3 Magical Mantras to Stop Procrastination and Fire Up Enthusiasm
![3 Magical Mantras to Stop Procrastination and Fire Up Enthusiasm](/wp-content/uploads/article-migration-image-3329-3-magical-mantras-to-stop-procrastination-and-fire-up-enthusiasm-768x432.jpg)
According to Psychology Today, 20% of people are true procrastinators who consistently avoid difficult tasks and deliberately look for distractions. They don’t realize that procrastination is actually a manifestation of being unable to regulate emotions and accurately predict how we will feel tomorrow, or the next day.
However, when you learn that procrastination is really self-sabotage in disguise, you can break the pattern and become inspired to achieve.
With these powerful mantras, you’ll quickly overcome your personal resistance to change the negative patterns in your subconscious mind. You will tap into the passion and enthusiasm that you may think that you have lost, but is simply dormant and waiting to explode anew.
By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the week you will:
- Go from passive to proactive.
- Rediscover your motivation.
- Become unstoppable.
So, now, if you’re ready, here are your three mantras to eliminate procrastination and boost your enthusiasm. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three mantras throughout the day and feel their vibrational energy entering in your being:
- Today and everyday I will take one bold action step toward my dreams.
- I connect with and visualize my dreams as reality everyday and this motivation catapults me toward my goals.
- I possess the wisdom, the power, the motivation, the inspiration and the passion to accomplish anything and everything I choose.
Power up these mantras by repeating them in a proud, strong voice, as you look deep into your own eyes in the mirror. They will penetrate into your soul and be expressed in your being.
Alternatively, you can permanently rewire you subconscious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them in a deep meditative state with guided meditation.
How Mantra Transports The Mind's Awareness to the Heart
![How Mantra Transports The Mind’s Awareness to the Heart](/wp-content/uploads/mantra_meditation-768x432.jpg)
In 2006, I enrolled in yoga teacher training. They sat us in a circle of 20 people and asked us to say our names and something fun about ourselves. My mouth got dry, my armpits started sweating, and like many introverts who are shy about public speaking, I waited to go last. By the time it was my turn, the nerves had totally built up.
I gave a terse introduction, all the while speaking through a shaky voice as I felt the nervous sweat dripping down my body. I realized I was terrified of speaking in front of my peers and loathed having all eyes on me. That evening I visited the leader and told him I was quitting teacher training.
It’s 2021 now and I can say honestly I’m glad he didn’t let me, but I am still, to this day, fearful of public speaking. During the first class I ever taught I received a comment card saying I had a robotic voice! But my motto ‘fake it until you make it’ one day turned into ‘fake it until you become it.’ That’s why I chose to continue to master my trade and teach yoga full time.
In 2009, I trained with Janet Stone at her very first teacher training where we sang and sang. I was introduced to the power of mantra. Maybe I loved it because I am half Filipina and lived in the Philippines—Filipinos love to sing! Maybe it was because my Dad, as a diplomat, played karaoke songs when I was little and I knew all the words to New York, New York by 5th grade. Ever since the training, mantra has been my savior.