Initiative.

Rockefeller was a known proponent of the UFO disclosure movement, having funded a number of projects to prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. His pursuit in bringing this issue to Clinton’s attention quickly became obvious, marked by the now-famous image of the two walking in the woods, Clinton holding a copy of “Are We Alone: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life” by Paul Davies.

And while the Rockefeller Initiative was taken over by other ufologists after his death in 2004, Dr. Steven Greer says he had been involved in discussions with the late Rockefeller years before he famously met with the first lady.

Beginning in the early ‘90s, Dr. Greer began putting together materials from research he was conducting into the ET phenomenon. This consisted of countless reports from hundreds of government insiders, FAA personnel, and former military brass who wanted to come forward and testify in front of Congress about the uncanny, first-hand experiences they’d had with UFOs and ETs. Dr. Greer’s meticulous efforts would culminate in a public forum nearly a decade later at his highly publicized 2001 National Press Club event.

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