Daily Rituals: 19 Expert Ways to Find Your Everyday Zen

For most of us, our morning and evening routines can make or break us. That is, they make us into shining pinnacles of human efficiency, or break us into grumpy monsters full of sludge-for-brains. To prevent the latter, we all have our own little rituals to energize, focus, and reset. Some folks kick off with a little downward dog. Some engage their minds with literature. Some people have a daily meditation practice (or at least they say they do).
Any which way you dice it, there are a lot of options out there. A lot of the time we sit on the sidelines, wondering which way is the optimal decision. We watch other people seemingly get it all together from their fasted cardio session or 6 am yoga class. But as you will discover, there is no one way to start and end your day!
There’s something sacred in each and every person’s morning and evening schedule, so let’s pull the sacred out of the mundane and really learn how to get our Zen for the day, no matter the ritual.
We’ve gathered together some awesome bloggers, from moms to fitness gurus to wellness experts, and asked them to tell us the honest-to-goodness truth of their hassles, quirks, and perks of their morning and evening routines. They’ve answered some of the crucial questions with which many of us struggle:
- What is the best way to start your day?
- What is the best way to end your day?
- What do other people do in the morning?
- How do people managing jobs, kids, fitness, and relationships tackle their morning and evening routines?
Take a look and get inspired. Maybe you’ll even be willing to forego the “Snooze” button tomorrow morning!
Want to skip straight to your favorite blogger? Check out the list below and click away to get their insight:
- Clare Brady | Fitting It All In
- Cammy C. | The Tippy Toe Diet
- Karen Anderson | Karen C.L. Anderson
- Jan Graham | Cranky Fitness
- Erin Madore | Creative Soul in Motion
- Ellen Brenneman | Fat Girl Wearing Thin
- Whitney Olson | Live Run Love Yoga
- Erika | Newlyweds on a Budget
- Kendall Covitz | Kendall Covitz
- Wendy McMillan | Fit and Frugal
- Ashley | Nourishing the Soul
- Mary Mack | Fit This Girl
- Kim Daly | The Soulicious Life
- Brittany Mullins | Eating Bird Food
- Mara Glatzel | Mara Glatzel
- Sarah Stewart Holland | Salt & Nectar
- Tina Haupert | Carrots ‘N’ Cake
- Diane MacEachern | Big Green Purse
- Athena | Fitness & Feta
Clare Brady
How do you start your day?
My favorite way to start my day is with a workout, followed by a hot shower and some tea or coffee with a devotional and some blog reading. I think early mornings are peaceful!
How do you end your day?
Talking to my boyfriend followed by a book in bed.
Cammy C.
The Tippy Toe Diet
How do you start your day?
I break a lot of “diet” rules, but the one guideline I do follow is to start my day with a nutritious breakfast–usually two nutritious breakfasts! Shortly after waking up, I have yogurt or oatmeal with fruit (I’ve also been known to eat half a tuna sandwich or a leftover chicken breast. Don’t judge, it’s all about the easy!).
During the winter months, breakfast #1 is followed by 30-60 minutes of exercise (strength training and/or cardio) at the gym. I prefer working out later in the day, but when it’s cold and gray outside, I have a tendency to procrastinate leaving the house. By scheduling my exercise for early morning, I can ensure it doesn’t fall victim to an empty promise. When the workout is done, it’s time for breakfast #2. Again, it’s something simple like cottage cheese, a hard-boiled egg, or maybe the other half of that tuna sandwich. I like the one-two punch of starting my day with good nutrition and exercise. It makes me want to continue the trend for the remainder of the day.
How do you end your day?
At the end of each day, usually while savoring a planned evening snack, I take a few moments to think about my schedule for the next day. If I perceive any obstacles or challenges, I visualize how I see myself working through them. I think of it as a mental dress rehearsal. Should an anticipated challenge present itself, I know my lines! Another thing I do at the end of each day is to prep as much as possible for the following morning. Having my workout wear neatly stacked on the dresser removes one excuse for not going to the gym. Finally, before I drift off to sleep, I let my mind wander back through the day behind me and give thanks for all the gifts and blessings I received. Sometimes I get caught up in the “doing” and forget to take a gratitude moment or two.
Karen Anderson
How do you start your day?
