Top 10 Topics to Take You Down the Rabbit Hole

Top 10 Topics to Take You Down the Rabbit Hole

2. Ancient Extraterrestrials

Ancient Civilizations

Does the ancient Sumerian word “Adam” hold clues to the relationship between early humans and the Sumerian gods? Scientists believe they’ve found the true location of the Garden of Eden, and the origins story they’ve pieced together is unlike anything in the history books. See evidence of ancient extraterrestrial influences, suppressed technology, and lost wisdom in two seasons of Ancient Civilizations, a Gaia original series.

3. Consciousness in the Quantum Paradigm 

Mystery Teachings

Enter into a world of illusions, to explore where our original form is, where are we, who and what we are. These questions have been asked by seekers and sages for millennia and are now being pondered by physicists who have come to accept the holographic nature of our reality. Theresa Bullard helps us cross the bridge from the world of physics into the world of metaphysics to gain insight to the implicate order that gives rise to the explicate reality we know. She explains how we can train ourselves to be able to tune in to the subtle energies emanating from this layer of reality and become consciously aware of higher states of being.

4. Psychedelics, Science, & Shamanic Wisdom


Explore the evolution of shamanism, from the earliest practices of indigenous cultures to its impact and influence on modern society. See how these psychedelic plants have connected communities through spirit quests, healing ceremonies and ancient rituals.

5. Secret Space Programs & Suppressed Tech

Deep Space

Since the 1960’s, NASA-born space programs have taken a prominent place in the media and collected accolades for their accomplishments of furthering humanity into the space age. But what if this was all a major front to obscure NASA’s interest in ancient space programs? Scattered all about the world, many ancient sites hold subtle clues that we have not been alone for a very long time. In this inaugural episode of Deep Space, we scour the world uncovering evidence of arcane extraterrestrial civilizations and examine NASA’s interest in recovering advanced technology from these locations.

6. Evidence of Mass Deception

False Flags

In this inaugural episode of False Flags, Richard Dolan guides us to see through the fear mongering of mass manipulation and free ourselves from the shackles of lies and deception. The constant barrage of bad news has left many people believing that it is normal to live in a world full of terror and trauma. So, we feel confused and hopeless about our position in the world. All of this is by design. As we learn of the history and implementation of covert actions and propaganda, we become empowered to reclaim our place in the world.

7. The Structure of Time


We live across multiple timelines, yet our five senses can only detect one. Crotalo Sesamo introduces us to new perspectives of time that include time spheres, the tree of time, and parallel timelines. He explains that our five senses can only perceive one timeline, but our soul spans multiple experiences of the same moment. In essence, we live in multiple timelines, simultaneously, though our five senses can only detect one. Throughout all of these possibilities, he reveals that there is a singular force binding everything, which may seem like magic, synchronicity.

8. Unacknowledged Special Access Projects


Dr. Steven Greer offers an alternate explanation to the fabled deep state, as unacknowledged special access projects which are buried deep within an architecture of secrecy. These USAPs have gained unprecedented power due to their unlimited funding and unsupervised nature. Presidents and celebrities are not beyond reproach when it comes to maintaining hidden agendas that keep the world dependent upon a centralized petrodollar economy. Revelation of this tech would change the world within a generation and it would destroy many multibillion dollar industries.

9. Extraterrestrial Contact & Remote Viewing


Remote Viewing has proven highly effective for psychic espionage, and it can help us to prepare for extraterrestrial contact. As the world’s foremost Remote Viewing teacher, Major Ed Dames has encountered many strange things, not of this world. He explains that the deep state is controlling information concerning alien contact, and we can bypass these controls by tapping into the universal consciousness to properly prepare ourselves to connect with extraterrestrial beings.

10. Hidden Symbolism in Hollywood

Hollywood Decoded

The Matrix movies presented a world overrun by a powerful A.I. with the only escape — to take the red pill and awaken into a harsh post-apocalyptic reality. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore an analogy for the world we live in today as many people sleepwalk their way through life with only a few awakening to an entirely different perspective. Throughout the Matrix trilogy we find Gnostic symbols and myths guiding the unwitting viewer to pursue a sense of liberation from the mainstream world and face the world as it really is. Just like our hero Neo, once awakened, you will see the Matrix of our mainstream reality.

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Unsolved: The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513

Unsolved: The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513

On September 4, 1954, Santiago Airlines Flight 513 departed from Aachen, West Germany, destined for Porto Alegre, Brazil. The flight should have taken around 18 hours.

Instead, it took 35 years. On October 12, 1989, without any contact with air traffic controllers, Santiago Flight 513 was spotted circling the Porto Alegre airport, where it eventually made a successful landing.

Another of Several Unsolved Aviation Mysteries

It’s not unheard of for planes to disappear, though there’s usually evidence of what probably happens during those events to indicate that the plane has crashed — debris, luggage, or, at a minimum, records of the pilot radioing for help… 

Then there are those aircraft that set off, traveling from point A to point B, and are never heard from again, with nothing left behind, no reports of distress — not even poor weather conditions to pin the blame on. These stories, though puzzling and eerie, have occurred often enough to have attracted the expertise of scientists and meteorologists (along with other theorists), looking for a pattern among the disappearances. Perhaps the most famous of these incidences are tales from the Bermuda Triangle, the legendary vortex where aircraft and ships just seem to vanish without a trace. 

It was thought that Santiago Flight 513 would go the way of the unexplained vanishing aircraft — after all, no one expects an airplane to finally land after 35 years missing. And it, too, disappeared without a trace, devoid of any communication with airport bases, and showing no signs of distress. 

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