Mysterious Object Falls from Sky, Drains 100-Year-Old Pond

Mysterious Object Falls from Sky, Drains 100-Year-Old Pond

A woman living in a rural Tennessee town claims she saw something fall from the sky into a pond in her backyard, finding the pond was suddenly drained of its water. That resident, Patsy Wright, dismissed the idea that the drainage might be due to a sinkhole, as she says she saw something coming from the sky into the water, creating large waves, before the pond disappeared entirely.

Wright reported the story to her local Nashville NBC affiliate, which ran a report that included drone footage of the depleted pond she says had been there for over a century.

“When I seen them waves go up like it did (sic) and then they come back down. And I heard the splash. I mean it was a big splash,” Wright said. “I walked down here with my dog and sure as the world, no water. It was gone.”

According to reports, it was difficult to tell what the object was, due to the depth of the hole. It’s also unclear what happened to the water, though it’s assumed it was absorbed into the water table below, after the pond was struck.

“I know something hit it, because I heard it. I thought, I’m not imagining nothing. It’s there.”

Drainage of Wright’s pond

Some online were quick to connect the drainage of Wright’s pond with a similar account from the CIA-employed remote viewer Ingo Swann, who in his autobiography recounts being taken to see a triangular UFO, which subsequently drained a lake of its water.

His account describes being flown to an undisclosed location in the north (possibly Alaska or northern Canada) where he says, “That was my last sight of the triangular thing, but in that last moment I could see the water of the lake surging upward – like a waterfall going upward, as if being sucked in to the “machine!”

This might seem farfetched, however there have been other bizarre accounts of lakes, ponds, and other small bodies of water experiencing sudden drainage unable to be explained by geologists or other professionals. An instance like this occurred on a farm in Utah in 2014, where a bizarre crater appeared in a reservoir.

When interviewed about the strange cavity the farmer described it by saying, “My heck, I guess that’s Martian art!”

Experts from the Utah Geological Survey were unable to explain the phenomenon.

Often unexpected holes like these are attributed to sinkholes – a sudden collapse of the ground caused by the erosion of underlying rock layers typically consisting of limestone. It’s unclear whether a sinkhole could have been the culprit in the latest incident, but if Wright actually witnessed and heard something fall from the sky, a sinkhole could be easily ruled out.


For more anomalies falling from the sky check out Out of the Blue from Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World:

Out of the Blue

Is Facebook's 10-Year Challenge Feeding Facial Recognition Software?

Is Facebook’s 10-Year Challenge Feeding Facial Recognition Software?

If you’ve logged on to just about any social media platform within the past week or two, you’ve likely come across the “#10YearChallenge,” encouraging you to juxtapose a picture of yourself from 10 years ago with a current photo today. And while these memes may seem like harmless ways of engaging with friends and reminiscing over the past decade, tech journalist Kate O’Neill has raised a rather prescient point – should we be concerned that Facebook may be using us to train its facial recognition software?

No way! The vast majority of those photos are already uploaded to FB and Instagram, so if they wanted to do that, they already would have. Stop spreading conspiracies!

That’s been the common riposte from those who don’t want to entertain the possibility. And it’s a valid point – we’ve already given so much of our personal information to social media platforms that they absolutely have a large enough data set to train a facial recognition algorithm to a pretty high degree of confidence.

But O’Neill, a tech consultant who has penned several books on the intersection of modern technology and the human experience, poses some valid concerns with the 10-year challenge. (And sorry, why are we calling it a challenge? Is it really that difficult to post two selfies?)

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