Skandasana: Side Lunge Pose

Skandasana: Side Lunge Pose

Side lunge is an aesthetically beautiful pose and a wonderful release for the legs and low back. This pose is sometimes referred to as skandasana.

Philosophy + Origin

Side lunge pose can be a wonderful way to begin to understand the concept of a “moving prayer,” especially when you allow the body to flow freely from one side to the other. While malas (prayer beads) are used in many spiritual practices as a way to help keep the mind engaged, repetitive physical movement can have the same effect. Whether you practice a flowing version of side lunge pose, or use the posture as part of a salutation, give your body and mind enough time to find rhythm and ease so that you can enjoy the benefits of a physical embodiment of prayer and meditation.



  • Use a block underneath your seat to support your joints.
  • Option to add a bind with your arms around the bent knee and lower back.
  • For a more lunar or restorative version of the posture, allow your upper body to drape toward the ground with the arms relaxed.


  1. Begin standing with a wide stance, toes pointing toward the long side of your mat.
  2. Lengthen the spine and broaden across your collarbones. As you exhale, begin to bring your hands down to the mat, keeping the spine long.
  3. Bend your left knee and allow your hips to shift to the left. Press evenly through the sole of the left foot as you flex your right toes toward the ceiling. Engage your legs actively to safely deepen the stretch.
  4. Option to bring your hands off the floor, bringing them to your heart in anjali mudra (prayer gesture) or to any mudra of your choice.
  5. Hold the pose for several breaths before shifting your weight and flowing to the opposite side.





  • Head to knee pose | Janu sirsasana
  • Cow face pose | Gomukhasana
  • Half lord of the fishes | Ardha matsyendrasana


  • Strengthens the lower body.
  • Stretches hamstrings, calves, and groins.
  • Can promote balance and stability.
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Ardha Uttanasana: Half Standing Forward Bend

Ardha Uttanasana: Half Standing Forward Bend


An effective stretch for your hamstrings and calves ardha uttanasana (ARE-dah OOT-tan-AHS-anna), is often used during vinyasa sequences to connect the breath as you flow from one posture to the next.

Philosophy + Origin

One of the reasons ardha uttanasana is used so much in vinyasa yoga classes is that it positions the body for chaturanga dandasana. Because it engages the navel and core, it’s a powerful pose for warming up the body, which is why it’s included in warm-up sequences. Despite its sometimes transitory nature, the pose also engages the navel chakra (manipura), which can bring the practitioner increased confidence and willpower.

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