3 Magical Mantras to Stop Procrastination and Fire Up Enthusiasm

3 Magical Mantras to Stop Procrastination and Fire Up Enthusiasm

According to Psychology Today, 20% of people are true procrastinators who consistently avoid difficult tasks and deliberately look for distractions. They don’t realize that procrastination is actually a manifestation of being unable to regulate emotions and accurately predict how we will feel tomorrow, or the next day.

However, when you learn that procrastination is really self-sabotage in disguise, you can break the pattern and become inspired to achieve.

With these powerful mantras, you’ll quickly overcome your personal resistance to change the negative patterns in your subconscious mind. You will tap into the passion and enthusiasm that you may think that you have lost, but is simply dormant and waiting to explode anew.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the week you will:

  • Go from passive to proactive.
  • Rediscover your motivation.
  • Become unstoppable.

So, now, if you’re ready, here are your three mantras to eliminate procrastination and boost your enthusiasm. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three mantras throughout the day and feel their vibrational energy entering in your being:

  • Today and everyday I will take one bold action step toward my dreams.
  • I connect with and visualize my dreams as reality everyday and this motivation catapults me toward my goals.
  • I possess the wisdom, the power, the motivation, the inspiration and the passion to accomplish anything and everything I choose.

Power up these mantras by repeating them in a proud, strong voice, as you look deep into your own eyes in the mirror. They will penetrate into your soul and be expressed in your being.

Alternatively, you can permanently rewire you subconscious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them in a deep meditative state with guided meditation.

Daily Self-Love Mantras & Positive Affirmations for Inner Peace

Who do you spend the most time with? Your spouse or best friend? Your children or your co-workers? Technically neither. You spend the most time with yourself, which is why the tone and content of your internal dialogue are incredibly important to how you feel about yourself.

For instance, if you do poorly on an exam or a performance review, there are different ways you can talk to yourself about the situation. One reaction would be to say to yourself, “I am such an idiot. I am not smart enough to succeed.” Another way to respond is to say to yourself, “I am smart. I will figure out how to overcome this setback and do better next time.”

The first example illustrates negative self-talk, which has been proven to negatively impact the outcome of tasks that hold significance in your life and your overall emotional well-being. Conversely, the person in the second example is more likely to do better next time because they didn’t let it define how they view their true self or give into self-doubt. They were able to separate the obstacle from their own self-worth.

Another time this is prevalent is after a break-up or falling out with a friend. After being rejected by a loved one, it can be all too easy to forget that just because one person doesn’t love you anymore, it doesn’t lessen your self-worth. In both of these instances, self-love mantras can be used to replace negative thoughts and rebuild your self-confidence.

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