5 Ways to Harness the Power of Divine Feminine Energy on Your Spiritual Journey

5 Ways to Harness the Power of Divine Feminine Energy on Your Spiritual Journey

Our world is one of dualities. It always has been. Black or white. Man or woman. Up or down. Good or evil. Light or dark.

As humans, we’re no different. Our dual nature, or twin nature, is incredibly powerful when it’s balanced. But, as many of us know personally, let this nature go unchecked and one of the twins is bound to take control, leaving us feeling all sorts of things, among them, is the overwhelming sense that we are completely lost. 

For some people, this feeling of being “lost” hits when they’re quite young, propelling them on a journey, either spiritual, heroic, or both, in order to find that “missing” piece. For others, it takes much longer to be awakened to this emptiness. And, for some, they never realize it at all during this lifetime.

The twins being discussed can go by lots of different names, but one of the easiest ways to think about them is the masculine and the feminine. Depending on where you live, how you live, and your natural inclination, one of these twins tends to be more dominant. This means that, unless you are consciously working to achieve balance, you will naturally be guided off-kilter, erring more towards the masculine or feminine nature of your being.

And while every human has both the masculine and the feminine, and both are equally important to our well-being, there is something magical about the feminine nature that is so often overlooked or neglected in our modern society. Because we are fueled by a “get-more-done” mindset, constantly on a mission to achieve more, do more, get more, the masculine energy is fed more than the feminine, leaving many of us feeling empty, depleted, and exhausted.

Why Your Spiritual Journey Needs Divine Feminine Energy

The energy of the feminine embodies the nurturer, the healer, and the peacemaker. While the masculine energy is focused on doing, the feminine energy revels in being. This distinction is why it’s so important to leverage the power of the feminine while moving through your spiritual journey.

Far and wide schools focus on teaching you how to do, wiring us from the get-go to craft our lives around a career or professional journey, not a spiritual one. We’re given tools to help us do anything we want, except follow our spiritual journey. This is exactly why so many people, when they hit that moment in life where they feel lost and empty because of the misbalance between the twin energies, are left not knowing what to do next. They can create a resume, sure. But can they navigate the windy, mystical roads of spirituality and being?

5 Easy Ways to Use the Divine Feminine Energy in Your Spiritual Journey

“The feminine in men and women alike enjoys the flow of life and love, revels in the ability to enjoy beauty, nature, textures, colors, and experiences. Fullness is the feminine principle. If you have a feminine essence, you love the chaotic swirl of life, nature, bliss, color, texture, flavor, and communion. You love to relate, exchange, dance, celebrate, adorn and deepen into the fullness of existence.” — Tantra teacher Michaela Boehm

This insight into the nature of the divine feminine is a great place to start when learning how to bring more of her presence into your spiritual journey.

1. Get Outside. Creating a communion with mother nature is one of the first things people are drawn to do when embarking on their spiritual journey. Why? Because in nature the feminine creative energy runs wild, its physical beauty visible and palpable. The more you are able to get outside, the more you are able to re-balance your twin energies. Even five minutes of fresh air or a short walk barefoot in the grass can be enough soul food to awaken your divine feminine.


2. Say Yes. What are those things you’ve always wondered what it would be like to do? What are those dreams of yours you just haven’t chased? You have desires and ideas for a reason, and a lot of them are coming directly from your divine feminine side. By saying “yes” to some of these experiences (without spreading yourself too thin), you can feed the “chaotic swirl” that your feminine side craves.


3. Create Rituals. Rituals are a celebration of life. They are a way to take time to acknowledge the beauty and fullness present in each moment, which is precisely why they are essential for bringing more divine feminine energy into your life. The more you are able to awaken your senses with these rituals (think things that involve altars, essential oils, food, and self-care), the more you will invite feminine energy to help guide you on your spiritual journey.


4. Learn Something New. The feminine energy desires to “deepen into the fullness of existence,” which means she’s always hungry for experiences. What can you do today that’s a little outside of the norm? Making conscious choices to enjoy new experiences will not only lead you further down your spiritual path, but it will help you balance out the masculine-energy dominance that is so prevalent in society today.


5. According to Dr. Habib Sadeghi, the co-founder of Be Hive of Healing in Agorura Hills, CA, integrating more feminine energy into our lives involves “giving ourselves permission to be who we really are.” Living our best life, he says, is all about “learning to ignore the right things” and following the spiritual path that comes naturally before us. Journaling each day is a great way to learn how to release judgment, attachment, and other negative emotions that prevent us from fully expressing who we are. A creative act to boot, journaling is a simple way to start and end your day.


Above all, remember that taking the time to bring more divine feminine energy into your life in order to help you move down your spiritual path isn’t selfish; it’s your god-given right. In the words of author Elizabeth Gilbert, “You are a unique event in the history of the universe. There has never been a you—not your particular soul, living at this particular moment, faced with your particular challenges. Your existence is a mystery, a miracle, and an experiment of creation, and you are allowed to examine that mystery to the fullest.”

Once you accept that, you allow your real spiritual journey to begin.

Lalitha Invites Beauty and Play Through Sugarcane Pose

I’m sure at some point in your yoga journey you have unknowingly experienced Sugarcane Pose. Sugarcane pose’s English translation is rarely used. Instead, it is referred to as Ardha Chandra Chapasana, or just Chapasana. It is a standing backbend version of Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana). Ardha means ‘half,’ Chandra means ‘moon,’ Chap means ‘bow,’ and Asana means ‘pose’.

I’m half Filipina and I was lucky to have a father working for the U.S. government who was interested in working in Southeast Asia because he is Filipino, so I lived there until the age of 17. Whether we were in Taipei, Seoul, Manila or Jakarta, there would always be a street stand selling raw sugarcane. 

As a result, I grew up gnawing on sugarcane husks, relishing in the flavor of the sugary sweet juice and the texture of the dense, fibrous cane. When I heard the name sugarcane pose and discovered that Lalitha was sometimes referred to as the Sugarcane Goddess, I felt very connected to both the pose and the goddess and wanted to know more.

Lalitha’s Depiction

One translation of Lalitha’s name is ‘she who plays.’ When we invite the essence of Lalitha into our lives, we are inviting spontaneity, playfulness, and joy into our lives. She is a form of Shakti Devi, the auspicious feminine energy relevant to the Universe or Source. She represents beauty, and her depiction conveys that.

Lalitha is usually seen seated on a lotus flower which guides us toward fulfilling our desires. She has long, black, gorgeous hair that smells like flowers, and a slight red tinge to her skin tone. 

Her skin color is beautiful and represents the color of the first dawn or the hopefulness of new beginnings, and she is sometimes referred to as the Red Flower Goddess. She has four arms and a crescent moon adorns her forehead. In her hands, she holds a bow of sugarcane, five arrows made of flowers, a farming instrument for rounding up cattle (a goad), and a noose. The goad and noose represent our ability to develop an aversion (goad) to attachment (noose) and eventually find true joy.

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