I start my day by opening my eyes, usually between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. I stretch in bed, then have a couple of sips of water (which I keep on the bedside table), and read for a few minutes. My husband, who has been up for a while, comes in and sits down on the bed so we can say our I-love-yous and our have-a-good-days, before he heads off to work. I get up, pee, wash my face, put in my contact lenses, and brush my teeth. I get dressed, drink more water, pop a few supplements, make a cup of coffee, and have some fiber (a piece of fruit or a Fiber Love bar). Then I start my work!
How do you end your day?
These days I tend to go to bed relatively early (usually between 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.), and in the winter, it’s even more enticing to get tucked in early. My evening ritual is sort of like my morning ritual (minus the coffee and fiber), but in reverse, ending, of course, with closing my eyes.
Jan Graham
How Do You Start Your Day?
I could pretend I start my day by sipping healthy herbal tea and meditating on my profound gratitude for the wonders of the universe, but that would be a big fat lie. I get up, head straight for the coffee pot and proceed to caffeinate while skimming email and gearing up for the day. It’s only once the java hits my bloodstream that the profound gratitude even stands a chance and I am ready to rock. Then it’s work and working out and chores, all of which are much more enjoyable with a buzz (which, with careful cultivation, can last most of the day). So yeah, I am not a clean-living model of abstinence and serenity, but it works for me.
How Do You End Your Day?
Earlier and earlier now that I’m middle-aged! Since I tend to wake up at 4 or 5 a.m. now, I start thinking about bedtime at an hour when most people over the age of 7 are just getting going. My bedtime rituals tend to be the mundane sort, and I’m afraid efforts to be mindful while flossing my teeth haven’t come to much. But the boring pre-bed ritual does make me nice and drowsy and I usually drift right off. Which really I have no right to do given all the coffee I drink, but I’m not complaining!
Erin Madore
How do you start your day?
My day begins slowly and mindfully – after my Sleep Cycle app wakes me up I stretch in bed moving from child’s pose to cat/cow, waking up my body and mind through breath. Then I spend 5 – 10 minutes (depending on how much time I have) meditating in my bedroom – this helps me prepare for the day while letting go of the previous day. And while I make my green smoothie I like to listen to some of my favorite songs on Spotify and even dance a little to help me start my day smiling – lately I’ve been listening to The Lumineers, Head and the Heart, and Bright Eyes. Then I’m off to teach or lead a workshop feeling grounded and open to the day!
How do you end your day?
Just like my mornings I like to end my days gently. Usually I snuggle in bed with my husband, a cup of Sleepy Time tea and a good book; right now, I’m reading Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein (it’s great!). And before I let my head hit the pillow, I like to write in my journal about something positive that happened during the day and at least one thing I am grateful for–it’s a wonderful way to wrap up a long and productive day!
Ellen Brenneman
Fat Girl Wearing Thin
How do you start your day?
Most always I am the first to wake in my household. Before I open my eyes, I instinctively roll toward my window, which happens to face east. For that brief moment before my husband and dogs begin to stir and stretch, I open my eyes to a large pine tree that resides outside my window. During the warmer months, the sun rises behind this tree, making appear even more majestic. Rising this way each and every day gives me purpose and comfort; not only am I reminded that there is consistency in my sometimes inconsistent life, but also, that I can do anything I choose to with the day I have before me. What a great feeling that is.
How do you end your day?
I am a professional artist and generally spend most of my waking moments thinking creatively. For the past several months I have been working on yoga-inspired paintings, and it has become a ritual for me to spend my last waking moments envisioning myself within a painting, flowing through different asanas. It relaxes me and quite often allows new paintings to emerge.
Whitney Olson
Live Run Love Yoga
How do you start your day?
I start my day by moving slowly. Once the alarm goes off I give myself a few moments to wake up and prepare for the day. I never check my email or social media. Those first few minutes of the morning are all for me and help me set the stage for a mindful and stress-free day. Once I’m up and out of bed, I make a cup of hot tea. I love the act of drinking tea…the warm cup in your hand, the smell of the tea, the steam from the hot water and the slow steady breaths to breathe it all in. It helps to give me a calm and relaxing start to my day.
How do you end your day?
I end my day much in the same way I start my day. I turn off all of my electronics and let myself rest and relax in bed. Lately, I’ve been reading a book of daily yoga readings. It helps me to consider my day and gives meaning and perspective to my experiences. It also helps to calm my body and mind. After I finish reading, I close my eyes and focus on my breath. It never takes me long to fall into a restful sleep once I’m relaxed!
How do you start your day?
