How to Reach Your Goals Quickly with Divine Inspiration

How to Reach Your Goals Quickly with Divine Inspiration

8 Steps to Manifesting Your Goals

Goals are great! We all have them and I’m willing to bet you have a few you’re striving to reach right now. In today’s fast-paced world, we tend to want what we want now—that all too familiar feeling of instant gratification. We can become attached to a specific outcome or desired result when setting our goals as well. Unfortunately, this often leads to disappointment or feelings of failure when our goals are not fulfilled to meet our desired outcome. Oftentimes we choose to focus on the end result, so much so, that we miss out on the wonderment of where we are right now as well as the journey we take along the way. I’ve struggled with this myself and over the years I’ve found a few ways to set and reach my goals where I’m actually enjoying the process and delighting in the results.

This goal setting process helps infuse your goals with divine inspiration, intention and purpose. Pick one goal you want to work on, grab a pen and paper or prepare to type and find a quiet place where you will be uninterrupted for around 15-20 minutes.

Step 1: Settle the Mind

Start with meditation to quiet your mind and become fully present. Sit in a comfortable crossed legged position, spine is tall—close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath, but don’t try to change it, just notice and observe it.

Step 2: Focus on Your Goal

Keeping your eyes closed, bring your goal into your awareness. Using your third eye, your yogic eye or center of wisdom, start to form a general picture or outline of your goal.

Step 3: Include the Senses

We start to invite in the senses now by focusing on the Tanmantras, one by one, adding in the smells, the sounds, the feelings—start to create a more defined picture of your goal now. In your mind’s eye, see yourself taking the steps to reach your goal; is there anyone else there with you, helping you? See the goal as a movie, playing from beginning to middle and end.

Step 4: Be Open to an Alternate Ending

You will most likely start to form a sought after or pleasing ending to your goal, which is great. And I would like to suggest that you also remain open to all or any alternate endings that are in the highest and best good, for yourself and everyone involved. Often times we will achieve our goals in ways we never thought possible, in ways we didn’t intend on when we first started out. This is why it is important to honor and be aware of all possibilities, even if that ends up looking totally different than what you had intended or envisioned. Keeping an open heart and mind, allowing the divine to guide you and send you the instructions you need, is most recommended here.

Step 5: Surrender and Seal the Deal

As you sit with your eyes closed, envisioning your goal and welcoming in the divine light, feeling the Asamprajnata Samahdi or super consciousness, continue to sit quietly for a few more minutes. The practice of Ishvarapranidhana, is the practice of surrendering to this divine higher purpose.

Step 6: Data Dump. Don’t Try to Analyze It

Gently start to blink your eyes open and immediately following your meditation, while still in a calm relaxed state, write or type out the name of your goal and anything that came through to you during your meditation. Do not try to sensor your thoughts or feelings, just let the words flow out of you freely surrounding your goal and the messages, thoughts, pictures or emotions that presented themselves to you during your meditation. Don’t try to analyze it, just let this data dump occur naturally and flow out of you without trying to change or sensor it.

Step 7: Become Fully Present and Thank Yourself

Become fully present and take a moment to thank yourself for taking the time and energy towards achieving your goals in a divinely inspired way. Keep a feeling a lightness and gratitude, a sort of playful approach to achieving your goal. Be open to all perceived challenges throughout the journey, seeing them as lessons needed to help you reach your goal from a deep and divine place, rather than as a block in your way. Be patient and kind to yourself and allow your goal to unfold naturally, without force or attachment to the final outcome.

Step 8: Take the First Step Right Now

Now it is time to get started! Choose one single action item or step that you can take towards your goal right now. First, type or write down the first step you’re choosing to take right now. Next, ask yourself why you chose that step to start, why is it necessary? Continue to write out how you will accomplish this task, listing everything that comes to mind. You may be pleasantly surprised that options or ways to accomplish your goal may randomly appear to you, so don’t be afraid to take inspired action.

Remember, goals are great but they’re even better when you create them with divine loving care and continue bringing them into fruition with divine inspiration and action. Continue taking the inspired action and complete the first step forward towards reaching your goal. Repeat this process working on each individual action item or step needed for your goal. Each time you meditate on your goal, using all of your senses, you set and strengthen the blueprint. It is well worth your time and effort.

Happy Manifesting!

**Cheryl **is an Entrepreneur, Mother, Yoga Devotee, Yoga Therapist and health conscious Vegan who strives to share the gift of yoga with everyone she comes in contact with. She uses Yoga Therapy to achieve goals such as weight loss, stress reduction, emotional healing, and manifesting. Making time to honor a daily yoga practice is a high priority and can completely transform your life- for the better.

Facebook: Live Yoga Everyday

Youtube: Live Yoga Everyday

Hanuman: Myth, Mantra and Asana

Hanuman: Myth, Mantra and Asana

Hanuman was born on the wind and a prayer. His father was Kesari, a sort of meditating gladiator monkey-like humanoid, called in Sanskrit, a “vanara”. His mother, Anjana, held the essence of her name: “anj” in Sanskrit means reverence.

Anjana and Kesari really wanted a kid and prayed to Lord Shiva for the blessing of conceiving a son. Shiva, pleased by their devotion and prayers, sent Vayu, the god of wind, to carry Shiva’s essence to fulfill their wishes, perhaps something like a sacred stork.

Turns out that Vayu delivered a pretty gifted kid. Like his gladiator father and like many of our modern-day mixed martial art competitors, Hanuman had a plethora of skills and talents. He wrestled demons, transformed himself to fit the needs of the particular circumstances against which he was fighting, and did so all with unwavering devotion.

Hanuman was devoted to Lord Rama, the god of righteousness and virtue.

Through his devotion, he was characterized as a lifelong Brahmachari (celibate). The belief that Hanuman’s celibacy is the source of his strength became popular among the wrestlers in India.

Hanuman: Behind the Name

Sanskrit texts mention several stories about how Hanuman got his name. Hanuman had a lifelong obsession with the sun, and as a youngster, blazed towards it, mistaking the sun for a mango and mischievously chomping a bite out of it. This really pissed off Indra, the king of the gods, who struck Hanuman’s jaw with lightening, to scold his impetuous nature. A bit harsh, right? Regardless, Hanuman is said to have received his name from the Sanskrit words “hanu” meaning jaw, and “man” meaning prominent or disfigured.

Another lore credits the name as a derivative of the Sanskrit words “han” meaning killed or destroyed, and “mana” meaning pride; indicating that Hanuman is the one whose pride was destroyed.

As Saul David Raye shares in Earth Heart Hanuman, “humility comes when the jaw is broken.” Whether you’re an elite mixed martial artist, or simply a modern-day yogi maneuvering through daily challenges, we discover that when our hearts are full of devotion, our spirit is unbreakable. Saul David Raye says that the stories of Hanuman can teach us, “the balance of incredible opening while still staying balanced.”

It’s Hanuman we can thank for the devotion it takes to practice Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskars, which are a series of poses linked by the breath. Sun Salutations invite us to bow to and unite with the sun, as a pathway to the divine.

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