10 transformational quotes to empower you in 2017

10 Transformational Quotes to Empower You in 2017
Videos to Empower You in 2017
5 Ways to Discover Purpose and Abundance in a World that has Forgotten

As I read the seemingly innocent letter, I could feel a pit churning in my stomach. We have been ingesting this devastating message since we were so very young, in many innocuous ways.
My daughter is 7 years old. The letter was from her school. Over the next month, all the 2nd graders would be tested by the Gifted and Talented Program. So there it was, the blatant societal assertion that some children/people are gifted and talented while others are not.
I travel all over the world teaching yoga and am continually heartbroken to find that 99% of the people I encounter have a persistent, nagging sense of “not enough”. Not smart enough, not pretty enough, not wealthy enough, not fit enough, not wise enough, not patient enough, not talented enough, not spiritual enough, not worthy enough, simply not good enough. Could this be the root of so much of our stress and dis-ease? As a yoga therapist, working to change this deeply seeded, incorrect assumption has proven time and again to be paramount in the healing process.
The truth is, everyone has gifts. Everyone is talented. Everyone is essential to life. What each and every one of us is, is something so much more than simply enough. Yet this persistent belief of inherent lack endures because in so many ways we have forgotten.