3 Magical Mantras to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

3 Magical Mantras to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Most doubts and insecurities we experience in life are superficial, a layer of fear that masks a deeper, innate sense of self-trust, dignity and self-worth. But when you quiet the false voices of negativity that cloud your thoughts, your true voice will be heard…the inner voice that says “I’m good enough!”

However, it does take a bit of work and time to train you mind to ignore your “fear-loving Ego-Mind,” and turn up the volume of your “Higher Mind.” We must weed the garden in our subconscious mind, and plant the seeds of loving and supportive thoughts and beliefs.

The following Magical Mantras will help you get to know who you really are and to accept, embrace, and celebrate all the things that make you the unique, wonderful person you are. It will transform your negative thought fixation and help you find the self-confidence that’s always been within you, waiting to be unleashed. With this new self-confidence you will feel your authentic power emerge and live the life that you were meant to live.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the day you will:

  • Squelch insecurity.
  • Discover your positive attributes.
  • Shine like the star you are.

So, now, if you’re ready, here are your three Mantras to boost your self-esteem and unleash your hidden reserves of energy and vitality into your life. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three Mantras throughout the day and feel their vibrational energy absorbing into your soul:

  • I embrace my happy feelings and enjoy being content as I love and appreciate myself.
  • I deserve to be happy and feel good every day about all areas in my life.
  • I feel secure in who I am, and do not need to compare myself to others.

You can permanently rewire you subconscious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them in a deep meditative state with guided meditation.

3 Magical Mantras to Boost Your Prosperity

3 Magical Mantras to Boost Your Prosperity

There is no shortage of prosperity in the world. It is a bottomless and self-replenishing cup from which we may all drink our fill. Unfortunately, self-defeating thoughts and negative self-talk can keep you from acknowledging all that is available to you and miss the opportunities that are all around you. Change those thoughts, however, and you invite the things you desire to come to you of their own accord.

With these powerful prosperity Mantras you will open up your mind and tap into the Universe and its unlimited source of abundance. Repeat these Mantras as you breath deeply, slowly and relax. With each repetition you will be reprogramming your subconscious mind to remove limiting beliefs and clear a path for wealth and prosperity to find you.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the week you will:

  • Clarify your true financial desires.
  • Throw off the shackles of your limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind to attract more prosperity into your life.

So now, if you’re ready, here are your 3 Mantras to attract more financial ease into your life. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three Mantras throughout the week and feel their vibrational energy entering in your being:

  • I experience peace, happiness, prosperity, and wealth as an integral part of my life.
  • It is completely safe, easy and natural for me to be prosperous and successful.
  • Prosperity flows towards me every day and in every way.

If you want to “turbo-charge” these mantras, I suggest that you repeat them mentally for 5-10 minutes, while you are in a relaxing, quiet place with your eyes closed. This will put you in a light meditative state where your brain waves will slow down to the Alpha level. While in this state, your normally locked subconcious mind will be open to receive the suggestions, making the change in your thought patterns quicker and easier.

Alternatively, you can relax and listen to them through guided meditation and let your guide do all the work while your subconscious becomes rewired for abundance and prosperity.

Enjoy and let me know how you go!

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