Benefits of Yoga at Work

The changing work environment increasingly places demands and stress on employees. This work related stress leads to depression, drop in work performance, and anxiety. The pressure of the work environment has cost businesses well over $250 billion dollars a year in absentee-ism, reduced productivity, low morale, employee turnover, and accidents.
Searching for ways to deal with the stressful work environment, corporations are discovering the enormous benefits of yoga-based wellness programs.
Take Breaks at Work
Taking breaks in the workday with yoga has proven to be one of the most effective ways in helping employees relieve stress and become refreshed and more focused. Employees will then be able to make better decisions, be more productive, and have a more positive attitude with co-workers. Gaia has designed mini yoga flows to meet the needs of the corporate environment. Our Yoga at Work practices can be conveniently and discretely done within the office space and in a short period of time. We provide employees with powerful tools needed to manage everyday challenges and to optimize health and well being.
Benefits of Yoga at Work
Yoga at Work practices can provide numerous benefits:
- teaches individual stress management
- improves the immune system and overall health, resulting in decreased absenteeism and sickness levels
- increases productivity, motivation, and work performance
- improves decision making and creativity
- increases energy, mental alertness, and clarity
- improves stamina
- improves morale, job satisfaction, and positive thinking patterns
- improves memory, focus and concentration
- reduces muscle tension and pain due to sedentary working positions
- improves flexibility and physical strength
- improves breathing
- decreases headaches
- improves confidence
Ready to Do Some Yoga While at Work?
Check out a few of these practices you can do right at your desk or wherever you happen to work. Become a Gaiam TV member today to access these plus thousands of other yoga asanas designed with your best life in mind!
Morning Inspiration Office Flow
Yoga for Computer Users
Yoga at Home: the Intimate Experience of Self-Practice

There are a lot of reasons to begin a home practice, but one of the most rewarding is the way a dedicated sadhana, or practice, can make anywhere you unroll your mat feel like home. And while nothing quite compares to the live transmission of a living, breathing teacher, there is an unparalleled intimacy that grows out of self-guided practice. Not to mention the opportunity to drop into a personal connection with the divine while eluding the modern obstacles of schedule, cost, convenience, availability, travel time, etc. But before we get into the details of how to practice yoga at home, let us consider for a moment what yoga is.
Yoga is not something you do, it is something you are.
With a more practical explanation, Leslie Kaminoff says any time your body, your breath and your mind are doing the same thing at the same time, you are in a state of yoga. Please don’t get me wrong, the clarity of this message need not take away from the infinite depth of what is a lifelong practice. However, yoga can be plainly understood as a state of union where all the fragmented parts of ourselves — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual — coalesce into a singular experience of the present moment. With that understanding, it is possible (and important) to feel the freedom of being yoga anywhere, especially at home.
When you can experience yoga at home, you have the potential to live your yoga every single day — whether you’re a seasoned practitioner with memberships to studios all over town or someone nurturing the initial seeds of curiosity. My humble intention here is to share what I’ve learned in my personal, sometimes messy, exploration of the art of home practice.