Is Your Relationship Incompatible Due to Astrology Signs?

Is Your Relationship Incompatible Due to Astrology Signs?

Is Your Relationship Incompatible Due to Astrology Signs?

I’ve been fascinated with my Sun sign ever since I realized what they were. The idea that the planets have influence over our lives sounds ridiculous, yet for anyone who believes in the science of Astrology and follows their horoscope faithfully, it’s hard not to see the correlations.

I remember getting excited once because my horoscope said I would have a good doctor’s appointment, and by coincidence (or was it?) I had an appointment the next day. My co-worker pointed out that of all the people in the world who read that same horoscope, one of us was bound to have a doctor’s appointment. True enough, but there are a lot of people like myself who put stock in the theory of Sun signs and how they hold sway over our lives.

What Do You Do With Opposing Sun Signs?

So what happens when someone close to us appears to have an incompatible Sun sign? Do we ignore the lack of compatibility? End the relationship? What if it’s not that easy?

It can be almost heartbreaking, but even if his/her Sun sign isn’t one that plays well with yours, it’s just a small part of your overall astrology chart. It could be something that may prove more positive than negative and lead to personal growth for both people involved in the relationship.

How does the stable, secure Taurus find love with the freedom loving Gemini?

How can the lucky Leo stay in a relationship with the picky Virgo?

How does a passionate Aries keep the passion going with the laid-back Libra?

Astrology Charts

There is more to astrology than just the Sun Signs. An astrology chart, sometimes referred to as a natal chart, is a complete workup of where the planets were located the moment you were born. It’s a detailed analysis that can help you navigate certain aspects of your life, including your compatibility with your partner’s Sun sign.

A person’s Sun sign is simply a starting point. Our personality is compiled of more than one or two traits, and so is your compatibility with others on your astrological chart. It’s a map of your life that consists of where the planets stood at the time of your birth, along with their location in relevance to the twelve astrological houses and the nodal axis. The nodal axis is a mathematical reference that is based on where the Sun, moon, and earth were as well; all of this is taken into consideration.

When two signs might not be compatible in one house (he is more social, she is more introverted), they might be compatible in another house (both enjoy a good meal with friends in an expensive restaurant).

Along with a Sun sign, each person has a Moon sign, a Mercury sign and so on. Each planet represents a certain aspect of oneself, and these planets’ positions within the hemisphere are an intricate part of a natal chart.

Want to know what kind of a lover you are? Find out in what house Venus was at the time of your birth. All these different reference points can give you a better understanding of not only yourself but of your relationship to those in your life.

Unfortunately, it’s not going to be all good news. Yes, you will find that there are some conflicting signs. This is normal. Human relationships and interactions are complex, and the areas of incompatibility can range from slight to extreme. However, if you focus on the houses that are more compatible, the incompatibilities between your sign and your partner’s might be easier to work through.

The freedom-loving Gemini might appreciate a comfortable, relaxing home with a Taurus.

The picky Virgo might enjoy the fun and excitement of hanging around with a Leo.

As for the laid-back Libra and passionate Aries? Well, we’ve been married over 20 years with no signs of quitting any time soon.

If you are curious, learn more about your natal chart.

Astrology 101 – Free Series

Discover the 17 essential astrology concepts you must know – right here on Gaia Join Master Astrologer Rick Levine for this fascinating journey through planets, signs, and horoscopes.

Sacred Relationships: Beyond Love and Valentine’s Day

Sacred Relationships: Beyond Love and Valentine’s Day

Years ago, I taught a class that ended at 9 PM. One night after class, I stopped by a grocery store to buy a couple of items. It was the night before Valentine’s Day and what I saw startled me, but more than that, it made me sad.

Many grocery stores put the greeting card aisle smack dab in the front. Impulse buying is a big part of modern society and very little is as impulsive as buying a greeting card the night before Valentine’s Day. Entering the card aisle isn’t for the meek. An air of tension and fear immediately becomes evident. I always imagine a herd of gazelles, nervously drinking at a waterhole in the middle of lion country. There may not be lions here, but there’s a very real predator, namely, one’s own insecurities regarding love and romance.

Grown men whimper as they desperately search for the perfect card that proves their love, hopefully without offending the recipient. Generations of insidious marketing tactics have convinced most of us that we have neither the time nor the talent, to express ourselves from our hearts, so we pay someone else to do it for us. On more than one occasion, while standing in front of hundreds of homogenized cards, none of them saying what I actually felt, I swore never to stand there again. I came to loathe Valentine’s Day and everything it stood for. I wasn’t alone.

How did a celebration of romantic love and commitment come to mean despair for so many? Certainly, greeting card companies have had a lot to do with this phenomenon, but it really isn’t that simple. Perhaps it has more to do with our insistence at quantifying, institutionalizing, and monetizing something as indefinable, ephemeral, and sacred as love.

The media bullies us into buying diamonds, flowers, new cars, and boxes of chocolates, or risk being labeled as a bad partner. The irony behind all this is that when love is genuine and certain, no tokens are necessary, because hearts communicate to each other in a language as ancient as humanity itself. This is the basis of a Sacred Relationship. Such connections are pure and without conditions implied.

Our ancestors spoke this language fluently and without hesitation. They found no shame in expressing what was within them. Love wasn’t considered a weakness. Rather, it was looked upon as a blessing, a gift bestowed by the Divine as a sacred duty, rite, and gift.

What would the world be without romantic love? It would be inhuman and horribly dull.

Sacred Relationships are the basis of what we think of when true love is expressed. The connection of two souls, united in purpose, is the Alchemical merging of hearts, minds and incarnations. The fiery furnace of passion is the smelter for those who come together to unite as one Sacred Couple, individuals united by the Divine imperative.

Love is a constant, a thread that connects the human experience throughout the ages, like beads of a Mala. It weaves its way through every aspect of our existence, and links us to our ancestors and to those who will follow us on this lovely planet.

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