3 Steps for Putting Your Plan Into Action

3 Steps for Putting Your Plan Into Action

Think you’re not ready yet? Think again! All the best intentions, talk, and magazine articles in the world won’t change your life unless you actually have that “I-can-totally-do-this” kind of moment and push yourself into high gear. We often think there will be this spotlight from the sky event illuminating the exact right moment when we should get started on a journey toward our goals. But let me tell you, that “I’ll start on Monday mentality” might keep you from ever getting where you need to go. Planning, planning, planning (yeah, like procrastinating) but never executing—if this is you, this is your time to make it happen.

Here are my three steps for making the shift from plan to purposeful execution.

1. Identify the goal: You’ve got to be super-specific, keep it reasonable, write it down, and hang it up. If your goal is to lose weight, don’t just say to yourself, “I’m going to work on losing a few pounds.” Instead, grab your favorite pen, write down exactly how many pounds you want to lose (keep it sensible), your time frame (½ to 2 pounds a week is doable), and put that note somewhere you’ll see it (like your fridge).

2. Get Support: Doing it alone is challenging, and to really progress, we often need someone, or something, to propel us in the direction of our dreams. When you invest your time, energy, and dollar toward meeting your goal, you’re more likely to make that goal a reality. As you start moving, and get that push you need forward and in the right direction, the momentum generated is unstoppable.

3. Baby-Steps to Hard-Core: A client once told me that she was taking baby-steps to hard-core. While some people can just bang it out with sheer determination and will-power, the rest of us regular folk need to inch our way, day by day, in the direction of our ultimate objective. When consistently executed, those baby-steps will eventually lead to hard-core transformation.

To move ahead, you’ve got to get started. You can either continue to think about, talk about, and dream about your goals, or you can actually start (like right this minute) on your way to making it happen. Trust me, you’re ready right now. Now, get to it!

3 Powerful Tips to Activate the Law of Attraction in Your Life

3 Powerful Tips to Activate the Law of Attraction in Your Life

Perhaps you have heard about the “law of attraction” and “manifesting your own reality.” Manifesting refers to the ability to attract positive things towards us through the use of our intention and thoughts. The principles behind Manifesting go back thousands of years. Over time, different cultures and civilizations have uncovered these basic truths and expressed them in their own way – from ancient Hindu scriptures to modern-day particle theory.

The language may have changed, but the underlying law is universal. Everything in the world is made of particles of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. When we send out positive thoughts of gratitude and abundance, we attract positive energy into our lives (and vice versa). It’s the same principle behind bestselling books like The Celestine Prophecy and films like The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know?!.

We all use manifestation in our lives, whether we realize it or not. Most of the time, we do it unconsciously. We might fall into a negative spiral, and everything seems to go wrong at once. Or we have one success which leads to another and another. The basic principle of the law of attraction is that “like attracts like.” Often, we do this unconsciously. But once you master it, you can consciously create the reality you want.

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