I typically start my day with a long walk with my dog. I wake up a bit earlier just to give myself some time to walk him. I know that mornings can be busy, so I try and prep as much the night before, such as packing my lunch and deciding what outfit I’m going to wear to work. The walks with my dog really help me focus on the day ahead and get myself centered.
How do you end your day?
I like to end my day by completely unplugging and reading either a book or a magazine. I am still considered old school because I get all my books from the library. But having some time where the TV isn’t on, and I’m not checking my phone or my iPad, really helps get myself ready for a good night’s rest.
Kendall Covitz
Kendall Covitz
How do you start your day?
I start my day by hitting snooze at least once, checking emails to wake me up in bed, ReTweeting, and liking things on Instagram. I’m a social media junkie, and this wakes me up a bit! I greet my adorable French bulldog, Clementine, feed her, and go for a walk. I then make something healthy for breakfast, like a smoothie, and start my workday.
How do you end your day?
Hopefully, I end the day with a healthy and colorful dinner, enough water, and having had moved. It’s never a 100% perfect with all of my work commitments, but I try very hard. If I know I’m busy at night, I usually shoot for a homemade lunch. This allows me to get two really good meals in and usually grants leftovers. After dinner, I crash. I desperately need at least 8 hours of sleep!
Wendy McMillan
Fit and Frugal
How do you start your day?
I’m at home this year with a very lively, alert four-month old, and so my day doesn’t really quite have a proper beginning and ending these days. Rather, I’m living one continuous stream wherein all the days roll into one. It’s exhausting…but it’s great. I love it, actually. And I do have a routine that keeps the semblance of a schedule. My husband is super supportive, and we’ve worked it out so that I can get a workout in early, either running outside or downstairs on the trainer or treadmill, before he goes to work. This helps me kick things off in a good, relaxed mood; later, during our son’s morning nap, I have some time to get some freelance done. With these two things covered, I’m much better about letting the rest flow, and I’m much more likely to take a short snooze with our baby in the afternoon, which is so much more than more than a crucial chance to keep from getting too sleep-deprived. The cuddles are priceless. 🙂
How do you end your day?
This is something I’ve been consciously working on and thinking about lately (due to said baby, mentioned above). It’s a struggle allowing myself to decompress after baby is in bed for “the night”…which has now come to mean a good 5-6 hour stretch from 7 or so, then another couple of wake-ups after that. I feel such an urge to race around doing as much as I can, for work/house, etc. Sometimes that’s exactly what I do–rush around then crash. But a better ritual is to let myself watch a show with my husband, or just talk, enjoying a cup of tea, then read (it’s usually just a couple of pages, and most often a baby book until recently), and bed.
Nourishing the Soul
How do you start your day?
My usual morning alarm clock is my nine-month old son, who loves to beat the sun in his rising. Pre-baby, I would start each morning with some kind of physical activity. It helped rouse me and start my day with a feeling of strength and energy. Because my mornings are now so unpredictable, I’ve moved exercise to later in the evening. Instead, I now start my mornings by scooping my son out of his crib and taking in a few deep breaths of his sweetness. I lay with him in my bed and feed him, my arms curled around his and his around mine. My eyes are usually still half or fully shut, as are his, but we are awake and welcoming the day, slowly and intimately.
How do you end your day?
After putting my son to bed, I try to spend at least a few moments each evening writing. It feels like a cleansing of the clutter that’s built up from the day. What I write depends on the day. It could be anything from an email to a friend, a presentation for work, a blog post, or a journal entry. But the act of writing is my nightly release, and I feel it clears me to more fully rest.
Mary Mack
Fit This Girl
How do you start your day?
What I do before bed is pack my food for the next day and then read to relax my mind. First thing in the morning, my goal is to do a cardio workout, but I am a trainer and often work first thing– so technically helping others reach their fitness goals!
Kim Daly
The Soulicious Life
How do you start your day?
With a large glass of water doused with the juice of half a lemon. It sets me on the right hydration path for the day, and the lemon is very cleansing. Then I’m ready to enjoy my one cup of coffee which I can only hope to get through while it’s still hot. With a three-month-old and a three-year-old, I usually end up reheating it a few times before I ever finish it!
How do you end your day?
By falling gracefully into bed! Sleep is so crucial to our health, and I need at least eight hours to function optimally. But before that (and once the girls are in bed) I also try to casually work in a few of my favorite seated yoga poses while unwinding and catching up on one of my favorite TV shows. I get so little “me” time these days that I try to squeeze whatever I can into the time I get! A bit of breathing and stretching before bed helps me release the day’s tension and tune in to areas that need more space. One night a week, I leave the girls with Daddy and hit an evening yoga class. It’s the best reset button there is and I sleep like a rock!
