Parsva Balasana: Thread the Needle Pose

Parsva balasana (PARS-va bah-LAHS-ah-nah) is a simple twist and gentle inversion that can warm up or calm down your body.
- Parsva = turned
- Bala = child
- Asana = pose
Physical Benefits:
- Twists the thoracic spine.
- Gently compresses the muscles of the upper chest.
- Stretches the upper and outer muscles of the shoulder.
Preparatory Poses:
- Childs pose | Balasana
- Table top |Bharmanasana
- Cat pose | Marjariasana
Sequential Poses:
- Puppy pose | Uttana shishosana
- Eagle pose | Garudasana
- Cow face pose | Gomukhasana
Counter Poses:
- Downward facing dog | Adho mukha svanasana
- Place a blanket underneath your knees for extra cushion.
- A similar stretch can be done in seated or standing by crossing one arm over your chest and hooking it with the opposite arm.
- Place your forearm (rather than your shoulder) on the ground.
- Begin in a neutral tabletop position with your hands and knees on your mat.
- Exhale to reach your right arm under your left arm.
- Lower your right shoulder and ear to the ground.
- Keep equal weight in your knees, feet straight out behind you.
- Hold for 5-10 breaths. Release back to table top, then repeat on the other side.
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Vrksasana: Tree Pose

Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-ah-nah) is a deceptively challenging pose. While at first glance tree pose may seem easy, the combination of strength, balance, and flexibility required can take lots of practice. Never fear, props like a wall or a chair can come in handy while finding the balance point of the pose, and there are plenty of variations to fit everyone’s practice. This is a great pose to practice dristi (focused gaze) to help with balance.
Philosophy + Origin
In many Indian traditions, trees, specifically the ashoka tree, are symbols of love and devotion. Many cultures seek the knowledge of trees for healing, searching their branches, trunks, leaves, and roots for powerful medicine. Patient by nature, trees are quiet and steady, living their long lives in rhythm with the seasons and the circadian rhythm of the world. In Indian literature, trees often make appearances as sacred symbols of the universe, a bridge between creator and individual.