Scientists Find Evidence of Water on the Moon, Here on Earth

Scientists Find Evidence of Water on the Moon, Here on Earth

Scientists found more evidence for the existence of water on the moon in a lunar meteorite found here on Earth. The discovery came in the form of moganite, a mineral similar to quartz that requires water to form.

Though there are hundreds of lunar meteorites on our planet, this is the first time researchers found the presence of moganite, an oxide mineral. Of the roughly 350 lunar meteorites discovered on Earth, the majority have been discovered in the Sahara and Antarctica.

Scientists originally believed water could exist on the moon in the form of ice trapped in its shadowy craters, though this theory was mostly conjecture. That was until 2008, when the Chandrayaan-1 probe discovered water vapor in the moon’s atmosphere. Since then, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has measured hydrogen on the moon’s surface, strongly suggesting the presence of water.

But it turns out this entire time, all the evidence we needed was here on Earth. And it’s the first sign of water in the subsurface of the moon at mid and lower latitudes.

A recent experiment by scientists at Brown University showed that melted rocks from asteroid impacts are capable of depositing large amounts of water on a planet or satellite. This discovery showed that its possible water on earth may have been deposited by such an impact. And researchers believe H2O may have arrived on the moon in the same way.

If true, this means there is a greater likelihood that a number of planets out there gained water, and subsequently life, through a this type of impact deposit. Though not all scientists agree, with some saying an impact that significant would actually eliminate any chance of water.

But if the theory is correct, it would posit that liquid water temporarily existed on the lunar surface, before it cooled below ground, remaining there and forming moganite in a process called brecciation.

The lunar meteorite NWA 2727, which contains evidence of moon water

Eventually, another comet impact hit the moon hard enough to blast some of that moganite with escape velocity, sending it out of the moon’s gravitational pull and toward Earth.

Because the moganite-rich meteorite was found in the arid climate of the Sahara, it rules out the possibility that brecciation could have happened on Earth from terrestrial weathering.

The find is promising for future colonization of the moon as a launch point for further space exploration. Water would not only provide a drinking supply for lunar inhabitants, but would offer a key component for making rocket fuel. Estimates put the amount of water contained in lunar soil as high as 0.6 percent, allowing for 1.6 gallons per 36 cubic feet.

Earth’s relationship with the moon is intrinsic to many planetary functions, though we’re not quite sure how it got there. Compared to other planets’ moons ours is massive, and it’s even possible life may not have formed on Earth at all without it in such close proximity.

Despite the numerous trips to the moon’s surface during the Apollo missions, its clear there is still a lot to learn about our lunar counterpart. With such a significant discovery found here on Earth, maybe its time to take another look at the samples brought back from the Apollo missions. Unless they too are just pieces of petrified wood. 

Our Moon: Lunacy by Design

Secret Space Programs and Breakaway Civilizations

Secret Space Programs and Breakaway Civilizations

In July 2014, on the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11’s moon landing, the government declassified information about a secret space program from the 1950s called Project Horizon. The plan outlined the building of a permanent military base on the moon. Ten to twenty men would be sent with all their supplies and nuclear weapons. The secret moon base would be used for surveillance against and protection from the Soviet Union, and the men would have constant communication with the Earth.

The released documents show that the scientists knew it wasn’t possible to implement the plan, but it was expected to be put in place as technology advanced. Project Horizon never got off the ground. But, that isn’t the end nor the beginning of the story about secret space programs from the past, present and the future.

Secret Space Programs and FDR

In the 1940s, according to recently released documents, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt commissioned a secret space program. He was concerned about how to move large numbers of people in case of nuclear war to avoid massive radiation damage. He thought there might also be a need to escape the ravages of some other global cataclysmic event. Since there was no place on Earth to which large masses of people could be moved, he considered the possibility of moving to locations in space.

At first, moving to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, seemed like an option. However, the distance made such a plan impossible. As a next step, FDR focused on the moon, Mars or Venus as alternatives to Earth.

Beginning in 1945 at the conclusion of WWII, after President Truman took over, he brought 1,500 German scientists and engineers to the U.S. The scientists, under Hitler’s leadership in Nazi Germany, made advancements in the development of flying saucers, like the Nazi Bell, before and during the war. The German scientists worked at Fort Bliss, near El Paso, Texas, and were assigned the task of developing secret space programs under the project name of Operation Paperclip.

Truman believed the Germans had knowledge of anti-gravity propulsion engines and other spacecraft flight technology. Werner von Braun was the most well-known member of this group, who eventually became the designer of the Saturn V launch vehicle, which was used to propel American astronauts to the moon. He eventually became the director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and spoke out frequently about the need for space exploration.

Secret space programs are believed to be financed by secret “Black Budget” programs with contributions made by people with great wealth, private contractors and some government agencies. This secret funding keeps the programs from being subject to congressional oversight. Since the early 1960s, the programs have been kept secret even from the president: A memo was found in the newly released documents that said to keep “Lancer,” President Kennedy’s secret service nickname, out of the loop.

Secret Space Programs and Breakaway Civilizations

Secret space programs may have developed Breakaway Civilizations in outer space. Well-respected UFO and space researcher Richard Dolan, defines a Breakaway Civilization as a secret group of technologically advanced people who don’t share their knowledge with the rest of the world. These are essentially the Earth’s elite who have knowledge far above the rest of the world.

These elite may know of an upcoming imminent global geological cataclysm event and are building space bases as shelters for themselves. For example, they could be planning their escape from Nibiru Planet X, which “triggers comet showers” every 27 million years. One of those comets is expected to crash into the Earth and totally destroy it sometime in the not too distant future.

Scotland native, Gary McKinnon, hacked into thousands of government secret files. He found evidence of an anti-gravity propulsion system that traveled at incredible speeds. Also, he found evidence of portal technology that, when coupled with anti-gravity propulsion, would allow space travel to other stars and planets to be accomplished in a short amount of time.

It appears that Einstein’s theory that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light has been debunked. It also appears the Black Budget keeps these secrets even from NASA, since NASA apparently does not have access to anti-gravity technology. It still propels its rockets with fossil fuel.

McKinnon claims he saw nearly 300 photos of structures and civilizations existing on the back side of the moon. He says these structures (alien bases on the moon) are erased out of any photos when they are released to the public. Unfortunately, when he hacked into the computers, he was using a dial-up connection so he couldn’t download the photos. He says he took a screenshot of one that was saved on his computer, but his computer was seized when he was arrested. When his computer was subsequently returned to him, the photo was gone.

McKinnon also reported viewing a file that included names of “non-terrestrial officers” who he says were assigned to ships that weren’t U.S. Navy ships. He concluded these were the officers assigned to space ships, not navy ships, indicating that Breakaway Civilizations already exist.

There are many outstanding questions about secret space programs. Why do these programs remain secret? Will there be an opportunity for non-elite citizens to be part of a Breakaway Civilization? A poll taken in 2015 shows that 54 percent of Americans believe extraterrestrial intelligence exists. With such a large number of people supporting alien existence, why is there still a need to maintain secrecy?

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Don’t miss Deep Space on Gaia for more on the long and hidden history of Earth’s secret space program.

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