Brittany Mullins
How do you start your day?
I like starting my day by drinking a cup of water. I tend to have water on my bedside table so once my feet hit the floor, I grab the cup and drink up. I always try to drink half my body weight (in ounces) of water a day and drinking a cup as soon as I wake up is a good way to start.
How do you end your day?
I take a few minutes to make sure I have recorded what I ate for the day. Sometimes I use MyFitnessPal, and other times I just jot it down in a notebook. Recording what I eat helps keep me accountable, alerts me if I missed any important food groups (so I can eat more the next day) and let’s me look back to see how different foods affect my digestion. Foods journals are a great weight loss tool and also help people pinpoint if they are intolerant or allergic to certain foods. I always recommend keeping a food journal to my clients!
Mara Glatzel
How do you start your day?
I used to start my day with a quick cup of coffee as I rushed out of the house, which would make me feel frantic and overwhelmed during those tender morning moments. Now I have cultivated a routine of drinking a large glass of water first thing while I set a few basic intentions for the day. My intentions are built from the answers to these questions: How do I want to feel during my day? What would I like to accomplish? What do I need in order to feel really good? Then I get myself ready for the day, taking time as I wash my face and brush my teeth. I spend time looking at myself in the mirror and choosing an outfit that reflects the version of myself that I want to bring out into the world for that day. I find that carving out a little extra time for myself to be able to move slowly as I move through these tasks helps me feel centered and focused as I get ready for my day. I also find that this is also a really rewarding time to connect with my sweetheart, before the busy energy of the day sets in. So, if possible, I take a couple of moments in the morning to connect with her about our plans for the day and talk about the things that I’m looking forward to. Being intentional about my time and space in the morning dramatically impacts the energy that I am able to bring to every aspect of my day, and I’ve found that taking a bit of space for myself in the morning increases my productivity and good-feelings about my work.
How do you end your day?
As someone who feels more emotional towards the end of the day, it feels really good to start the unwinding and relaxing process way before I crawl into bed for the night. I like to eat a lovingly prepared meal in the evening, followed by some peppermint or ginger tea. I’m really into changing into cozy clothing as soon as possible after I get home, so I tend to change my outfit and put on my favorite slippers in the early evening. Often, I feel really tired before bed and it can take some extra effort to wash my face and brush my teeth instead of passing out on the couch. I find that making the time to develop a nightly hygiene ritual for myself allows me to feel really nourished and cared for before I fall to sleep. Like in the morning, I move slowly and am endlessly sweet to myself. I find that these tender moments are when we deserve our best effort and attention, and I work to make space for that whenever possible.
Sarah Stewart Holland
How do you start your day?
I start my day with meditation and journaling. I have a fantastic (and early riser) husband who takes care of the kids while I take a few moments to deep breath and jot down some of my thoughts. Nothing fancy. I usually do it without leaving my warm bed! Once the kids are up and fed, I take the dog for a walk and then get my own self ready before heading out the door to preschool at 9!
How do you end your day?
Last month I ended every day with my Facebook Thankful post and I’ve loved it so much I’ve kept going. I actually do a few daily things on my phone at night. I try to record any funny moments with the kids in Moment Garden and I’m working on a year long (top secret) project for my husband as well so I put my daily work on that in Moment Garden. I usually have a cup of tea and then a little pillow talk with my husband and then I’m out for the night.
Tina Haupert
How do you start your day?
I always start my day with a healthy breakfast. I find that if I choose nutritious and satisfying foods first thing in the morning, it sets a healthy tone for the rest of my day, and I continue to make smart choices.
How do you end your day?
I always end my day by chatting with my husband in bed. The two of us are typically running around like crazy people all day long, so it’s nice to unwind and catch up with some conversation at the end of the day.
One of my daily rituals is being active in someway or another. It doesn’t always need to be a sweaty, heart-pumping workout, but anything to get me moving does the trick. I love CrossFit, running, and yoga, but on my “rest” days, I like to take my dog to the park, clean my house, or speed walk my errands at my local shopping plaza. Being active keeps me healthy, happy, and sane!
Diane MacEachern
How do you start your day?
