A Brief History of the Secret Space Program

A Brief History of the Secret Space Program

Shrouded in mystery, the existence of the Secret Space Program is a closely guarded secret, but information from government whistleblowers, intelligence operatives and former astronauts have been surfacing for decades. Here are a few of the most notable events:

Flying Saucers Are Born

On June 24th, 1947, Kenneth Arnold was on a routine search for a missing plane that had gone down near Mt. Rainier in Washington state. The weather was clear and calm, and Arnold had just given up his search when he noticed a bright flash in one of the mirrors of his plane. He maneuvered to get a better look and was shocked to see a group of saucer-like objects flying in formation at incredible speed. He landed in Yakima, Washington and immediately relayed what he had seen. The next day, Arnold was interviewed about the incident, sparking a news sensation that spread across the US. The term “flying saucer” was born, and the country was soon gripped in a rash of UFO sightings. The military denied any involvement and speculation grew.

Roswell Captivates the World

Soon a report of another kind surfaced, this time coming from Roswell, New Mexico. It was rumored that a mysterious craft had crash-landed in the desert and that the bodies recovered were non-human. The US Air Force stated that the object was a weather balloon, but witnesses offered a different story, claiming materials recovered from the crash site exhibited incredible strength and durability, and that strange creature had been on board.

Learn more about the secret space program in this episode of Cosmic Disclosure

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Time Dilation

The ability to bend space and time also implies the possibility of time travel. Time dilation was first measured during the Hafele–Keating experiment using atomic clocks installed inside aircraft. During the experiment, it was discovered that the position and speed at which the clocks moved through space affected the time they recorded, correlating with other tests of general relativity. Some claim that the Secret Space Program was able to further bend the laws of physics with the help of alien technology, and that several experiments were dedicated to shattering the notion of time.

Montauk Project

The Montauk Project was one such rumored experiment, continuing the work of the Philadelphia Experiment, a secret Navy operation that used Tesla coils to create an electromagnetic shield around the USS Eldridge. The Eldridge allegedly vanished, appeared several hundred miles away, then returned to its original location, much to the detriment of the crew who were severely physically or mentally damaged by the teleportation. The Montauk Project utilized this technology, this time conducting mind control tests, psychic enhancement of subjects and teleportation experiments. Researchers were able to travel through time tunnels, interacting with alien species and gathering intelligence from Mars. One of the darker aspects of the project involved its use of runaway children and kidnapped boys. Mental and physical torture was used to break down the children, allowing the subjects to be reprogrammed for later use in secret missions.

Assignment: Scrub Declassified Documents

Government documents are declassified every day. These releases are often cumbersome to sift through, making it challenging for ordinary citizens to find the truth. However, during moments of partial government transparency, often driven by non-profit groups, the responsibility of reviewing government documents falls on the shoulders of the people at large. Good thing we’ve got Herculean shoulders.

Set up a Google alert to track releases of declassified documents around the world. Review declassified content and become a master researcher of secret space program intelligence. Learn how track space anomalies through sites like Mufon and 4biddenknowledge

China’s Yutu-2 Rover Finds Mysterious Gel-Like Substance on Moon

China’s Chang’e 4’s Yutu-2 probe is on the dark side of the moon, making conspiracy theorists slide to the edge of their seats. As part of the China Lunar Exploration Project and China National Space Administration, the moon landing took place earlier this year, setting its unmanned rover loose on the most mysterious lunar landscape. And it seems they have found something unique — a gel-like substance that is, thus far, unexplainable by scientists back on Earth.

China on the Dark Side of the Moon

For millennia people have stared up at the moon and speculated what might be going on in the regions that seem always to be on the opposite side of what appears to be illuminated from Earth. This dark side stares out onto the cold, endless, forbidding landscape of deep space. 

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