Mighty Sattvic Hummus

Many people love hummus but have a really hard time digesting it. One reason can be that you are sensitive to an ingredient like fillers or preservatives if the hummus is store bought. Another reason may be that you are sensitive to the garbanzo beans, or chick peas, that are traditionally used in hummus. Or maybe you are sensitive to garlic.
In Ayurveda, garlic is praised for its Rasayana or rejuvenating, qualities, which make it a desired food. In the West we know garlic for it’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Yet an increasing number of people seem to be developing sensitivities and adverse reactions to garlic, which can range from light-headedness and skin rashes to more severe reactions such as nausea, vomiting, hot flashes and digestive issues like diarrhea.
Apart from these physical reactions, garlic in the yogic system is often avoided as it increases Rajas, the quality that can make our mind overactive and give us grief falling asleep. It is often suggested to avoid garlic before meditation or in (Vata) anxiety disorders.
For those who want to (or have to) avoid garlic but really enjoy a good hummus, here is a recipe to the rescue.
The traditionally used garlic in this recipe has been replaced with leek, which is much milder in action then garlic yet still gives the hummus enough of a pungent quality for you to enjoy as a dip or spread with your favourite raw or steamed veggies or crackers.
Not only does this garlic-free hummus taste just as delicious as its traditional cousin, it is also much kinder to eat before your yoga class where the odor of garlic breath may otherwise cause your fellow class members to have rather un-yogic thoughts.
Sattvic Garlic-Free Hummus
1 cup cooked, or 1 cup canned Chickpeas
2 tbsp Tahini
2 tbsp finely chopped Leek (white and green parts)
1 small Red Chili
1 heaping tsp Cumin Seed Powder
1 tsp Sea Salt
¼ Fresh squeezed Lemon Juice
1 tbsp finely chopped Chives
1 tbsp finely chopped Parsley
Small pinch of Hing (Asafoetida, use very little, a small amount goes far)
3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
** Directions:**
Put all ingredients in a food processor or Vitamix and process until you get to the desired consistency (about 40 sec in Vitamix). If using a food processor, chop the herbs and Leek very finely so you don’t end up with chunky Hummus. Add a little water if you like your Hummus more like a dressing or dip.
How Your Emotional State Relates to the Ayurvedic Doshas

Ayurveda is the science of life. It is a holistic form of wellness that uses natural, earth-based wisdom to promote individual balance and health. Ayurveda teaches that there are three universal intelligences at work in the macrocosm of the universe and in the microcosm of our bodies. These intelligences are called the doshas. The doshas are made up of a combination of the five great elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. These five elements tend to group together into pairs that create the doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Vata is likened to the combination of air and ether; it is light, dry, cold, and changeable. It rules everything in the body and the universe that has to do with movement, transportation, and communication. Our speech, for example, is ruled by Vata dosha as is the motion of our intestines during peristalsis.
Pitta is the combination of the fire element with a bit of moisture. It is the intelligence that governs everything that transforms, digests, and metabolizes. It governs all that transforms in our bodies; the enzymatic action of the stomach, the power of our sight, and our metabolism are some of the areas of the body ruled by Pitta dosha.
Kapha dosha is likened to earth and water. It is heavy, cool, and stable. It rules our immunity, our strength, and our stability. Kapha dosha also rules the watery places in the body, the lining of the stomach, and the inside of the mouth, as well as our overall strength and immune system.