I wake up early – anywhere from around 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. If it’s on the earlier side, I hate to say it, but I usually grab my phone and check the news. I don’t have an actual newspaper delivered at home anymore, primarily for environmental reasons, so I keep up with the events of the day by checking several news sites online. That done, I get up, splash a little cold water on my face, change into some sweats, and head out for about a mile walk with my dog “Heaven” (yes, that’s really her name). She’s an 80-pound mutt and it never seems too cold for her, no matter how much my teeth are chattering. When we get back, I put the kettle on for a cup of hot Chai or English Breakfast tea, and fill up the food bowls for Heaven and her two feline siblings, an old but enduring black cat named Midnight and her feisty younger brother Nike. If I don’t have a meeting, I’ll do a quick at-home workout before grabbing a short shower. I’ll tackle at least one crossword puzzle while I’m eating a bowlful of yogurt and fruit, just to get the brain cells pumping! Then, I head to my office, my computer, and a quick check of my email before I dive into the day’s real work.
How do you end your day?
I end the day almost the way I started it. I try to stop working by 6 or 7 p.m. and make a decent dinner for myself and whoever else in the family happens to be around. I light candles, even if I’m the only one home, just to transport me out of “work” mode and into a more relaxed frame of mind. After doing the dishes, I take Heaven out for her last walk, then come in and make a cup of some kind of soothing tea (anything with slippery elm bark in it, though mint is good, too). I’m in a couple of different book clubs, so that’s what I read instead of the news, especially if I want to get a good night’s sleep!
How do you start your day?
My absolute favorite way to start my day is with a workout. It wakes me up, energizes me to tackle the day ahead, and then I can’t make the “I don’t have time” excuse after work. I love teaching my 6am total body conditioning classes because it’s so motivating to see the same 30 people wake up so early, week after week, to start their day with a healthy choice. On days that I don’t workout in the morning, I savor my time under a hot shower. Nothing compares to your own bathroom when you’re used to showering in a locker room 75% of the time!
How do you end your day?
It honestly depends on the day. On Sunday nights, I always do a week’s worth of food prep. I make my week’s lunches ahead of time, pack baggies of snacks, and have standard “go to” dinner items on hand such as batches of quinoa, prepped veggies, or grilled chicken. Doing this saves me so much time during my busy weeks because I don’t have to think about what I’m going to bring for lunch, and my healthy decisions are already made (leaves less room for straying from the plan!). Other nights I like to unwind by watching my favorite TV shows with my boyfriend, update my blog, or clean my apartment. Yes, cleaning helps me unwind!
Vernal Equinox: Rhythm And Ritual Through Yoga

Over the course of each year, our playful planet performs an elliptic dance around the sun while simultaneously spinning about its own imperfect axis, which tilts roughly 23 degrees from vertical. Born of the primordial fire, the terms of this intricate cosmic relationship are responsible for all of the natural rhythms that inform our daily lives — from changing weather patterns to reliable zeitgebers that regulate our internal clocks.
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”
-John Muir
As Earth diligently revolves around the sun each year, there are four distinct sandhis, or junctures, where a clear seasonal shift occurs from our terrestrial perspective. The vernal equinox is one such juncture, marking the transition from winter to spring.
As we welcome the appearance of new life in nature, many of us remain blissfully unaware. We may neglect or even override the innate curiosity that seeks to understand how our cozy blue sphere and its fiery solar star orchestrate this magnificent show year after year. The truth is, when it comes to their relationship status, “it’s complicated.”
Imagine yourself sitting in a camping chair with your feet warmed by the heat of a well-burning fire. Fortunately, you’re equipped with a warm scarf and hat to dull the chill you might otherwise experience as you recline back (at exactly 23.4°) to enjoy the stars. Now, without adjusting the direction your chair is facing, imagine yourself orbiting around the focal fire to the opposite side, giving the back of your head a chance to enjoy the warmth of the flame.
If your feet were the southern hemisphere and your head were the northern hemisphere, these two positions would represent the winter solstice (with more heat reaching the bottom half of your body) and the summer solstice (with more heat reaching the top half of your body) respectively.
To visualize the vernal equinox, imagine your chair were to revolve just a quarter of the way around this campfire circle. In this position, your body would be leaning neither toward nor away from the fire and the projected plane of your navel (the equator of your body) might pass directly through the center of the glow. Also, the light reaching one side of your body would match the darkness on the opposite side, much like the day and night which are of approximately equal length on the equinox.
Still confused? Don’t sweat it, simply allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of spring with a deep knowing that there are some wildly wonderful forces at play.