Boeing Images, Patents of Mothership Appear to be from Area 51

Boeing Images, Patents of Mothership Appear to be from Area 51

Since the public became aware of the clandestine Area 51 installation at Nevada’s Groom Lake, it has forever been associated with secret advanced technology and extraterrestrials. And now, Boeing’s release of several concept drawings showing a reusable “mothership” spacecraft have provided a glimpse into the type of skunkworks projects developed there.

The Drive’s WarZone, first picked up on the release of these illustrations in January, before dissecting them in a post published a few weeks later.

By analyzing the landscape and apparent model year of a car in the drawings, the two determined the mockups came from the late 1980s or early 1990s. They identified a Ford Bronco and the distinctive hills of Groom Lake, saying these resemblances are almost certainly a depiction of Area 51.

mothership area51 bronco


What makes the photos so fascinating is the advanced technology of the spacecraft and its similitude to reports of triangular UFOs seen numerous times in the area over the years.

The illustrations seem to match perfectly with one of Boeing’s patents for a “two-stage-to-orbit” system and depicts a mothership carrying a smaller craft in its undercarriage. The craft’s description says it would be launched on unannounced missions to space and deploy payloads into orbit, before landing at any number of airfields around the world. These capabilites would have been unattainable through standard rocketry, not to mention its design far precedes modern reusable rockets like SpaceX’s Falcon 9.


The mothership appears to be propelled by air-breathing jet engines, while the smaller jet contained within it appears to have a scramjet engine – an advanced propulsion system capable of achieving hypersonic flight into space. The craft also seems to have a heat shield on its undercarriage similar to those found on the space shuttle.

Those in the UFO community have pointed out that the smaller, “parasite” craft depicted in the illustrations has a similarity to the infamous TR-3B craft witnessed countless times over the past decades.


According to The War Zone, the craft was likely an experimental product of the Cold War and the government’s desire to gain an edge on the Soviets. But they also said it wouldn’t be a surprise if a concept like this was being revived and updated with modern technology, given recently expressed desires for a space force and the paranoia around space warfare. There have also been pictures that recently surfaced, showing a new hangar at Area 51 without a roof or with a retractable roof, sparking conjecture as to whether some new technology is currently under development.

While the release of these drawings is certainly fascinating, there are still numerous questions left unanswered.

Did this project ever even come to fruition? Is this some type of reverse-engineered alien craft from Area 51? And could this have been the culprit behind decades of mass sightings of a black triangle UFO, a.k.a. the TR-3B?

Furthermore, could this have anything to do with the mysterious triangular object hovering past the ISS earlier this year?


Want more on the strange occurrences at Area 51? Check out this documentary The Secret: Evidence That We Are Not Alone in The Universe:

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